* * *

Frisanco's was the kind of restaurant tailor made for two people just

getting to know each other. It was upscale, but not uppity, with soft

lighting and appealing background music that complemented an intimate,

yet not overly contrived atmosphere. The wait staff was friendly and

welcoming, and the Italian menu, familiar and delicious.

Ken and Maddy settled in to a nice corner table, enhanced by the

warm glow of tea lights in crystal holders and a bud vase bearing a single

red rose. Ever the gentleman, he held her seat out for her, just as their

server discreetly made his way over to present the evening's specials. As


the waiter described mouthwatering appetizer and entrée selections, Ken

could barely comprehend what he was hearing, so distracted was he by

Maddy's genuine sweetness, which seemed to resonate in everything she

did, from greeting the hostess upon their arrival to listening with active

interest as this guy painstakingly detailed every item in his repertoire.

"You know, that all sounds wonderful," she commented after he

finished, "But I just love the veal piccata here. It's my favorite, so I think

that's what I'm gonna have tonight." She turned her gaze to Ken, still lost

in his own thoughts. "How 'bout you Kenny?"

"Huh? Oh, you know, that sounds good to me, too. I'll have the same

thing," he told the waiter.

"And how about some wine for you and the lady?"

"Oh, uh, I don't really want any Kenny. You go ahead."

"C'mon, Mad, you're not even gonna have a glass of wine with me?"

he pleaded teasingly.

"Do you want me to stay awake for this date?" she asked, knowing

that one glass could put her right to sleep. He nodded.

"Alright then, you go ahead without me. Believe me we'll both have a

much better time!"

"Guess I can't argue with that!" Ken conceded, before ordering some


She later toasted him with her water glass as she continued to draw

him into her captivating aura. Watching her, it occurred to him that she

might possibly be the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen, and as a welltraveled

sailor, he'd been on his share of dates. But no one had come

close to Maddy's remarkable combination of innocence, enthusiasm and

sincerity; that these qualities came wrapped up in a good-looking package

was the icing on the cake.

He marveled at the ease with which they laughed and talked,

especially appreciative of her genuine interest in his Navy service. Maddy's

questions demonstrated a real desire to get to know him as a person, not

simply to use him as a vehicle for free dinners, movies and meaningless

sex. Well, it had been quite obvious from the start he was dealing with a

class act where that was concerned; he just hoped that someday she could

reciprocate the same deeply held feelings that had taken root within his

heart. All he knew in that moment was an overwhelming desire to hold

her in his arms and protect her forever.

Maddy listened to Ken's story with rapt attention, struck by the stark

differences between him and Jake. Instead of moaning about not knowing

what he wanted to do with his life like her overeducated ex-boyfriend,

Ken plainly stated that as the youngest son in a working-class family, he

realized early on that self-discipline and hard work would be required of

him, if he truly wanted to rise above his sleepy Shore town roots. Without

parents that possessed the financial means to send him to college or at

least help with the tuition, enlisting in the Navy was the only way to avoid

degenerating into a surfer bum, like so many of his high school buddies.

And while Maddy had been part of that fortunate minority whose

parents did pay for college, Kenny didn't resent her for not sharing the

same challenges. On the contrary, he seemed to be in awe of her

accomplishments, from making Dean's List consistently every semester to

writing articles for the university newspaper. She expressed gratitude for

her dad's determination to spare his children from the struggles he'd faced

as a medical student who, as the son of immigrants, had to work three

jobs to put himself through school. Unfortunately, many of Maddy's coeds

didn't view their education as a gift or as a care-package for the future,

but rather, as an entitlement. None of them-Maddy included-would

ever understand the intensity, sacrifice and hardship involved in military


When dinner ended, he asked what she would like to do next and was

blown away by her honest request to walk on the boardwalk.

"You're kidding? That's it? That's all you want to do?"

"Well, yes, it's such a beautiful night, I'd love to just stroll along,

maybe walk in and out of some casinos, get a water ice, stare at the

ocean…" her voice trailed off as she imagined sharing all of these simple

pleasures with his strong arm securely wrapped around her. He continued

to stare at her in disbelief.

"What?" she asked, feeling a little defensive.

"Nothing, it's just that…do you have any idea what most girls would

have said in response to that question? They'd want to go to some fancy,

expensive nightclub, or-"

"Ken! I'm not most girls. You should know that by now."

"Oh believe me I do sweetheart. Just want to take you someplace nice,

that's all."

"You did. You brought me here for this wonderful dinner and now I

want to walk on the boardwalk…with you," she added softly.

"Well ok then!" He laughed and kissed her hand before escorting her

out of the restaurant.

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