* * *

"If you want my opinion, the guy stopped by to see you to try to

figure out if getting married is the right thing to do," Scott offered plainly

as he dried himself off on a chaise lounge. Ken had just left after spending

nearly four hours poolside with Maddy and her friends from Fred Astaire.

"Or maybe he just wanted one last fling before he ties the knot!"

Lloyd teased, playfully punching her in the shoulder. He was blissfully

unaware of the ludicrousness of his statement, considering Ken and

Madeline's passionate, but chaste history. However, Maddy wasn't about

to 'fess up to keeping her virginity intact to this new group of friends, nice


as they were. Something gave her the distinct impression such news would

raise a few eyebrows as well as concerns for her mental health.

"Nah Lloyd, Kenny's not like that; he's a very honorable guy and he

knows I have high standards. I don't go after other women's boyfriends,

fiancées or husbands-it's just not my style. Besides, if he does break his

engagement, I want it to be entirely his decision with no influence from

me. If he's having second thoughts about marrying Erin, he shouldn't go

through with it period, regardless of how I feel or what I do."

"Yeah, you have a point," Rebecca concurred. "But I gotta say,

Maddy, he gave you the perfect opening to tell him how you really feel. I

don't know-if it was me and I still loved the guy, I'd tell him."

"Rebecca, I can't hurt a woman I've never even met-a woman who's

done nothing to me just because Kenny and I couldn't get our timing

straight! It wouldn't be right; I wouldn't want someone hurting me like

that! And even if I did admit my real feelings, there's no guarantee he'd

end things with her anyway. I got the very strong impression that he's

resigned himself to his decision, even if it's wrong. I don't think he could

live with the guilt of hurting her and her family by backing out now."

"Well maybe you have a point," Rebecca conceded. "Still, I'm amazed

by you, Maddy. Do you know how many women would move in for the

kill in this situation? Hell, I've had girlfriends who had no qualms about

stealing my boyfriends right out from under my nose!"

"It was strange though, when he called her on his cell from my

apartment," Maddy admitted. He didn't tell her where he was, for obvious

reasons. But it was more than that-it was almost as if he felt stifled by

the whole conversation, like she has him on a short leash or something.

Anyway, he's not the upbeat, gregarious, fun-loving guy I remember. And

for someone about to get married, he's sure not excited about it."

"All I can say is for the guy to spend an entire Saturday afternoon on

a Holiday weekend with an old girlfriend, and not his fiancée, something is

terribly wrong," Lloyd commented.

"And Maddy, I saw the way he looked at you," Rebecca added,

"Girlfriend, he's still in love with you-I don't care what you say or what

he says!"

"Yeah well, love isn't the only issue here," Maddy stated sadly. "Or is

that the problem? Isn't real love about letting go? If that's the case, I am

strong enough to do that. Someday, if he ends up coming back to me, I

will know for sure that his feelings for me are real-provided I'm still

available, of course."

"I still think it's rather odd that he wants you to go over to his place

for a barbeque," Scott went on, "What's with this desire for you and his

fiancée to be friends? If you ask me, that's just strange. Look, he's

apparently made his decision, even if he's not 100% sold on it. So why

rub salt in the wound? He's got one helluva nerve as far as I'm concerned.

Obviously he knows you're upset, even if you weren't open about how

you really feel. I just can't figure him out; if he does still love you, he

should at least let you maintain some dignity."

"You know," Maddy said, brightening, "Maybe in a way it would be

good for me to take him up on his invitation; maybe if I meet her

something will just finally snap inside and I'll be able to move on."

"Uh, Madeline I think you may be spending too much time listening

to those motivational tapes of yours," Rebecca noted with a hint of

sarcasm and a raised eyebrow.

"No, no! Maybe that's the answer," Maddy insisted. "And you know,

Scott, if you were to come with me, it might not be so bad." She smiled as

she playfully smacked him on the knee.

"Well, ok," he agreed. "But I want you to think long and hard before

you do it."

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