* * *

The luminous full moon cast its shimmering beams on the calm,

expansive sea as Ken and Madeline sat down on the wooden ledge that

wrapped around the entire beachside structure. Though normally a

densely crowded spot, given the late hour on a Saturday night-when

most of the area's young adult population was busy bar-hopping either on

Atlantic Avenue in Delray Beach or in downtown Fort Lauderdale-they

found themselves blissfully alone.

A light, balmy wind enveloped them as she rested her head in the

crook of his arm and delighted in the warmth of his body. "I could stay


here like this all night," she sighed.

"Me too, baby," he agreed, holding her even closer. Beneath the

fabric of his shirt, she felt the intense pounding of his heart.

Sitting up to face him, she asked, "Kenny, are you sure you're ok?"

She took his face lightly in her hands as she spoke. "You're so

preoccupied; is something wrong?"

"No, sweetheart," he whispered huskily. "That's just it-for the first

time in forever, everything's right and I don't want to blow it. I guess I was

waiting for the perfect moment, but I think it's here." With that, he

abruptly stood up and, turning to face her, knelt down on one knee as

shivers of excitement ran up and down her spine.

Taking her hands in his, he stared at her adoringly as he began.

"Madeline, from the moment I first saw you sixteen years ago, I knew you

were the one for me. Actually, from that night in the Key Largo parking

lot when you absolutely refused to come back to my place three times-that

was when I knew I wanted to marry you."

Maddy smiled at the memory. He stroked her hair as he continued.

"No other woman comes close to you, sweetheart-no one else has

ever demonstrated your innate sweetness, your incredible intelligence and

your stubborn determination. Over all of these years we spent apart, I

thought of you so much. Oh, I tried to forget you, but I just couldn't. I've

never known anyone as beautiful as you, Madeline, inside and out. And I

know I don't really deserve a chance to make it up to you, but I'm hoping

you'll let me anyway. Because if you agree to be my wife, I promise I will

spend the rest of my days making sure you are happy, safe and loved."

He pulled the velvet box out of his jacket and opened its lid to reveal

the identical ring from her treasure map, in all of its timeless, platinum

glory; she gasped in awe at the sight of it.

"Madeline Rose, will you marry me?"

Completely at a loss for words, her brown eyes glistened with joyful

tears as she watched this fervently desired miracle take place before her.

There he was at last-her perfect match, her one, true love, pledging his

eternal commitment with all of his heart and soul, along with the

engagement ring she'd always wanted. Not something like it, but the actual

one whose photo was glued to a montage of images on her bathroom

mirror! How could this be? Yes, she believed in the Unity principles she'd

learned, but to have created everything exactly to her specifications? God

sure was good.

And no matter how many times she'd envisioned this moment in her

mind during regular intervals of tranquil meditation, the real thing far

exceeded every detail of her highly advanced prayer time. Ken softly

interrupted her internal reverie.

"Madeline?" he whispered, bringing his face close to hers.

"Sweetheart, will you marry me?"

"H-how? How did you know that is the exact ring I've always


"I know you," he replied simply. "But if you want to keep it you have

to agree to marry me. Will you, sweetheart?" His blue eyes searched hers

for an answer. Brought back to this wonderful reality, Madeline

ecstatically threw her arms around him.

"Yes! Yes, I'll marry you Kenny!" She felt like heaven in his embrace

as he buried his head in her hair. "I love you so much!" she added.

"I love you, too, Madeline Rose."

Then remembering himself, he broke away to face her again. "So why

don't we make it official?" He slid the dazzling stone onto her slender left

finger, where it rested comfortably.

"Perfect!" she marveled, unable to stop staring at it until he stood up

and lifted her off the ground. He twirled her around boisterously for a few

seconds before they melted into a passionate kiss-the first of many

they'd share as a blissfully engaged and soon-to-be married, couple.

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