* * *

"Wasn't that great, Mom!" Maddy inquired enthusiastically as she and

her mother disembarked from Soarin', Epcot's latest ride sensation.

"Wonderful!" Monica agreed. "If the line wasn't so damn long, I'd get

back on it again."

"To think, Lori was worried you'd be scared!" Maddy laughed.

"Your sister thinks I'm a baby! That was absolutely beautiful. It's

amazing how they can really make you feel as if you are hang-gliding over


"I know, wasn't it cool when it looked like we were landing on the


aircraft carrier? That was my favorite part!"

"Yes, and I loved the beginning when you come out of the clouds

and see the Golden Gate Bridge and all that water! That was really


The two women boarded an escalator to bring them back up to the

second floor, and the exit to the Land building. They were planning to

head to Spaceship Earth next, where they'd board a slow-moving train

within the geo-sphere globe, which would transport them through a

historical journey of communication-from the dawn of civilization right

up through modern times and beyond. However, they looked up to find a

large crowd of soggy Disney vacationers, dressed in plastic ponchos and

hanging around just inside the main doors.

"Uh-oh, looks like it's coming down pretty hard," Maddy sighed. "We

should wait here for awhile."

As she and her mother observed the endless parade of strollers,

scooters and kids of all ages excitedly rushing in from the rain or walking

determinedly towards the attraction of their choice, Maddy was consumed

with thoughts of Ken. Had her letter safely reached him? Did he have a chance to

read it yet? How would he react? What if he wasn't really divorced, in spite of the

evidence to the contrary?"Madeline! Did you hear me? It stopped raining. I think we should

make a run for it, before the skies open up again!" Monica spoke with

urgency as she took her daughter by the arm.

It was only their first day and already her legs ached. Between running

up and down ramps to catch monorails, maneuvering around hordes of

people who wielded their baby transport systems as weapons, and

standing in incredibly long lines, it was enough to test the mettle of

someone half her age. It didn't help that a long, cold winter had prevented

her from regularly walking the trail at Ridley Creek State Park.

Maddy shook her head in agreement as the two women dashed

outside, taking care to avoid the endless, messy puddles as they hurried

towards their next Epcot adventure.

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