* * *

"Hey, do you want to join us for some champagne and Asti back at

my apartment?" Maddy asked, still attired in her ravishing red ensemble.

She'd been unsuccessfully trying to change for close to a half-hour, but

had been continually deterred by the sincere compliments of various

onlookers who'd made their way backstage after the show.

"Sure," Mark smiled, still in awe of what he'd just experienced.

"Great! I know it's getting late so I'll get back into my regular clothes

now and meet you over there in fifteen minutes. It is a "school night"

after all!" She laughed as she made her way back into the dressing room,


where Rebecca was busily getting herself together.

"Hey Maddy, great job again, girl! You were fantastic!"

"Thanks Becca! You were pretty spectacular yourself!"

"You know, I think your new man was equally impressed; I saw the

way he looked at you! Are you sure you want us all to come over? Maybe

the two of you should spend some quality time alone!"

Rebecca's green eyes sparkled with delight; she honestly believed

she'd be doing her friend a favor by opting out. Unaware of Madeline's

apprehensions regarding the opposite sex, she was perfectly content to

postpone the celebration for another time.

"No, Rebecca please come over!" Maddy pleaded. "We've all worked

too hard not to congratulate each other on a job well done. Besides, Mark

isn't totally out of the woods yet over SunFest, in spite of the fun date we


Technically, that wasn't true, but Maddy thought it sounded

plausible. Someone as ebullient and sexy as Rebecca would probably

never understand the real motivations for wanting to avoid being alone

with him.

"Well ok, but we're not staying for long!" She winked at Maddy as

she slung her duffle bag over her shoulder.

* * *

"See you guys at the studio!" Maddy called down the stairs as the last

of her guests-save for Mark-bid her farewell. When she closed the

door behind them, she felt his arms slip around her waist.

"Alone at last," he whispered sexily into her ear, before proceeding to

run his hands through her hair and plant sweet kisses down her neck.

"Mmm-hmm," she murmured, enjoying his affections yet

simultaneously alarmed by the fact that there were no sleeping family

members in the next room. While she trusted that Mark's character

precluded a criminal history, she was well aware of his normal, manly

needs. As with Kenny, Madeline abhorred the idea of being a tease,

though with her former boyfriend, serious intentions and a healthy respect

for her parents helped keep things in check. Now that she was on her

own, that sort of comfort level was nonexistent.

And as they fell on the couch together, she was temporarily swept

away by the taste of his mouth, the sultry feel of his stimulating caresses

and the warmth of his masculine body. In spite of her haunting fears, she

found herself unbuttoning his shirt and exploring his broad chest first

with her hands, and then with her lips. He closed his eyes and sank his

head back into a pillow while he savored her tantalizing ability to awaken

every nerve ending in his body. Lost in a haze of pleasure, he was quickly

losing control.

In one motion, he suddenly moved her beneath him and reached for

the zipper of her hot pink, knit top. It wasn't until he'd nearly succeeded

in removing it from her body that Maddy began to protest.

"Madeline, please let me touch you," he begged, his voice thick with


"Mark please, I'm so small anyway, I doubt you'd like them!" The

self-deprecating words were out of her mouth before she could recall


"Shh, baby they looked damned good to me the other night," he

assured her. "Please let me show you just how desirable you are."

"I-I don't want you to get the wrong idea, about me inviting you here

tonight. I'm not ready to-"

"Maddy please, I know that. I came over here because I wanted to.

And we don't have to go all the way; I'd never force you to do that.

Please, just let me touch and kiss you."

With that, he succeeded in removing her top, which fell to the floor

gracefully as he discarded it. Her skin felt so smooth and warm as he

gently ran his hands over her stomach and then across the lace fabric of

her bra. Maddy was no match for his skillful caresses, morality concerns

notwithstanding. Combined with sheer exhaustion over recent

developments, she found herself fighting a losing battle; when she felt her

bra slip away from her shoulders she gave in to passion, relishing the feel

of his tongue as she ran her hands through his hair.

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