* * *

Mark waved to the guard as he passed the security gate that marked

the entrance to his neighborhood. Madeline, worn out from the night's

adventures, rested her head against the soft velour of the car seat. Her

eyes felt dry and tired, much in need of the re-wetting drops she'd

forgotten when she switched to a smaller handbag. She almost never

forgot them, especially when going out to a smoky bar, but her excitement

over seeing Mark this evening had interfered with practicality. She quickly

pulled out her compact to inspect her make-up. As suspected, her eyeliner

and mascara were smudged on her pale skin, an inevitable side effect of


hours of making out. She blinked her eyes in an attempt to moisten them.

In the darkness it was difficult to distinguish the characteristics of

Mark's community, though it appeared very secluded and quiet. Palm

trees and hibiscus lined the main road, encircling alternating buildings of

condos and villas. At this late hour, she was sure he'd send her off with a

final goodnight kiss. She'd have to see his place another time.

But as they pulled into a parking space, Mark shut off the engine.

"Here we are," he announced. She quickly glanced at her watch. Two a.m.

Had they really been together for five hours already?

"Want to come in?" he asked, softly.

"It's late. What about your brother and the baby? What about my waning


"I don't want to wake anyone."

"We'll be quiet," he whispered. "They won't even know we're here."

* * *

Madeline followed Mark's lead into a ceramic tiled foyer. In the dim

light, the villa was quiet and still. She stepped gingerly as he held her hand

behind him, bringing her into a large kitchen. Madeline felt the swirling air

from a ceiling fan gently play with her slightly disheveled hair. She

watched as Mark opened a door and peered inside. "John's out cold," he


He then led her into the den, a huge room with a light oak

entertainment center on one wall and beautiful white leather sofas on the

other. Most striking to Madeline, though, were the many decorative

picture frames adorning the room. From them, smiling faces of family and

friends put the finishing touches on an already warm and cozy


Still holding Madeline's hand, Mark carefully opened another door,

revealing a small figure in the semi-darkness. The young girl was fast

asleep in her bed, her long brown hair falling to one side. She looked so

quiet and peaceful, completely oblivious to their presence. "That's my

daughter, Lindsey," he whispered.

Madeline smiled as he closed the door. Arm in arm they walked out

to the screened-in patio. She closed her eyes, enjoying the cool breeze

against her cheeks as Mark slid the glass panel back into place. He turned

and caught sight of her smooth, shapely legs. She stood with her back to

him, unaware of his appreciative gaze as she surveyed the golf course and

palm trees. He imagined running his hands over her soft curves, feeling

every inch of her sweet-smelling flesh, placing kisses upon her thigh and

ultimately exploring the area that defined her womanhood, first with his

fingers and then finally-

"It's such a beautiful night, isn't it?" she commented, interrupting his


"Yes, it is," he agreed, slipping his arm around her waist as he joined

her in star-gazing. Puffy clouds adorned the tropical sky and the full moon

shone on the lake in the distance. Madeline still marveled at the lightness

of the Florida sky at night. Back home, the darkness had an almost

oppressive quality. But here, as day turned into night, an aura of romance

and tranquility settled in.

"Let's sit down," he whispered, leading her to a wrought-iron chaise

lounge. He sprawled out on the floral cushion first, and then reached for

her, pulling her down to rest on top of him. As he wrapped her in his

arms, she longed to stay in his embrace forever. Suddenly, she wished they

were alone.

Madeline smiled as the warm water surrounded her, enveloping her in the rise and

fall of its gentle tide. Adrift on the ocean, she looked up at the cloudless sky, feeling the

rush of wind through her long hair as the sun's rays painted blush on her cheeks. Her

body, firm and beautiful in a hot pink bikini, felt nearly weightless as it mingled with

the waves. She closed her eyes and inhaled the salty sea air. Drifting, floating,

dreaming-A sudden movement startled her. Mark shifted on the lounge chair,

lying on his side so that his face and body were closely aligned with hers.

He put his arm around her waist and pulled her snugly against him. Her

body trembled as the excitement of his manhood grazed against her thigh.

"Hi," he whispered seductively.

"Hey," she responded softly, smiling back at him. "What time is it?"

she then asked in a sleepy voice.

"I don't know. It must be pretty late….or early, depending upon how

you look at it." He proceeded to run his hands over her curves, tracing the

length of her body from the nape of her neck to the back of her thighs. It

was sweet torture for him, knowing that his desire for her would not be

satisfied tonight, yet he had to touch her.

"I should be going. It's probably four a.m. by now. We must've both

fallen asleep and lost track of time." She moved to get up but his powerful

arms held her in place.

"Please don't go yet, Madeline." His breath was warm against her

skin. He softly kissed her eyelids, her cheeks and her neck before seeking

out her soft lips again. She ran her fingers through his hair and massaged

his neck and shoulders, feeling the rising passion mounting within her


"You excite me, you know that?" His voice was deep and husky.

"You excite me, too," she admitted.

His strong hands continued to caress her back and she wondered

where she would find the strength to leave. Their tongues met again in a

sensual dance. Hands that seemed to have a will of their own lifted his

shirt. This time, they did not belong to Mark. He willingly complied,

lowering his head as Madeline pulled the garment from his body. Heat

emanated from his skin as she touched his chest. She was situated on top

of him, her silky auburn hair spilling over her shoulders.

He ran his fingers through the length of it, unable to get enough of

her. In the moonlight, her pale skin took on an iridescent glow. As she

leaned over him, her sundress opened slightly, tempting him with the

curve of her breasts, which were still bound by black lace. Mark struggled

for control but was quickly losing the battle. He began to undo the

buttons of her dress, slipping it off her shoulders so that it pooled around

her waist. Madeline did not resist when she felt the black bra fall away,

though she was still self-conscious about her body. And when his warm

hands reached up to caress her and she closed her eyes, losing herself in

his touch.

Then suddenly, as if jolted into wakefulness by a blaring alarm clock

in the middle of an exquisite dream, she abruptly sat up. Reaching for her

bra, she began to dress herself as her composure returned.

"What's wrong?" Mark asked, still holding her firmly to him by the


"Nothing…well, yes, something is wrong. Everything you are doing

to me feels so right, but it's just too soon. And we both know if I stay any

longer, neither one of us will be able to stop before it's too late. Besides,

your kids are in the next room, for crying out loud! I'd be completely

mortified if they were to walk in on us. Or, worse, if I were still here in

the morning when they wake up. I'm sorry, I-"

"It's ok, Maddy. I understand," he replied, helping her to her feet.

He had to admit it would create an awkward situation if Brian and

Lindsey saw her there, especially since his break-up with Gina was still so

recent. Even though their mother had no inhibitions about parading her

contingent of suitors in front of them, he was determined to have a little

more regard for their feelings. Besides, it was not his style to date more

than one woman at a time. Though he'd been married at a very young age

and could choose to "play the field" as so many of his friends advised, he

had no interest in casual flings. And from what he now knew and sensed

about Madeline, neither did she. He'd have to tread lightly.

Mark led her back through the villa to the parking lot. They

wordlessly walked into the early dawn, each lost in their own thoughts.

Madeline turned to face him before getting into the car.

"Thank you for a wonderful evening," she said with a smile as she

looked up at him. Then she placed a light kiss on his lips and opened the

driver's side door. She was about to get in when his hand on her shoulder

prevented her from doing so.

"Wait a minute."

She looked at him quizzically.

"When are you going to invite me to your show?"

"You really want to go?" For some reason, his interest surprised her.

"Of course I do….if you want me there."

"Ok, I-I'd love for you to see it. We've all worked so hard. But are

you positive you want to sit through two hours of Broadway show tunes

and dance traditions? You seem like more of a rock n' roll kind of guy to


"Hey, I've seen you move on the dance floor, now I want to watch

you on stage. And believe it or not, I like show tunes, especially if you're

the one singing them," he responded.

"You are full of surprises, Mark Donnelly," she said, feeling the

butterflies in her stomach at the thought of seeing his handsome face in

the audience. "But it makes me happy that you want to come. I'll drop off

a ticket to your office on Monday-or rather, tomorrow," she promised,

realizing that it was now early Sunday morning.

"Great," he said, pulling her into a tight hug. "You OK finding your

way out of here?"

"I think I can manage."

He kissed her lips firmly and quickly. "Be careful driving."

"I will."

As he watched this strange and beautiful new woman drive away, he

wondered what he's just gotten himself into.

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