* * *

The high surf pounded the beach as everyone helped set up camp on

an empty stretch of sand. Colorful umbrellas and familiar blue cabanas

dotted the shoreline as vacationers and locals alike soaked up the last days

of summer. After an unusually soggy season, Mother Nature was finally

treating them to the kind of weather most northerners dream about all

year, and they were taking full advantage. Squealing children ran back and

forth with buckets of water as they dug trenches around crudely

constructed sandcastles, teenaged surfer boys happily challenged the tide

and sunbathers permeated the air with the unmistakable scent of coconut


oil and sunscreen.

Against this backdrop, Ken chatted easily and laughed along heartily

with Maddy's entire family. And as the two of them sat on beach chairs by

the water, they conversed effortlessly on a number of topics, delighted to

discover a shared outlook on everything from pro football to music to

politics. Without even realizing it, Maddy took his breath away with her

in-depth knowledge of the game, and stories about being in attendance at

Vet Stadium on that bitter cold day on January 11, 1981, when the Eagles

miraculously defeated the Cowboys 20-7 in the NFC Championship


He loved the way she gestured with her hands when she spoke and

how her voice went up a few octaves when discussing a subject she felt

passionate about. Completely enthralled, Ken couldn't get enough of her,

although he noticed how she kept her pink neon shorts and coordinating

tee shirt on over her bathing suit. In his mind, she had a great figure, but

he politely refrained from questioning her about it.

After, they played catch with a football. Maddy's long braid danced in

the wind as she ran after his passes, most of which he kept within the

realm of possibility, with an occasional overthrown lob high above her

head, made for the sole purpose of being a tease. She'd then shoot him a

look of feigned indignation before responding with a bullet of her own.

Having grown up with three brothers, Maddy was no stranger to goodnatured


"Hey, take it easy!" Ken laughed when one of her tosses hit him in

the chest with just a little too much steam.

Around this time, Carmen, now fully recovered from her big night,

joined in the surfside fun. While Maddy went to retrieve some water,

Kenny took her aside and inquired about her date, offering a sincere

apology for the way he'd reacted.

"You just treat Maddy right," Carmen warned him, "She's a really

special girl and I don't want to see her get hurt."

"Believe me, you have nothing to worry about there," he stated with


Back on the blanket with Maddy, he regretfully informed her that he

had to get to work.

"Oh, I'm sorry you have to leave already, Ken!" Vanessa piped up.

"Yeah, well, I had a wonderful time and I hope to see all of you

people again real soon," he responded with his trademark smile. "Thank

you for your hospitality."

Maddy walked him back to the street, still exuberant over her

unexpected weekend spent in the company of a handsome former military

man. It had been a far cry from her earlier expectations of the same-old,

same-old just 24-hours previously, when she and Carmen were speeding

down the A.C. Expressway.

"Well Kenny, it was fun. So, maybe I'll hear from you again?" she

asked hopefully.

"Oh, you'll hear from me, sweetheart," he assured her as he pulled her

into a bear hug and kissed her on the cheek.

Maddy floated back to the beach, her heart racing in anticipation of

what was to come.

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