* * *

"Geez, they gotta make you sweat it out 'til the end!" Monica

observed when a defensive goal-line stand with less than a minute to go

salvaged the Eagles' narrow margin of victory over the Giants. Had the

men in blue been successful in crossing the end-zone, they would have

eked out a 13-10 victory-assuming a good PAT, thus deflating the hopes

of Eagles fans all over the Delaware Valley-for the moment at least.

Then after a few days' funk, the devoted population would successfully

rebound to cheer their team on passionately against next week's



"Ain't that the truth?" Maddy laughed as they all stood cheering,

laughing and high-fiving each other. Just then, Re Re and Louis entered

the ebullient scene.

"Looks like good news, Louis, thank God!" Aunt Maria laughed.

"Otherwise it'd be a long ride home with your mother!"

"I know," he agreed, giggling.

"Hey, Louis!" Ken called out, catching sight of him.

"Hi Ken!" Louis beamed as he shook his new buddy's hand.

"Joe! When did you get here?" Re Re asked.

"Oh, I flew in a few hours ago. I'd called your husband to see if he

wanted to join me, but you know, Earl. Wanted no parts of flying!"

"Just like his wife!" she laughed melodiously. Then, looking at her

watch, she turned to her sister. "Hey, Moni, you ready to go soon?

Speaking of Earl, I want to get home before it gets too late. He'll worry if

we're driving on the expressway in the dark."

"Oh, Maria, it's the same thing as driving during the day, for God's

sake! The exact same roads just lit up by streetlights instead of daylight.

Besides, I'm the one behind the wheel. And you know how much I love to

drive. I'll get you home safe and sound, so you can tell Earl not to worry!"

A fiercely independent woman, Monica was often frustrated by her sister's

sometimes irrational-and obsessive concerns, though Monica shared

similar tendencies for differing reasons and circumstances.

"Alright, girls, take it easy!" Joseph laughed. Then, shifting gears, he

added, "Well Ken, it's still early. How about I file that flight plan?"

"Great!" Kenny agreed, giving Maddy a wink and a shoulder squeeze.

She and her mother had already cleaned up the kitchen in between game

breaks, assisted by a thoughtful Ken. And since Maddy had her own car,

she could easily head back to Pennsylvania after their twilight tour of the

New Jersey coast, from 3,000 feet in the air. She never minded driving

alone; the radio and her motivational tapes would keep her going during

the nearly two-hour trek.

A few minutes later, Monica, Maria and Louis said their goodbyes to

Joseph in the family room, while Maddy and Ken loaded their bags into

her mother's red car.

"You just be careful with the two of them," Monica warned her

husband. We don't even know Ken's family. That's all I would need is for

something to happen to this kid-or my daughter."

"Hey, what about your husband?" He teased.

"Yes, you too," she affirmed. "But I've never been able to talk you

out of the plane and I've given up trying!" With that, she planted a quick

kiss on his lips before heading outside, where Maria, Louis, Ken and

Maddy were chatting excitedly.

"Ok, Mads, we're leaving." Monica gave her daughter a hug, before

pecking Ken on the cheek. "Thanks for your help in the kitchen today,"

she said sincerely.

"It was my pleasure, Mrs. Rose. Thank you for the great dinner!"

"Just be careful, please," Monica advised them before slipping into

the driver's side. Then with another thought, she rolled down the window.

"Madeline, make sure you call me before you get on the road."

"I will Mom, don't worry," she promised. "Bye Louie, bye Re Re!"

She blew them a kiss as they pulled out of the driveway.

"Oh my gosh, I am so excited, baby!" Ken enthused, wrapping his

arms around her waist from behind and lifting her slightly off the ground.

"I'm glad one of us is!" she laughed. Just then, Joseph joined them on

the patio.

"Alright kids, we're all set. Why don't we just head over to the airport

on foot?"

Located at 26th and Bay Avenue, Ocean City Municipal Airport was

well within easy walking distance of their home. And as always, Maddy

welcomed the chance to burn off dinner. Besides, maybe some brisk

exercise would quell the butterflies that had begun to form in her


So as the orange autumn sun started its descent on the horizon, the

three of them made their way to the little plane that would afford them a

birds-eye view of the Shore.

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