* * *

Back in the present moment, Madeline quickly unlocked her front

door and rushed into the kitchen to answer the ringing phone. Having

assumed it was either one of her good girlfriends, Lori or her mother

calling to inquire about her interview, she was shocked to hear a voice

from the very distant past-one she failed at first to recognize.

"Madeline?" It was obviously a man based on the tone, but beyond

that she couldn't identify him.


"Uh, it's Jake Winston." Though her ex-boyfriend did his best to


sound confident, she detected a discernible trace of nervousness.

"Jake? Wow, this is a surprise!" she replied brightly. She'd long ago

forgiven him in her mind for his past actions, thus she felt compelled to

put him at ease, regardless of her bewilderment as to why he'd be

contacting her now. It was certainly odd a full ten years after their breakup.

"I hope you don't mind my calling, Maddy. My mom actually ran into

yours at the Acme a few weeks ago and asked for your number. You

know, she always thought the world of you. But please don't be mad at

your mom; she never thought for a minute that I'd be the one picking up

the phone."

"No, it's ok," she assured him genuinely.

"Well, the reason I called is-Maddy, I've been doing an awful lot of

soul-searching lately. And you came to mind; well more specifically, the

awful way I treated you came to mind. God, the things I said and did-I

am so ashamed of myself! Especially the way I ended things between us;

my behavior was deplorable and immature and I am just so sorry. I'm

sorry for everything-for all of the hurtful things I said and did. I mean, I

just treated you so badly, it was truly disgraceful. Do you think you can

ever forgive me?"

Touched by this heartfelt apology, Maddy assured him that she

harbored no ill feelings, stating that they were both older and wiser now.

She also complimented him on his courage, genuinely impressed by his

actions. Besides, the past was the past. And while she would never

consider dating him again, she did agree to a friendly get-together during

her next trip to Philly. By the time they'd ended the conversation, both

parties experienced a welcome relief and satisfaction. Unlike Madeline,

however, Jake also retained a significant amount of regret for what might

have been, though he wisely kept such musings to himself.

After hanging up, Maddy settled into a cushioned chair on her

screened-in patio and watched the swans glide around the sparkling lake.

She remembered back again to the night she met Ann Claire, and their

subsequent phone session a few weeks later, when Ann enumerated the

details of Madeline's past lives to shed light on her current incarnation's


It did make sense, though it was still a difficult theory to swallow in

many ways. The psychic had concluded the call by "putting a healing" on

her client's previous lifetimes; on the other end of the line, Maddy heard

very deep breathing, much like her yoga instructor's during a class. Prior

to saying goodnight, Ann confirmed that the panic and anxiety issue was

completely dissolved; however, it would take six months before Maddy

would "know" that it was truly gone. She'd start to feel better

incrementally, but one day there would be a patent realization that this

horrendous phase was indeed over.

And exactly six months later, Maddy awoke with a clear head, a calm

stomach and an overall feeling of excellent health for the first time in

nearly eight years. It was as if a black cloud had finally been lifted, leaving

a clear blue sky and a brilliant rainbow in its place. Overcome with sheer

gratitude, joy and relief, Madeline called Ann to share the wonderful news,

exclaiming, "Ann, thank God I ran into you that night! I don't know what

I would have done if I hadn't-I was at my wits' end!"

"Madeline," she replied dryly, "You manifested me into your life,

don't you know that? God led you to me, based on your own intentions."

"Oh," Maddy said, still somewhat puzzled. She sensed that Ann was

saying something very wise and profound, but it wouldn't be until taking

an interesting class at the Unity Church in Delray Beach that she would

thoroughly comprehend the psychic's meaning.

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