"Mads, you ready to go?" An impatient Lori stood at the bottom of the stairs calling up to her sister.

"Coming, Lori!" Maddy cried out, slinging her pink and purple duffle

bag over one shoulder and folding a garment bag containing dresses of

varying textures and styles over her other arm.

Now that they were well into the month of September, she couldn't

be certain of what to expect weather-wise at the Shore; chances were

temperatures would still be warm and pleasant during the day, but

evenings this time of year could be downright chilly. And though Ken had

assured her his leg had healed, she figured they might just end up at a

movie theater or hanging out at his place-two perfectly acceptable


options. As long as they were together, Maddy was happy. Besides, she

didn't want him to overdo it; it was bad enough he went back to work


She bounded down the stairs in her usual energetic way, tweaking her

sister with her best imitation of a "puppy dog" look, characterized by

irresistible cuteness and an ear-to-ear grin. Dressed in a pair of lime green

leggings with an oversized coordinating top and a pair of Keds sneakers,

she didn't look a day over sixteen. Since Ken would be working until at

least ten, she figured she'd have plenty of time to change into something

else once they arrived in Ocean City.

"Don't look at me like that!" Lori laughed in spite of herself. "I don't

want to be late getting to Peggy's house; I promised I'd help her get ready

for the party tomorrow night and it's already almost seven!" She reached

out to playfully pat her younger sister on the head.

"Ok, I'm sorry!" Maddy apologized. "Today was crazy for a Friday-

all of these orders came in for temps and Betty had me making phone

calls with Arlene most of the afternoon, trying to fill them. Ugh! I was

ready to pull my hair out working with that girl. She's such a whiner; I still

have a headache from listening to her!"

"Well, let's not waste anymore time," Lori chided. "I'm excited about

taking my new car on its first long road trip!"

"Lori, the Jersey Shore's not exactly a long road trip. It's what, like

maybe 80 miles from here? Disneyworld, now that's what I consider a long

ride! Remember when we all went in Mom's old station wagon?"

"How could I forget? You drove us crazy trying to find a bathroom in

the middle of nowhere!" Maddy laughed recalling the incident, though as

a twelve year-old, it hadn't been quite so funny.

"You girls ready to go?" Monica Rose walked into the ceramic-tiled

foyer from the kitchen. She was on her way into the office, where she was

planning to write out some bills before her husband arrived home from

his weekly tennis outing. They had plans to go to dinner at a new

restaurant in Devon with their friends Nick and Nancy, and she wanted to

tie up loose ends so she could simply relax and enjoy herself.

"Yeah Mom, we're heading out now that Madeline's finally ready. I'm

supposed to help Peggy make some food for the party. As it is, I probably

won't get to her house until after nine."

"Well, just be careful," Monica went on with a concerned expression,

"It's Friday night and I'm sure the Expressway will be mobbed. Why

don't you take the Commodore Barry and go over the back roads?"

"Yeah!" Maddy exclaimed. "Let's go that way, Lor, it'll be much more

scenic and we'll move the entire time!"

"No, it's too dark. Besides it's already late; I'm sure the Expressway is

fine by now."

"I don't know," Mom replied, "Not with all the casino traffic, Lori.

But you do what you want."

Monica and Maddy exchanged a knowing look; the two of them had

spent many a Friday evening driving to Ocean City via rural routes like

538, enjoying the passing countryside and singing along to the radio. Once

they'd discovered this alternate, they rarely ever used the Walt Whitman,

save for those rare occasions when truly pressed for time. Even so, the

longest it had ever taken them on the scenic course was just over two


"Well I'm taking the Bonneville and I want to see how it handles on

the highway," Lori explained.

"And you have that new car phone installed in there too," Monica

remarked. "Makes me feel better, should something happen."

Maddy laughed. "It's a brand-new car, Mom. I should hope nothing

would happen!"

"Yeah well, it's not the car; it's the other nuts on the road. Anyway,

you girls have a good time!" She pecked each of them on the cheek.

"What're you and Ken doing Maddy?"

"Oh, well he's working tonight, so we'll probably just hang out and

watch a movie. We're spending the whole day together tomorrow-

probably drive around, go to the Hamilton Mall; he says he needs some

new winter clothes."

"How's his leg?"

"Much better; he doesn't have to wear the brace anymore."

"Well if didn't have to work such a labor-intensive job he wouldn't

have to worry about accidents like that. That's why an education is so


"Ok, Mom, we're going!" Lori piped up, taking Maddy by the

shoulder before a disagreement erupted. Maddy's heart sank, but she

silently followed her sister's lead as they headed out the front door. She

knew as soon as she laid eyes on Ken's beaming face, nothing else would


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