* * *

When they finally arrived at the pier, Madeline was grateful for the

opportunity to get out and walk, hoping a stroll in the night air would

help her regain her composure. Mark pulled out two dollars and paid the

clerk at the pier entrance. Taking her by the hand, he led her through the

gate. The pier loomed ahead, stretching out expansively into the ocean. A

gleaming full moon above touched the water with its brilliance while the

stars above winked at determined fishermen positioned along the railway.

Mark and Madeline paused to take in a view of the coastline upon

reaching the end. In the distance, the high rises along the beach spread


out magically, as though a backdrop for an enchanted storybook land.

"I love it out here," she explained. "When I first moved down I used

to come here two to three times a week after work. But since I moved a

little further west it hasn't been as convenient. I need to make the time,

though, because I forget about everything when I'm out here. I suppose I

should thank Ken in way. If it weren't for him, I might never have moved

to such a magnificent state. Maybe that was his real purpose in my life."

Having decided to drop the pretenses, Maddy had come clean with

him about her real motivation for moving somewhere between Palmetto

Park Road and Hillsboro Boulevard during the short ride over.

"Whatever the reason, I am glad you are here," Mark whispered

hoarsely, pulling her close to him. His spicy cologne mingled with the

salty sea air. As he drew her into another passionate kiss, she ran her

fingers through his hair and stood up on her toes to reach him. The kiss

would have gone on indefinitely if not for the shouts of approaching

teenagers; the vibrations caused by their running shoes hitting the boards

created a striking contrast to the romantic interlude.

"I guess we should be moving along," Mark said, still holding his

arms around her.

"I guess so," she agreed, wishing the night would never end.

They were halfway to the beach when Mark sat down on an empty

bench, situating Madeline on his lap as he did so. Once settled, his lips

sought hers demandingly, while his hands kneaded her back, moving from

her waist to her shoulders. Fastening her arms around his neck, she tried

to lose herself in the moment. Yet inner turmoil prevented her from fully

dissolving. Can someone like me handle a man ten years older than me with infinitely

more life experience? Will he have the patience to take things slowly?After all, it hadn't been that long since Ken had broken her heart. And

as much as she loved Florida, moving so far from family had been a big

adjustment. True, she'd made friends along the way, but she wasn't quite

ready to risk another heart-break. As if jolted back to reality, she abruptly

released her mouth from his. He looked up at her questioningly.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing," she whispered. "Could you just hold me for a minute?"

"Sure," he complied, wrapping his arms around her. She rested her

head against his chest, relishing the warmth of his body as he kissed her


"You're a very warm person, aren't you?" he whispered, burying his

head in her hair.

"I suppose I am," she agreed, raising her head to look up at him.

"You seem to be the same way."

He gazed into the depths of her brown eyes, noticing that she seemed

completely unaware of their bewitching allure. Why was he so completely taken

with this new woman so soon? And how was it she was able to make him

forget all about Gina and her possible whereabouts for the first time since

their break-up? All he wanted to do at this very moment was act upon the

burning impulses he felt for Madeline-to sweep her away and show her

how truly desirable she was. Instead, he answered her statement with a

powerful, wet kiss that left them both nearly breathless until she suddenly

broke away again.

Moving to the rail, she closed her eyes, savoring the rush of wind

through her hair.

"Did I do something wrong?" She felt his hot breath on her neck and

turned to face him again.

"No, Mark. Of course not," she whispered. Actually the problem is that

everything you are doing to me feels too good. "It's just that…well, I-I was hoping

I wouldn't have to deal with this so soon, but the way things are heating

up here, I don't think I have a choice."

"What is it?" he asked, as he smoothed her hair with his hands. He

couldn't imagine what could possibly be so terrible that she felt compelled

to interrupt such a pleasant activity. Knowing instinctively that Madeline

wasn't the typical self-absorbed "Boca babe," he was truly puzzled.

Besides, he'd seen and heard it all in his fifteen years of living here; there

was nothing a sweet, girl-next-door-type like her could confess that would

shock him, though he was duly impressed by the passion she'd

demonstrated this evening.

"Mark, I've never really been with a man in the Biblical sense. I know

it sounds far-fetched, given that I am twenty-eight years-old, but it's true.

As much as I loved Ken dearly, I wanted to wait-hopefully until the day

we got married. And he was really good about it, although I felt like it was

asking too much of him, even though, damn it, I just plain wanted to-

wanted to satisfy my own curiosity. But I could never let it happen. Soon

after, he disappeared from my life and I felt that somehow I was being

punished even though I'd done the right thing."

As she spoke, she held her head against his chest, staring out at the

beach, yet not really focusing her vision on anything. Baring her soul to a

man she'd only known a week was a thousand times more intimate than

anything they'd done thus far; it seemed safer not to make eye contact.

She was painfully embarrassed by her naiveté, but it was too late to turn

back now. And when Mark just continued to silently hold her, she


"As you know, I also had the Catholic upbringing, close family, all of

that thank God. My parents are wonderful, fun-loving people, but they do

have very high moral standards. From the time I was old enough to

understand, I was told that sex was something reserved for marriage. Of

course, that was all I was told. Any other information came either from

my school friends or soap operas. I felt so guilty when Ken and I would

get into these very intimate situations.

"But at least it was a long-term relationship; one I thought would lead

to marriage, and our eventual union in every sense of the word. Anyway,

unfairly or not, my Mom was not a big fan of his in the beginning, which

almost ended things before they even got started. And then we moved

beyond that and into what I thought was a lifetime relationship. To this

day, she has no idea I moved here to be with him. Guess it doesn't matter


"So she assumes you're still a-"

"I guess so," Madeline finished the thought for him. "We never talk

about it. Sort of an unspoken understanding we have. I know that when

compared to most people my age, I'm a late-bloomer. And Ken has hurt

me so badly it may take me a while to trust someone enough to ever give

myself away like that at all. Are you disappointed?"

Mark, who'd listened intently, wrapped her up in his arms as a

quickening wind began to envelop them. She was so vulnerable, so

beautiful, it almost broke his heart. While he wanted her so badly he

couldn't see straight, he also felt an uncontrollable desire to protect her;

she possessed an angelic quality that melted his heart. He only hoped he

could live up to her expectations.

"If you are asking to move slowly, that's fine with me. I mean, don't

get me wrong, I'd like nothing better than to go back to your place and

make wild, passionate love to you all night. But I understand where you're

coming from. I've been celibate for a long time myself….not as long as

you, though!" he added. They both laughed.

"So, you're willing to give this a try? I won't make you wait forever; I

just need a little time."

"It's ok," he assured her, hoping he'd be able to fulfill his promise.

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