* * *

Ken turned south on A1A, towards the Camino Real drawbridge. The

familiar sounds of Martina McBride serenaded them as they drove past

the palatial homes, towering condos and ubiquitous palm trees that lined

this lovely stretch of road. Not being much of a country music fan, he had

grudgingly taken a liking to Maddy's favorite singer, in spite of his

preconceived notions.

"Martina?"Maddy inquired playfully, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, well, she's pretty much the only country star I like, thanks to

you, sweetheart. Besides, this is your night and I want everything to be



"It's our night," she corrected him. He picked up her hand and kissed

it as they approached the inlet; There You Are began to play, reminding

Maddy of yet another prosperity journal entry and visualization.

From the moment she'd first heard this beautiful ballad, she'd

fantasized about it being her wedding song-the first dance shared

between her and her future husband at their elegant evening reception. A

celebration of an honorable, dependable man who loves his woman

unconditionally, it resonated with Maddy in the same way Chicago's

ballad, Song for You, always had. Whenever anyone would ask her about

her ideal mate, she'd invariably tell them to play the famous rock band's

classic song: it not only summed up her sentiments perfectly, it extolled

them with an accompanying beautiful melody.

Ken directed the car west over the drawbridge; but instead of

continuing halfway around the traffic circle and back onto Camino Real to

pick up Federal Highway, he made a right turn, much to Maddy's


"The Boca Resort and Hotel? What are we doing here?"

"You'll find out in a minute, sweetheart." He kissed her hand again,

smiling to himself. He just hoped that the staff had arranged everything

according to his instructions. A second later, he pulled up to the valet

station and a smiling, uniformed young man quickly appeared to open

Maddy's door. As he assisted her, Ken came around and thanked him,

slipping a few bills into his hands.

"Thank you, Sir!" the valet said appreciatively before driving the car

to its designated space.

Giddy, ebullient and somewhat dazed, Madeline stared at her

sparkling, emerald-cut ring with awe and gratitude while she held onto his

arm with her other hand.

"Look at you, checking out that diamond!" He kissed her cheek and

laughed as they proceeded to the lobby.

"I still can't believe this is happening!" she giggled, mostly out sheer

joy, but also because of heightened anticipation of what was at last about

to transpire between them.

Suddenly, she had a panicked thought. "Baby, I don't have anything

with me!"

"Oh, you won't need any clothes!" His tone was lighthearted and


"Ken! It's not just that-what about my toiletries, my make-up and


"Shh, sweetheart, relax, I have it all taken care of." He kissed her


The magnificent lobby greeted them with a medley of Spanish-style

arches, Roman columns, marble floors, ornate chandeliers and

strategically placed rows of lush, tropical plants. And though Maddy had

been here many times over the years for various charitable fundraisers,

she'd never actually set foot in the main building of Boca Raton's most

famous landmark. Never in a million years had she expected to walk

through this world renowned space as Ken's fiancée, though this too, had

been a visualization exercise featuring her Mr. Right.

She stood nearby waiting as Ken checked them in. In spite of the late

hour, she rummaged through her evening bag in search of her cell phone,

realizing she hadn't yet shared her incredible news with her family. But

just as she was about to dial, Ken took it out of her hands. Leaning in

close, he whispered firmly in her ear.

"No, no. Tonight is all about us. We have plenty of time to make calls

tomorrow and I can't wait to tell everybody our wonderful news. But for

now, I just want to focus on you and me. Please?"

She nodded her head in agreement, obediently putting the phone

away; arm-in-arm, they headed to the elevator. When the golden doors

opened, Ken guided her inside and hit the PH button. As if supporting

them in their desire to be completely alone, the doors immediately closed

again, initiating a private journey to the top.

Pulling her into his arms, he assured her, "Don't worry about a thing,

baby. I've got it all covered, I promise!"

In between sweet kisses, she had a sudden flashback. "Kenny!

Doesn't this seem very familiar-you and me, riding a golden car all the

way to the highest floor of a resort hotel?"

"Kind of like our first date at the Taj?" He smiled down at her.

"Exactly! It's that full-circle thing again!"

"Except this time, it's gonna be even better," he vowed.

When their ride came to an end, he ushered her into a small foyer,

illuminated by an overhead crystal light fixture and defined by intricately

carved cherrywood walls on either side. Beneath their feet, ceramic Italian

tile created an appealing mosaic of muted floral design. Removing the key

card from his pocket, Ken slipped it in and out of a brass slot located on

the Penthouse's double doors. Turning the handle he peeked into the

room first. Satisfied with what he saw, he then took her by the hand and

led her in.

Madeline gasped at the breathtaking sight before her. The elegant

suite was aglow in candlelight, thanks to a multitude of thoughtfully

arrayed crimson and pink pillars of varying sizes. All around, her favorite

flowers-red roses-decorated the space in sculpted glass vases, while the

romantic melodies of an assortment of music, from popular love songs to

soft rock and jazz, emanated subtly. Directly ahead, panoramic windows

showcased a bright, full moon and a magnificent, tranquil ocean.

Clearly, Ken had spent many loving hours and hard-earned dollars to

put an exquisite finishing touch on the happiest day of her life.

Overwhelmed, Maddy hugged him tightly to her as her eyes filled with

joyful tears.

"Y-you did all of this for me?" She barely choked out the words.

Pressed closely against his body, she luxuriated in the irresistible warmth

and unmistakable strength of his physique; the rhythm of his rapid

heartbeat reverberated in her ear. It felt simultaneously safe, comforting,

sensual and erotic.

"Madeline, you deserve all of this and so much more," he responded,

raining kisses upon her forehead and neck. "I love you so much,


Raising herself on her toes to meet his gaze, she told him again how

much she truly loved him, too, that she might have kicked him out of her

mind for a good portion of her life, but never her heart. And as they

melted into another passionate kiss, his hands roamed her body, from her

porcelain shoulders to her deliciously curvy hips. She massaged his back,

neck and finally his chest, before starting to unbutton his shirt. The heat

radiated from his skin while his toned muscles rippled at her touch. At last

in their "safe place" they couldn't seem to get enough of each other as

their lips and tongues continued their joyful exploration.

Bonded together spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically, the

pain of the past melted away as she slid the white sleeves off of his

shoulders and down his arms until the shirt fell to the floor. Staring at him

in all of his glorious masculinity, Maddy was relieved to have been so

incredibly disciplined about her functional training. But when Ken

reached for the zipper of her dress, she was suddenly nervous.

Sensing her anxiety, he stopped and, holding her precious face in his

hands, gently asked if she felt ready to consummate their relationship.

"I want to be with you so much, Ken," she whispered. "It's just that

it's been so long since-well, ok I am a little nervous. It's not my first

time, but it's my first time with you."

He chuckled, amused by her admission. "Well, the same is true for me,

sweetheart!" Then he added, "Do you have any idea how beautiful you


Maddy smiled. He always knew exactly what to say when she most

needed to hear it.

"Come on," he whispered, lifting her into his arms. "I want to show

you something."

Ken carried her into a gorgeous bedroom, where the cream-colored

sheets of the queen-sized bed had been sprinkled with red and pink rose

petals. On one nightstand sat a gift-wrapped box, adorned with hot pink

ribbons and bows. Still holding her in his arms, he adjusted her on his lap

as he sat down on the mattress and reached for the present.

"For you," he told her, with another smooch on the forehead.

"Something else? You are too good to me!" she "protested" happily

as she unwrapped the box, and then lifted the lid to reveal an exquisite

pale-pink satin and lace short nightgown with matching robe and panties.

"Oh my gosh, it's beautiful!" she exclaimed. "Thank you so much!"

She buried her head in his neck as she hugged him.

"Madeline," he explained seriously, "Even if you are not ready to

make love tonight, I just wanted you to sleep in something almost as

beautiful as you."

"You are the most thoughtful man I've ever met!"

"Why don't you go put it on," he suggested. Nodding her head,

Maddy reluctantly left his embrace. Entering the spacious marble and tile

bathroom, she was struck to discover all of her favorite skincare and body

products waiting for her. He hadn't been kidding when he said he'd remembered

everything!Stepping out of her flirty, feminine dress, she admired her hard-won,

115-pound body in the full-length mirror. Feeling fit and at-ease, Maddy

took delight in her toned muscles, tiny waist and hourglass shape-

though she was definitely still an A-cup. Oh well! Ken loved her for her, and

besides, there was no way she would ever put anything artificial in her body like so

many women in this town.She pulled the flirty nighty over her petite frame and smiled as it

draped stunningly over her figure; then she carefully stepped into the lacy

briefs and added the robe to complete the ensemble, though she knew it

probably wouldn't stay on for long. She brushed her windswept hair into

soft, shiny waves, removed all traces of smeared mascara and lightly

touched up her face. Once she'd cleaned her teeth, she felt more than

ready to rejoin her love in the next room.

When she emerged, she found him by a bistro table, wearing sexy

burgundy boxer's shorts and pouring two glasses of Asti. At the sight of

her, his breath caught in his throat for a moment, just before he gave her

an approving whistle.

"God, you are so beautiful," he enthused, handing her a flute of


"You're pretty hot yourself, Mr. Lockheart," she replied, grinning.

"To second chances," he toasted, "and the glorious road ahead of us."

"I'll drink to that!" she laughed, yet as she took in the sight of him-

bulging muscles, rippled torso and long, powerful legs-she felt

something more akin to an explosion of fireworks than good-natured




"I want you to make love to me tonight." His blue eyes sparkled at her.

"Are you absolutely sure, sweetheart?"

"Yes, I-I'm ready. I'm finally ready to be with you in every way. I want

to show you how much I really do love you."

"Oh God, Madeline, I love you more than you'll ever know."

With that, he pulled her close to him, smothering her in kisses as he

began to free her from the nightgown she'd just slipped into. Consumed

by passion, she returned his advances with equal veracity, relishing the

touch of his hands on her body and the subtle moves of his tongue in her


But when her silky negligee slid down her body and pooled around

her feet, she suddenly buried her head in his chest and wrapped her arms

tightly around him.

"What's the matter, sweetheart?" he whispered huskily, kissing the

top of her head. Her skin felt like satin as he ran his hands up and down

her bare back. Gently gathering her hair, he moved it to one side while his

lips pursued her neck.

"Is this really happening?" Her voice was barely audible, though he

could feel the intense pounding of her heart and the exquisite touch of

her firm breasts against him. "I mean, if I'm dreaming, please don't wake

me up."

He certainly understood her sentiment, though his own obvious

physical reaction to simply kissing and holding her eliminated all doubt as

to the wonderful reality of the situation. In this long-awaited moment, the

only thought occupying Ken's mind was how badly he wanted to show

her what it truly meant to be loved and cherished.

While he looked forward to a lifetime of making love to her, he

recognized the significance of their very first union; my God, hadn't the

tortured path they'd taken just to get to this point been filled with

seemingly endless obstacles, pain and frustration? He wanted this night to

be worthy of every fantasy either one of them had ever envisioned. And

as they stood there, surrounded by glowing candles and red roses, it

appeared that promise was well on its way to fulfillment.

"Hey," he whispered, taking her face in his hands and gently

compelling her to look up at him. Even in the subdued light, she noticed

the moisture in his sparkling azure eyes and the sincerity of his expression.

"Madeline, I love you so much. I've always loved you. This is as real as

it gets, sweetheart. I can't erase the past, but I'm here now, and I'm not

going anywhere. Besides, you accepted my proposal, so that means you're

stuck with me forever. And that's all I've ever wanted. Don't you know

that by now?"

Maddy smiled at him as she took in these reassurances. She'd always

loved him, too, from that fun evening way back when at the Point Diner

when he drove her crazy with his need to be in constant touch, whether

by hand-holding, sitting closely together in the same booth or smooching

her on the cheek.

All of the subsequent pressures they'd dealt with-nagging

insecurities, parental disputes and competing desires to wait until marriage

versus giving in to intense physical attraction-had been so formidable.

Looking back now as two seasoned adults, they'd both realized that things

had indeed played out as intended. It had all been part of some grander, if

oftentimes challenging, plan.

And as they stood there holding each other in this present moment,

Maddy was infused with so many emotions. She wished she could

somehow freeze time as she rested her hands on his broad chest and

admired the sparkling diamond ring that now adorned her left finger.

Every hardship she'd overcome, from panic disorder and female health

issues to financial instability and job dissatisfaction-while seemingly

unfair and insurmountable at the time-had all lead her to this incredibly

beautiful place.

There was absolutely nothing she would change about a past that had

prepared her so magnificently to be his devoted wife, lover, friend and

companion. Maddy had battled her demons and won; God's timing could

not have been more perfect. She realized now, that if they had gotten

married back then, their union might very well have ended in divorce-or

worse, transformed into a cauldron of simmering resentment with each of

them feeling shortchanged by the other's unwillingness to support a


Would she have cheerfully relocated with him to Florida at age 25?

The odds were highly unlikely. And yet, without him, she never would

have embarked upon a path of spiritual growth that would eventually yield

a satisfying career, excellent health, an amazing network of friends and a

comprehensive soul-healing. Whether he'd known what he was doing or

not, Ken had acted as her ideal catalyst, forcing her to confront the

darkest places inside and conquer her most menacing fears.

He'd been so sweet, so tender and supportive over the many

conversations they'd shared in the days and weeks following their recent

reconnection. Maddy had taken Ann's advice to heart-that she must be

completely honest with Ken about everything. The psychic saw him as an

affectionate, nurturing powerhouse, a man who was a driving force in

public, yet sensitive and humble in his private relationships. The only

thing he would not abide was a lie. And as someone who placed a high

value on candor, Madeline had honored that.

"Kenny, I love you, too. I've loved you ever since that night we

couldn't get waited on at the Point Diner, and the morning in Ocean City,

when I invited you over for breakfast and you were embarrassed about

my family seeing you in your bathing suit." They both laughed at the

memory again. "You were unlike anyone I'd ever met."

She spoke softly as she caressed his strong arms and looked up at his

handsome face. "And now-now that we're finally here, just the two of us,

committed to a new life together, I-" She choked up before she could

get the words out. Ken held her close to him and she reveled in the feel of

his hands stroking her hair.

"Shh, it's ok, sweetheart," he consoled her.

"I'm just so thankful to have a second chance," she managed to say a

few moments later.

"Me too, Madeline," he confessed. Maddy turned to face him, raising

herself up on her toes. He leaned down to meet her lips, igniting both of

their passions. Their kiss began gently and slowly at first, before taking on

a heated rhythm as his tongue hungrily sought out hers. She responded

with matching fervor, feeling the familiar sensations flood her body.

His hands traveled down her back to her waist and back up through

her long, satiny hair. Then they moved around to her sculpted torso,

inching ever closer to breasts that ached to be touched, yet still caused her

slight embarrassment. And though her reaction was subtle, he felt her

tense up in his arms. That's when he moved away slightly to look at her-

all of her, in the soft glow of candlelight. Maddy turned her gaze


"Hey!" He spoke in a comforting, yet firm tone. When she still didn't

look up, he cupped her chin in his hands and brought them face to face

again. "Madeline, you are the most beautiful woman in the entire world to

me. Everything about you is exquisite. Don't you see that? Don't you see

what you do to me?"

Before she could answer, he placed her hand on his heart, which was

beating rapidly. Slowly, he guided her down his body, all the while

maintaining eye contact.

Maddy felt the excitement build within her as his tangible muscle tone

and hypnotic warmth were revealed beneath her touch. He stopped once

he'd lead her to the essence of his manhood-hard and throbbing now

with pure desire. She sensually stroked him through the soft fabric of his

boxer's shorts as he continued to caress her back.

"Madeline, that feels so good," he began to moan softly. "I want you

so much."

"I want you too, Kenny. Please make love to me."

With that, he lifted her up in his arms vertically and carried her to the

plush queen-sized bed covered in rose petals. He'd done everything in his

power to ensure that this night was absolutely perfect for Madeline, a

woman for whom his enduring love was matched only by his

immeasurable pride.

While he'd known all along she was a cut above, listening to her

recount the events of the last thirteen years had left an indelible

impression. No one he'd ever met could match her unbreakable spirit,

gutsy determination and intrinsic sweetness. In spite of truly frightening

and immensely challenging experiences, Maddy still retained her youthful

exuberance and inherent belief in the goodness of other people. It could

have been so easy for her to degenerate into justifiable bitterness and

resentment. Instead, her challenges had only strengthened and expanded

the qualities he'd loved most about her.

Ken gently placed her back on her feet while he continued to taste the

sweetness of her mouth and the softness of her skin. His hands roamed

over the pale pink lace of her lingerie panties, delighting in every curve of

her body. Consumed by desire, he slowly inched closer and closer to her,

until all she could do was lay back on the bed.

Staring at this vision of Madeline-auburn hair fanned out against the

opulent Egyptian sheets, warm brown eyes that seemed to penetrate his

own and enticing hourglass figure displaying firm, beautiful breasts and

alluring, shapely legs-it took every bit of self control to slowly savor

every facet of their long-awaited conjugal union.

He eased himself carefully on top of her as she welcomed him into

her arms, immersing herself in the seductive scent of his spicy aftershave.

And though there was no moonbeam shining down on them from an

overhead skylight, through the floor-to-ceiling windows just beyond the

foot of the bed, the stars twinkled brightly over the ocean and the

Intracoastal Waterway.

"Hi beautiful," he whispered, smiling at her in his inimitable fashion.

After all these years, it still sent shivers down her spine. "I can't believe

we're actually here." He traced her cheek with his fingers as he spoke.

"Me, either," she softly sighed. "Oh my gosh, if anyone had told me

during all of those hard, lonely times that you and I would find our way to

each other again-that you would ask me to be your wife someday, I

never would have believed it."

She conveniently neglected to mention all of the predictions Ann had

accurately made; such conversations fell strictly into the realm of "girl

talk." Although Ken had been fascinated by her recounting of the

psychic's role in freeing her from panic and anxiety disorder, Maddy had

decided to leave well enough alone.

"But I did," he smiled again. "And thank God, you accepted!"

"Did you honestly think I wouldn't?"

"I don't know, sweetheart. After all this time, I didn't want to take

anything for granted. All I know is that I prayed hard for you to say 'yes.'

And lucky for me-and my children, you did."

"Kenny, we're going to do it right this go-around, I promise. And I

promise I will love Bonnie and Brian as if they were my own-but I won't

step on any toes." Thoughts of Erin briefly clouded her mind.

"Hey," he gently chided her. "Tonight is about you and me. I think

we deserve an evening to ourselves to properly celebrate our reunion. In

every way," he added sexily, nibbling her neck, while his hands sensually

roamed her body. Maddy felt the fireworks erupt again within; still, she

spared a moment for humor.

"You know, Kenny, I'm pretty sure this is the longest run to home

plate in history."

He laughed softly, bringing his face close to hers again. "You really

are something else, you know that Madeline Rose?"

"Yeah, well, don't you forget it," she teased, before passion took over


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