* * *

Maddy entered through the sliding glass doors of the patio to find the

whole gang waiting for her. Mom, as usual, was busy preparing breakfast,

while her future sister-in-law, Vanessa, set the table. Her dad, brother

Greg and soon-to-be brother-in-law Vince were hanging out in the family

room, talking Eagles football and placing bets on what the forthcoming

season would portend.

"Hiya beautiful!" Dr. Joseph Rose greeted his daughter with an

affectionate hug and kiss.

"Hey, Dad! Hi everyone!" Maddy replied, embracing her father before


heading into the kitchen to help out.

"Hi Mom!" she said brightly, kissing her on the cheek. As the "baby"

of the family, Maddy shared an especially close bond with her mother.

"Hi hon, do you mind setting up the coffee?" Monica Rose asked, in

typical fashion. Maddy smiled. She always loved helping her mom with

the designated "female" responsibilities.

"Did you go to Mass?"

"Yeah, I made it in time for the 10:30."

"Mad, did you really walk 13 blocks?" Vanessa queried.

"Yep, sure did."

Vanessa, a tall, striking woman with thick strawberry blonde hair and

bright, hazel eyes, laughed out loud.


"Nothing, you're amazing! Out at a club all night and bouncing out of

bed to walk 13 blocks back and forth to church the next day! If I even

made it to church in the first place, I'd definitely be driving!"

Maddy cracked up. "Well, a girl does what she has to do stay in shape,

Vaness. You're lucky to be so tall. Besides, you know I don't drink."

"So Mad, tell us all about this young dude you met last night!" Greg

asked teasingly as he entered the room and placed his arms around her.

"Geez, you all know about that already? Carmen was practically in a

coma when I left. She sure didn't waste any time!"

Before Maddy could utter another word, her sister Lori bounded

down the stairs, laughing hysterically. The phone had rung a few seconds

earlier and Lori had answered it in the Master bedroom before anyone

else had even thought of it. She was so excited, she could barely speak.

"Maddy….it's…him!" she managed to croak out in between giggles.

"He's been….waiting…at the beach….for you…for hours!"

"Him, who?"


"Well, pick up the phone!" her mother admonished her.

"I think I'll take it upstairs," Maddy announced, feeling the

excitement well within her. Nothing like having your life spread out like a

proverbial open book for the amusement of your family.

Lori followed in hot pursuit as Maddy raced up the steps.

"Do you mind?" she shot back at her big sister, before closing the

bedroom door. That did little to deter Lori, who persistently hovered on

the other side.

"Hello?" Maddy said tentatively.

"Where've you been, I've been waiting for you for two hours!" the

deep, familiar voice implored her.

"Well Kenny, I did tell you I was going to church, didn't I?"

"Yes, but I thought you'd be done by now. It's a beautiful beach day,


"I know, and I'll be there soon. I-"

Maddy turned to find her sister and her mother now standing next to

her. She gave them an offended look, but softened when her mother

mouthed the words, "Invite him to breakfast."

"Uh, Ken, how'd you like to come over for breakfast with my


"In my bathing suit? Are you kidding? I can't meet your family like


"Why not? They're gonna see you in your bathing suit on the beach



"Please Kenny?" Her genuine appeal melted his heart.

"Ok, tell me where your house is and I'll be there," he sighed. She

directed him to their three-bedroom cottage on Simpson Avenue.

"See you in a few minutes," she said sweetly.



"Will you please make sure you answer the door when I get there?" He

sounded a bit nervous as Maddy assured him she would.

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