* * *

Amid the casual comfort of the sunny Florida Room, Maddy

socialized easily with the Lockheart family, chatting about her work,

family, friends and hobbies-including of course, ballroom dancing and

singing. Sitting beside Ken at the table, she felt right at home entertaining

the group with funny stories of how they met that distant summer night at

the Key Largo club, and the ensuing comedy of errors: Madeline refusing

to go back to his place for coffee; Ken trying unsuccessfully to get their

waitress' attention at the Point Diner; and the mix-up later on that

morning that ultimately resulted in Ken joining her family for breakfast.


"It was so cute," she explained, enthusiasm lighting up her

expression, "Ken kept saying 'I can't meet your family in my bathing suit!'

and I was like 'What's the big deal? They're gonna see you in it anyway on

the beach!' I'd felt so bad about him waiting for me all that time I was at

church, but I never expected him to actually show up!"

"See, she's been doubting me from way back when," he interjected,

sighing dramatically before pecking her on the cheek.

"Hey!" she played along, "You had a nice buzz going! How was I

supposed to know you'd even remember my name? We'd had nothing to

write with in the car, it was nearly 3 a.m.-all I was thinking was 'Thank

God this adorable guy salvaged my evening!' I had such a great time."

Everyone around them was struck by their undeniable chemistry as

they bantered back and forth; Paula and Carl were particularly delighted,

given their son's recent tribulations. If nothing else, Maddy's presence

here today proved he never should've married Erin in the first place;

however, none of them would trade Bonnie and Brian for all of the

money in the world. They'd been the only silver lining of an otherwise

misguided and tumultuous union.

"So, then what happened?" Paula asked excitedly. Though familiar

with this amusing tale, it was riveting to hear it told simultaneously from

both perspectives.

"Well, he finally agreed to come over for breakfast, on the condition

that I answer the door when he got to the house, which I did."

"And it was amazing," Ken continued, "When I walked in, there was

her whole family seated around the dining room table, just laughing and

talking over breakfast. I'd never seen anything like it-they were so

friendly and warm. When I sat down, I felt at-ease right away. They

welcomed me in like they'd known me for a long time and we talked

about all kinds of stuff-mostly Eagles football, since the season was

about to start."

"That's right!" Maddy chimed in, remembering the specifics. "And

later on that season, we ended up freezing our butts off at the Eagles-

Vikings game with my sister, Lori. Funny how that worked out since the

Vikings are your second-favorite team, Kenny. Remember how you got to

my house sometime around 2 a.m.? I ran out to the driveway to greet you,

so happy to see you again, after-after we were apart for awhile."

Her tone became soft and serious as she recalled the awful letter she'd

written prior to that occurrence, effectively ending things between them,

at least temporarily.

Then came his phone call sometime after saying he understood;

Maddy had figured on that being their last conversation until her guilty

mother had suggested inviting him to the game.

"Hey sweetheart, ancient history, remember?" Ken consoled her.

"Let's concentrate on all the good stuff, like the first time you sang for

me. Oh my God, when I heard your voice, I was blown away! And you

were the one who taught me how to properly Jitterbug. Remember that,

out on the Key Largo patio and then later at my house?" He put his arm

around her and squeezed her shoulder.

"Ken is such a good dancer!" Maddy exclaimed with renewed gusto,

"I never saw anyone his size break-dance or moonwalk like that; he

entertained all of us that New Year's Eve when we went to a party at The

Media Inn. That was the first time any of my siblings had seen him move.

They were highly impressed-what a great night that was!"

She thought back to his arrival at her former home on Martins Run

that evening, and how he'd been running late, thanks to a terrible

snowstorm, but had called to inform her he'd be there soon. Having been

in the shower, Maddy hadn't actually spoken with him; her mom had

conveyed the message. His cousin had just given birth and he'd stopped

by to see the baby before heading out of South Jersey. Funny, that child

would be celebrating his 16th birthday this year. She made a mental note to

inquire about him and his parents, whom she well remembered meeting

on that dreary January day in Somers Point.

Madeline could still picture Ken's face when he'd finally arrived,

beaming up at her from behind a gorgeous bouquet of white roses as she

stood at the banister in her strapless black dress. Just imagining the entire

scene now-with as much clarity as if it had happened yesterday-was

making her heart beat fast.

"Sounds like you two have quite a history," Danielle remarked,

smiling. She recognized the "real deal" when she saw it. Besides, this girl

was a refreshing change from Erin; Danielle could definitely understand

why Ken was still so attracted to her.

"Oh and I forgot to mention the most interesting thing of all-God,

how could I forget this! Madeline and I share the same birthday, right

down to the year," Ken announced. "I think I told you that before,


"You're kidding! Now that's really an odd coincidence!" Danielle


"I used to think that, too," Maddy agreed. "But now it just makes

perfect sense."

Ken and Maddy shared a knowing smile before turning their attention

back to the wonderful meal of pesto-encrusted salmon, rice pilaf, sautéed

spinach and Caesar salad that Ken had so expertly prepared.

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