* * *

"May I help you?" A petite, attractive twenty-something hostess with

big dark eyes and a friendly demeanor looked up from behind the


"Uh, yes I'm meeting someone here, but I just wanted to see if I

could get a table for two outside. You look pretty busy, so I wasn't sure if

you'd be willing to hold something for me until she gets here. She works

just a block away, so I'm sure she'll be here any second."

A nervous Ken shot the young girl the most charming expression he

could muster, an easy feat given his striking appearance. Though not


required to wear a suit by his employer, he'd chosen one of his favorites

for this very special day-a beige Armani he'd gotten for a steal at the

Men's Wearhouse. Complemented by his neatly pressed pale blue shirt,

toned body and boyish grin, he barely looked a day over 30.

"No problem, Sir," she replied with a slight Latin accent. "We still

have a few patio tables available. If you'd like you can sit at the bar; I


"Never mind, she's here," he replied in an almost imperceptible voice

as he walked back out through the double glass doors, unable to wipe the

Cheshire grin off his face. From her perch, the hostess witnessed the

unfolding scene with fascination. Ken was rendered speechless as he

watched Madeline-the same irresistible vision of femininity and

sweetness he remembered well from their South Jersey days-stroll

confidently towards him on the sidewalk. Upon meeting his stare, she

grinned from ear to ear, as her earlier anxiety transitioned into a calm


"Oh my God, you look great!" he blurted out, immediately drawing

her into a big bear hug.

"Is it really you?" she asked in a muffled voice, noting the familiar

scent of his aftershave and the comforting feel of his warm embrace.

"Maddy, it's really me," he confirmed, before releasing her. They

stood there face-to-face for a moment, their arms still connected. "My

goodness, sweetheart, have you aged at all? You look fantastic!" His

sparkling eyes penetrated hers.

"You too," she replied softly.

Touched by this emotional reunion, the young hostess strode over to

escort them to the restaurant's most private outdoor table for two while it

was still available; the lunch crowd was suddenly picking up and she

wanted them to have the best seat in the house. Ken and Maddy followed

her through the main dining room and onto the adjoining covered patio,

where she led them to a secluded spot in the corner.

"This ok?" she asked.

"Perfect!" Maddy confirmed, glancing at him.

"Well, enjoy your lunch!" She winked at them before heading back to

her station.

"Wow," he remarked, staring at her in his inimitable way. It felt as if

they were back in Atlantic City, sharing their first dinner date at



"You just look incredible, that's all."

That was Maddy's cue to finally end the suspense. Folding her menu,

she set it aside and, leaning slightly forward, politely but firmly demanded

the truth. "Kenny, I need you to level with me, please. Look, nothing will

ever change the way I feel about you. No matter what you tell me, I will

always be thankful for this opportunity to reconnect. It's so good to see

you; especially since there was a time I thought I never would ever

again-at least not in person.

"But for my own sake, I want to know right here and now exactly

where things stand. Is there a woman in your life whose world would be

torn apart if she knew you were looking at me this way? Is it really

appropriate for you to say these things, knowing how much I-"

"Madeline Rose! Do you honestly believe I would toy with you like

that?" Maddy's heart leapt in her chest as he went on. "Sweetheart, I told

you on the phone I'd been trying to find you. That wasn't just because I

missed an old friend; it was because I realized how much I missed my one

true love. Once my marriage ended, I knew I had to at least look for you,

though I also knew I was risking a huge disappointment. I mean, for

someone like you to still be available-I just didn't think it was possible.

Surely some guy would've scooped you up by now."

"Obviously, you are completely unfamiliar with the South Florida

dating scene," she smiled as a rush of excitement coursed through her


He was free! Free! Ann had been right all along, her Women's World horoscope

had been vindicated and her intuition had been on target-God was truly giving them

a second chance!But before either one of them could speak, a waiter came by to take

their drink order; Ken smiled when she asked for water with lemon. True,

it was the middle of the afternoon on a work day but somehow he knew

she'd have made the same request had it been a Saturday night.

Fourteen years living on the Gold Coast hadn't changed her a bit, thank God.

Not that he would've cared had she ordered a glass of wine-it was just reassuring to

know that Madeline Rose was the same phenomenal woman he'd met nearly sixteen

years prior. Perhaps a bit more confident and relaxed, but still the same girl at the

deepest level.He silently said a prayer of thanks for his good fortune.

And as their reunion lunch proceeded over Cuban steak and salmon,

enhanced by Latin rhythms and warm, tropical breezes, both of them

came to truly understand the significance of coming full-circle at last.

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