* * *

"Hey, guess what?" Maddy could hardly contain her enthusiasm as

she held the receiver to her ear. It was early February, the twins had gone

home with their parents and the house was back to its normal routine.

"What, sweetheart?" Ken asked. He was spread out on his waterbed,

having just gotten home from work himself. Outside, a hard rain pelted

the windows and the skylight above him.

"I got promoted to Assistant Branch Manager at the employment

agency!" And though it wasn't her life's ambition to remain in this

difficult and tedious industry, Maddy still rejoiced in her accomplishment.


While she was figuring out what to do with her life, she might as well

achieve something else that was good. Unfortunately, Kenny unwittingly

pulled an upsetting imitation of Jake by throwing cold water all over her


"Oh, that's just great," he said sarcastically.

"Kenny? Why are you angry? I thought you'd be proud of me!" She

sat down on her bed, deflated by his reaction.

"Well, it's just that-I thought you hated your job. And now this just

ties you deeper to it, that's all. I mean, you don't even want to stay there."

"Well, that's true, but I have worked hard and it's nice to be rewarded

for it. Besides, it's a little more money and definitely less cold calling.

We're going to a hire a new Account Executive to focus on exclusively on


"Oh." Kenny lay there in the stillness, completely torn up inside.

Though he truly loved her with every fiber of his being, he just couldn't

see a way clear for them anymore. At least, not right now. Until he had an

actual degree and a powerful, high-paying job, he'd always feel inferior to

her family, no matter how nice and welcoming they were. And while he

ached to see her walking down the aisle as his bride and enjoy all of the

bliss of their long-awaited conjugal union, he knew he'd never be happy as

long as he lacked a formal education. Their marriage would be doomed

from the start.

Unknown to Madeline, he'd been contemplating a life-altering change

for some time now-one that entailed major upheaval, both literally and

figuratively. Ever since she mailed him that letter last fall, he'd been

searching for signs to help him make the right decision; now it seemed

God had finally answered, although it pained him to hurt her like this.

"Well, I guess I'm gonna hang up then. I'm really sorry you can't be

happy for me." she remarked sadly. But before she could end the call,

Ken stopped her.

"Wait! Maddy, I am so sorry baby. Of course, I am proud of you!"

"Ken, what's the matter?"

"Nothing, honey. I just had a bad day at work and I was taking it out

on you. I'm sorry. Will you forgive me?"

"Of course, I forgive you."

"Hey, how 'bout if I take you out to dinner to celebrate? I can come

up to PA this weekend."

"Really?" Though she was still a bit perplexed, she welcomed the

chance to see him again; bad storms had prevented them from getting

together the previous weekend and she truly missed his company.

"Yeah, I can drive up Friday night after my shift. We can have dinner,

maybe go out dancing; the whole bit." He sounded much more like the

Kenny she fell in love with, though her feelings remained stubbornly

unexpressed, locked away in some spiritual vault, just waiting for the right

moment to break free.

"Ok then, I'll see you Friday night."



"Congratulations, sweetheart. I really am proud of you."

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