"Surprise!" A chorus of loud, jubilant voices greeted Madeline as she walked into the sunlit expanse of Ken's ceramic-tiled living room,

which was decorated festively with hot pink and red balloons, vivid

arrangements of exotic, tropical flowers and a massive, professionally

made banner bearing the words, "Congratulations, Ken and Madeline."

An awestruck Maddy nearly collapsed into Ken's arms as he

instinctively wrapped them around her waist and kissed her temple.

Scanning the gathered crowd, she noted some familiar faces, including her

beloved nieces and nephews, just before her parents rushed over to

welcome her.

"Oh my God, Mom! Dad! When did you guys get here?" She kissed


and hugged each of them tightly, before her three youngest nieces

squealed for her attention. "My girls!" Maddy exclaimed. "It's so good to

see you!" She knelt down to embrace three year-old Sofia, six year-old

Julianna and eight year-old Alexa. As usual, they looked absolutely

adorable in matching white eyelet dresses with pink sashes and

coordinating sandals.

"We got in this morning," Joseph replied excitedly, "You're good

friend Elyse picked us up at the airport."

"Let me see your ring, honey!" Mom requested happily, before Maddy

held out her left hand. Taking it in her own, Monica gasped with

admiration. "Oh my God, Ken that is positively magnificent! I've never

seen anything like it before!" she complimented.

"Well, nothing but the best for my girl," Ken replied smiling as he

and Maddy exchanged a knowing wink.

"By the way, Mr. Lockheart, I take it you were in on this?" she teased


"Damn right!" he laughed, just as his parents came over to embrace

both of them.

"Congratulations," Paula said. "Madeline, it's a pleasure to welcome

you to the family," she added, pecking her future daughter-in-law on the

cheek, before Carl did the same.

"Oh my gosh, the pleasure is all mine," Maddy assured them.

"And we feel the same about you, Ken," Mrs. Rose stated

affirmatively, reaching up to hug him. "It's been a long, long road, but

we're so pleased that you and Maddy have found your way back to each

other. We're so proud of both of you!"

"Thank you, Mrs. Rose," Ken responded genuinely.

"Hey uh Ken, pretty soon you'll have to get used to calling us Mom

and Dad," Joseph teased.

"That's great with me!" Kenny laughed, just as Bonnie and Brian ran

up and threw their arms around him.

"Daddy!" Their unbridled excitement was evident for all to see as

their father knelt down to talk with them. It warmed Maddy's heart to

witness such a joyful reaction to the news.

And as the moments unfolded, so did endless surprises as Maddy

encountered one beloved family member and friend after the other while

she happily maneuvered through the assembled crowd. Even Elyse had

been stunned by the presence of Lyle and Daphne, who'd rented a minivan,

along with Cassie, her husband, David, and son, Matthew. Though

the seasoned small aircraft pilots would've preferred to have taken a

commercial flight, they'd generously agreed to share the drive and the cost

of the vehicle with the aerophobia sufferers.

The group had arrived on Ken's doorstep late Friday evening, where

they'd hung out unobtrusively, enjoying the pool and easy access to the

beach, while Ken kept Maddy away with tales of work obligations and a

parent-teacher conference at Bonnie's elementary school. Though she'd

thought it strange that such an event would take place on a Friday night, a

trusting Maddy had gone to Baja Café for dinner with an unsuspecting

Elyse and Billy, followed by a movie at the Premier Theater at Muvico


Monica had perpetuated the charade as late as that morning, brushing

off Elyse's inquiries with feigned condescension as she fabricated a story

about Lyle and Daphne having to take a Noon flight. Likewise, she'd kept

Maddy's good friend in the dark about Vanessa and the girls, and Vince

and the two boys-all of whom had taken the Noon flight from Philly to

Fort Lauderdale, where Ken had graciously arranged limo pick-up back to

his home. Determined to execute the surprise flawlessly, Mrs. Rose

believed that the fewer people who knew, the better; judging from her

daughter's reaction, her decision had been vindicated. It thrilled her to

witness an elated Maddy interact with her cherished siblings, cousins,

nieces and nephews.

Most importantly, she was overcome with genuine relief and gratitude

for her youngest child's long-awaited engagement and subsequent

marriage to her Prince Charming. As a concerned mother, she'd spent

infinite hours in quiet contemplation in the Church sacristy, praying

earnestly for God to grant Madeline her heart's desire, to send the

absolute right one into her life-a man who would love her

unconditionally, faithfully and eternally.

And God willing, Monica would always add a special plea for her own

health and ability to witness the blessed event before ever joining her

dearly missed sister in the next world. While it saddened her that Maria

wasn't physically present to partake in the festivities for her favorite niece,

she knew beyond a doubt that her presence-along with their mother,

Madeline, and the rest of their departed loved ones, was filling the room

with an undeniable peace and welcome reconciliation.

"Excuse me, everyone," Ken suddenly piped up, clearing his throat.

"Does everybody have a glass of champagne or Asti? I know this is

technically a barbeque but it's still a celebration, and I want to make a

proper toast."

As Maddy walked up beside him, he placed an arm about her.

Looking around the room, she saw a multitude of happy faces beaming

back at them, including Carolyn, Robin, Elyse and Billy, Audrey and her

husband José, Damian and Laura, Greg and Vanessa, Vince and Lori,

Louis and everyone who'd supported, loved and guided her over the


It was especially gratifying to watch all of the kids interact so easily,

welcoming Bonnie and Brian as if they'd always been a part of the family.

The teenaged twins, Tommy and Ava, were immensely enjoying their

roles as unofficial babysitters, happily tending to their two younger

siblings as well as their cousins, both new and familiar.

"A long time ago," Ken began, "I agreed to hang out with a beautiful

woman in a nightclub in Somers Point when she refused to be a fifth

wheel and tag along with two other couples to Atlantic City."

Everyone laughed as Ken kissed her on the forehead. Just prior to the

toast, Mom had relayed Carmen's good wishes; now happily married to

her college sweetheart, she was living in Colorado and unable to join

them, though she planned to come to the wedding. Maddy had noted how

strange and wonderful it was that the most seemingly inconsequential

decisions could have such a dramatic impact; little did she know back then

that one weekend getaway to Ocean City, New Jersey would lead to such

an amazing spiritual journey and the realization of an eternal love.

"Well you all know Madeline," Ken went on, "Nobody makes her do

anything! But lucky for me, she wanted to stay at Key Largo and dance

with me. In fact, if I remember correctly, she basically threatened to leave

if I didn't shut up and dance!" His tone was playful; the appreciative crowd

lapped up the story as they listened with genuine interest.

"That's very true!" Maddy confirmed, smiling.

"But within minutes I realized just how fortunate I'd been to run into

such an incredible woman," Ken continued seriously, turning to gaze into

her eyes for a moment. "And before the night was over, I knew I was

going to marry her eventually, though I have to admit, I didn't think it

would be sixteen years later!"

The room erupted into laughter again as he planted a quick kiss on

her lips. "But I'd do it all again in a heartbeat if it meant arriving at the

same outcome," he added.

"Me, too," Maddy whispered, overcome with emotion. Kenny just

smiled at her as he raised his glass.

"So," he stated exuberantly, "Here's to the priceless gift of second

chances, the power of forgiveness and the grace of God that can conquer

even the most stubborn human flaws. I am so incredibly thankful and

humbled that He's brought Madeline back into my life and given us an

opportunity to begin anew, surrounded by the love of our family and

friends. And I promise all of you right now, I plan to spend the rest of my

days making her happy. For some reason, even though I was unbelievably

dumb in the past, God saw fit to lead us to this place, to bring us back

together. And I will never, never take this precious gift for granted."

Every face in the room was misty as they witnessed a miracle unfold

before their eyes, renewing their faith and filling them with indescribable


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