* * *

Ken buttoned his crisp, white shirt as he stood staring into the mirror.

It had been such a long time since he'd experienced this welcome mix of

internal sensations-nervousness, excitement, arousal and of course-

authentic love and affection. As a much younger man about to pop the

question to another woman, he couldn't quite recall the same energetic

rush, though at the time, Erin had occupied a very special place in his

heart. But now with Madeline, things were dramatically different-more

mature, yet somehow more exuberant and fresh than they'd been back in

their Jersey Shore days. The passage of time had only fueled greater desire


and appreciation. Apparently, life really did begin after 40.

He studied his reflection for a moment, briefly entertaining the

worrisome notion of Madeline somehow rejecting him this evening.

Although older and wiser, Ken's natural ebullience had only grown

stronger, recent trauma notwithstanding. There were still too many things

that merited his gratitude, particularly being presented now with a second

chance to get it right with her.

And as he checked himself out in his navy suit, perhaps a few pounds

heavier than in his post-Military stage, he was more than satisfied with his

overall appearance. Besides, he noticed the smoldering look in Madeline's

eyes when they first saw each other at the Samba Room on Las Olas that

afternoon-it was the very same one that used to drive him mad back in

Ocean City. Only this time she seemed much more relaxed and at-ease.

Striding over to the dresser, he picked up the blue velvet box

containing the sparkling symbol of the next beautiful phase of their

relationship. Lifting its lid, he stared at the breathtaking platinum,

emerald-cut diamond ring with its braided design and complementing

smaller stones. He couldn't exactly explain why he knew this was the ring

for her, but when the jeweler presented it to him, something inside just

spurred him on to make the purchase right then and there. As he gazed at

it, he visualized the perfect scenario in which he'd proclaim his undying

love and fidelity, prompting Madeline to jump into his arms and respond

with a resounding "yes."

Slipping the box carefully into the inside pocket of his suit jacket, Ken

grabbed his car keys and headed for the front door. He was halfway

through the foyer when the phone rang. After a quick glance at the Caller

ID, he decided to pick up.

"Hey Mom!"

"Hi honey! I know you must be on your way out, but I just wanted to

call and wish you luck-not that I think you'll need it." He laughed.

"I hope not, but thanks for the good wishes!"

"Ken, Madeline really is an amazing girl. Your dad and I liked her

right away."

"I knew you would."

"Are you nervous?"

"A little, I guess."

"Don't worry, honey. She'll say yes-a woman knows these sorts of

things. Besides, I saw the way she looks at you. She loves you truly. And

from what I can tell, Bonnie and Brian are crazy about her, too."

"Well, she feels the same way about them. I just hope she can handle

having to deal with Erin. You know what that's like."

"Ken, as long as you remember your priorities, you have nothing to

worry about. Not even Erin will be able to ruin your happiness. Besides,

she's too preoccupied with her millionaire sugar daddy to cause too many


"I hope you're right, Mom," he said with resignation.

"Hey! You just focus this evening on you and Madeline. Don't worry

about the kids; we're taking them to Guppy's for dinner and then over to

Boomers to play miniature golf. And after Mass tomorrow, we'll take

them out for breakfast. They love that. Just don't forget about the

barbeque tomorrow afternoon."

"Oh, Maddy and I will be there, Mom. Hopefully as a newly engaged


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