* * *

A few miles away, Ken stared at the tray ceiling and spinning

overhead fan. Though it was getting late, he still didn't feel tired, as his

mind raced from one scenario to another. From what he could ascertain

from Madeline's letter, she was most likely single. But had she married at

some point? If so, what happened? He found it impossible to believe that

someone hadn't snatched her up, yet why was she contacting him after all

this time?

Yes, he understood the purpose of her card, and it touched him

deeply that she felt the need to apologize for past transgressions. And at


the same time, he acknowledged that he himself was also guilty of

inflicting pain on her. In many ways, he should've been the one sending a


Strange also that this particular year had brought her so much clarity;

he'd just signed his divorce papers the previous fall. Did Maddy somehow

know that? If she had been aware of his marital status, she offered no

indication in her correspondence. His last recent search of public records

had revealed no information whatsoever, which was understandable, given

that his attorney had advised him it could take up to a year for such

records to be updated on Internet databases. With no mutual friends or

acquaintances to spread the word, Maddy was most likely in the dark. And

that made her gesture even more impressive.

Ken rolled over onto his side, kicking the cotton sheets down to the

end of the bed. Ever since having children, he no longer enjoyed the

luxury of sleeping in the raw, and had taken to wearing boxer shorts.

Tonight, he'd just happened to have chosen a green pair featuring the

Philadelphia Eagles logo, though it had been ages since he'd actually slept

in them. Somehow it only seemed appropriate. Funny, Erin despised

football, one of the many activities Ken and Maddy had delighted in


It was also thrilling that she regarded him as a catalyst for positive

change in her life, despite all of the heartbreak he'd caused her. And the

thought that he'd somehow inspired her was the icing on the cake. All this

time he feared she might actually feel nothing but contempt for him,

though he completely understood her rationale for keeping her distance.

He supposed it was selfish of him to want to keep her as a friend while he

gave his love and devotion to another woman, but he'd truly missed her

presence in his life. Could there be a miracle, a second chance looming on the

horizon for them? God, he hoped so!

* * *

Madeline awoke to the sound of a ringing phone; good thing she'd

had the wisdom to bring her cordless into the bedroom with her last

night. When she glanced at the display, her heart skipped a beat. She

quickly rubbed her eyes and cleared her throat in an attempt to remove all

traces of lingering sleepiness.


"Good morning, sunshine!" All of the familiar sensations rushed

through her body at the sound of his enthusiastic greeting.

"Kenny! How are you?"

"I'm doing just great. How are you?"

"Very well, thanks."

"So, what's been going on? It was so great to hear from you!"

He was cruising down Interstate 95 on his way into the office as he

spoke. God, it was so nice to listen to her ebullient voice again; he well

remembered the irresistible way she spoke in energetic bursts. Clearly, the

passage of time hadn't diminished one of the many attractive qualities

he'd loved most about her; he could just picture her smiling face and

accompanying lively hand gestures as she filled him in on her current life.

Had thirteen years really passed since he'd seen her? It hardly seemed possible.

Madeline struggled to focus on his words, thanks to the pulsating

rhythm of her heart-a cadence that had dramatically accelerated upon

being referred to as "sunshine." Try as she might, it was difficult to avoid

jumping to the conclusion-based on one term of affection-that he was

free in the legal sense. While he was obviously happy to talk to her, it was

hardly conclusive evidence of his marital status.

But she noted with interest his accomplishment of an MBA degree,

while working full-time as an outside sales rep for a telecommunications

company-a career that was as lucrative as it was enjoyable. It thrilled her

to witness the sheer excitement in his voice as he discussed his

responsibilities and Palm Beach County territory. Because he only dealt

with businesses employing a minimum of 100 people, his commissions

tended to be high.

And yet, there was no trace of arrogance or smugness-only gratitude

for having the ability to do something he loved and be rewarded

handsomely for it. It was so adorably Ken for him to admit, "I've never

made this much money in my life!" But it was no surprise to Maddy that

he'd come so far while retaining his innate humility; right from the

beginning, she'd known he was destined for something greater.

All of the deep conversations they'd shared beneath the skylight,

snuggled up in the waterbed of his Somers Point home had laid the

foundation for this present reality. That inner spark he'd possessed from

birth, that unquenchable desire to rise above his circumstances had

partnered with a brilliant mind to produce spectacular results. It was a

fitting tribute to the power of the human spirit when allowed to flourish

in a free and democratic country-a nation that he himself had spent a

portion of his life defending. Like so many in her family, Ken truly

embodied the American dream.

Neither one of them dared mentioned children, spouses or even

possible boyfriends, though Ken had the benefit of near-certainty of her

single status, which had been implicitly stated in her letter. Still, he

hesitated to ruin the joy of this reconnection by speaking of Erin, even for

the express purpose of revealing his divorce. Why remind either one of them of

the pain of the past?For now, he'd simply savor this long-overdue

conversation with Madeline; he could fill her in on the details of his

marital break-up when they finally met face-to-face again.

However, he couldn't resist "confessing" to Googling her and feeling

frustrated when his searches came up empty. His admission sent shivers

of excitement down her spine, proving Ann right on yet another point-

Ken had ardently wanted Maddy to contact him. The psychic had been

adamant about so many things, not the least of which was Ken and

Madeline's ability to "recreate the relationship," now that he was out of

his marriage. And though Ann's track record had been nearly flawless

over the years, Madeline still yearned to hear him speak the words as she

held the phone to her ear and paced around her bedroom.

But though no outright confirmation was forthcoming, he did

surprise her by asking if they could get together the following week, a

request she happily agreed to, while thoughts of seeing his handsome face

again resonated ecstatically through her being. After giving her his

personal email and confirming receipt of her cell phone number, Ken

reluctantly ended the call to begin another hectic workday. With an even

brighter smile than usual, he strode through the double-glass door of his

office, invigorated and hopeful.

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