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Lori, Maddy and Kenny spent a glorious Sunday afternoon watching

the Eagles defeat the Vikings, 28-17. They'd all bundled up in ski suits,

gloves, scarves and hats, fighting a wind chill close to zero, thanks to

December's brutal winds. But not even the intense cold could break their

spirits as the three of them screamed, cheered and booed, along with

65,000 other rabid fans. And for Maddy, it seemed as if things were

blissfully back to normal; Ken appeared at-ease and just as crazy about her

as ever, occasionally kissing her on the head and staring at her in his

inimitable way. The only brief moment of tension had occurred earlier,


when Ken and Monica first saw each other, but Mrs. Rose had quickly

diffused that situation by offering a warm and sincere welcome.

More striking was Ken's instant rapport with the babies, Ava in

particular. She'd been crying profusely as they all shared an after-Mass

breakfast in the dining room, but when Ken lifted her in his arms and

began consoling her in a soft, comforting voice, her entire demeanor

changed immediately. And as the infant she smiled up at him with her big

blue eyes, Laura remarked, "Ken, I think we're gonna have to keep you

around for a while!"

Avidly desirous of a family of his own someday, Ken had always felt

comfortable with infants and children. And he knew if he was lucky

enough to produce offspring with Madeline, he would love them beyond


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