"To find a vampire, you have to think like a vampire," Alexander said, grabbing his backpack. "I won't be gone more than an hour." He gave me a quick kiss.

"Gone?" I asked, following him toward his bedroom door.

"You'll have to stay here. I'm going to sacred ground."

"I'm going with you. If Jagger thinks I'm a vampire, then I'll be safe," I argued.

"And if he doesn't?"

"Then I have this." I pulled out my container of garlic powder from my purse.

Alexander quickly retreated. "It's tightly sealed," I said, referring to the time it spilled out in my purse, causing Alexander to have an allergic reaction and forcing me to inject him with an antidote. "I'll wait outside," I pleaded.

Alexander paused. He wiped his flopping rock-star hair away from his gorgeous face and slung his backpack on his shoulder. He glanced at the door, then back at me. Finally he held his pale hand out. While it was hard enough to be separated during the daylight, it was unbearable during the moonlight. As Alexander and I walked down the windy streets and toward the cemetery, I realized it was a dream come true--to be walking with one vampire and searching for another.

I'd never seen anyone in the moonlight as handsome as Alexander, vampire or not. His pale face seemed to glow, and his smile seemed to illuminate what the moon and the stars couldn't.

"Where are we going?" I finally asked.

"Your favorite place."


"My favorite place is here--by your side."

"Mine too," he said, squeezing my hand.

"Will Jagger know I'm still mortal?"

"It's not written on your forehead, is it?" he teased.

As he led me to an unknown destination, he walked with an air of confidence and determination I hadn't seen before.

We arrived at the entrance to Dullsville's cemetery.

"Remember when Old Jim took our tickets at the carnival, he accused you of sleeping at the cemetery?" he asked.

"But I wasn't," I defended. "I haven't done that in months!"

"I know. So if it's not you, then who do you think it is?" he asked. I answered like an eager student. "Jagger."

"Trevor is safe for the night--but we're not." Then he paused. "You better stay outside the cemetery," he warned, changing his mind about our plan. "It's sacred ground and you would be in danger."

"You mean you bring me to the scene of the crime and don't let me dust for fingerprints? Or at least leave any?"

"You'll be safe only if you remain on the outside." He tenderly brushed my hair away from my face.

As Alexander climbed over the gate, I reluctantly stayed behind. I anxiously dug my boot into the wet grass, feeling as if I were being left out of the adventure of a lifetime. What could I accomplish by staying behind? Alexander and I could cover more terrain if there were two of us searching the graveyard. Besides, if Jagger still thought I was a vampire, it would be more natural for me to be standing inside a cemetery than outside one.

I could barely see Alexander's shrinking silhouette in the distance. Then I quickly climbed the gate and jogged after him.

I ran among the tombstones, as quiet as a wandering ghost following Alexander's shadowy figure.

As I approached him, I realized the figure I was running to was a monument.

I didn't see Alexander anywhere.

"Alexander?" I called.

I wondered where he could have disappeared to so quickly. He must have turned behind the caretaker's shed.

I raced around to the back of the shed, but all I saw was an abandoned shovel.

"Alexander?" I called again. I continued to walk in the direction of the baroness's monument. Maybe Alexander was paying his respects to his grandmother as he searched the graveyard. When I approached the monument, however, the only thing visiting the stone memorial was a curious squirrel.

I walked on. Underneath a weeping willow tree, I saw a newly dug grave. I carefully walked toward it when I noticed a familiar pattern of dirt. Gravediggers make piles, not circles. I tiptoed closer. Jagger's stickered coffin could be lying inside, Jagger himself sitting on top, waiting for a mortal to be lured into his trap. I took a deep breath and peered down.

The grave was empty. No stickered coffin. No fang-toothed teen of darkness.

Where was Jagger? And more important, where was Alexander? I was standing in the middle of three acres of sacred ground. I'd picnicked alone a million times at Dullsville's cemetery, feeling as comfortable as if it were my own home. Tonight, though, I realized I'd perhaps made the biggest mistake of my life. Alexander had been right when he told me to stay outside the cemetery's gates. If Jagger was lurking in the shadows, he could easily sink his fangs into me before my true love had a chance to realize I was no longer standing by the graveyard's entrance.

My heart began to throb. My blood pressure soared.

I did have some mace, but I wasn't sure it would work against teen vampires.

I stuck my hand in my purse and clutched the container of garlic powder in my sweaty fingers and tiptoed through the tombstones.

"Alexander?" I whispered.

The howling wind was the only audible sound.

I turned around and could barely see the entrance to the cemetery. If I ran at top speed, I could reach the safety of the gate, though I wasn't sure I could outrun a flying vampire bat. There was no other choice.

I took a deep breath, but as I took my first step, a strong hand bore down on my shoulder.

"Let go!" I cried.

I turned around to pry it off with one hand and aim the garlic container with the other.

"Don't!" a voice shouted.

I froze.

"What are you doing here?" Alexander asked sternly. "I told you to wait by the entrance."

"But I found something--an empty grave encircled with dirt."

"I did too," he said. "And I discovered something else."

I followed Alexander toward the back of the cemetery to a lone, dead sycamore. A brown package was sitting at the foot of the tree. Alexander picked up the package and held it in front of me. In crooked handwriting was marked: Jagger Maxwell.

The upper-left-hand corner was stamped: COFFIN CLUB.

It was the nocturnal gothic club where I'd first encountered Jagger.

The box had been ripped open, as if severed with razor-sharp teeth. Alexander pulled back the flaps and showed me the contents. It was a vampire's treasure chest: a box full of crystal, pewter, and silver amulets, filled with the sweet red nectar vampires crave. Fresh off the necks of the Coffin Club clubsters, who I'd seen wearing their blood as innocent charms, these vials now in turn were serving as a teen vampire's nourishment.

"Without a Coffin Club to hide in," Alexander explained, "Jagger could be chased out of town quickly. He couldn't make his presence known. This was his only means of survival."

Alexander eyed the amulets like a child eyeing a gumball machine. Instead of returning the box underneath the tree, he stuck it in his backpack.

"Should we wait here until he comes back?"

Alexander grabbed my hand. "He's not coming back."

"How do you know?"

"There is only one empty grave. He needs two now."

As we quickly walked through the cemetery, I imagined Jagger sitting underneath the dead tree, secluded in the back of the cemetery, waiting for Luna to arrive from Romania. He would be tipping back several amulets, like the tiny bottles of liquor anxious travelers sip on airplanes, while he plotted her visit and their next location.

"Shouldn't we continue searching for Luna?" I asked Alexander as we approached my house on our way back from Dullsville's cemetery. I wasn't ready for my vampire hunting to end.

But instead of walking hand in hand with Alexander, his hands were buried in his pockets. He seemed unusually cold and distant.

"I think your cemetery searching days are over," he said sternly.

"You're mad at me for not listening?" I asked, sincerely concerned. Alexander stopped and turned to me. "You put yourself in grave danger. I only want you to be safe."

"But if Jagger thinks I am a vampire, I was safer in the cemetery," I said, attempting to cozy up to him.

"You may be right. But..." He folded his arms, leaned against a parked SUV, and looked toward the moon.

It was one thing to push my parents over the edge with my princess of darkness wardrobe, or to stay out past curfew, or even to boss Becky into climbing over the Mansion's gate or to convince her to sneak into movies, but I'd never felt as rotten as I now did, disappointing the one person who meant the most to me.

"I should have listened," I admitted.

He put his hands back in his oversized pockets and avoided eye contact.

"I want so badly to be a part of your world," I said, knitting my arms through his. "I want to taste the adventure alongside you."

Alexander softened and gently stroked my hair. "You are already a part of my world," he said with a smile that lit up his pale face. "You know that. I'm just asking you to be careful."

"I understand. I just don't want us to be apart--even for a moment. But I'll try harder."

Alexander grabbed my hand and we continued down the street, past houses, trees, and mailboxes.

"Okay now, I have to come up with a plan," he said.

"Plan? I'm all about plans! Where do we start?"

Alexander looked buried in thought and led me toward my house. "I still want to hang out," I whined. "Darkness is our only time together," I continued, staring up into his midnight eyes.

"I know, but---"

"And daylight seems like an eternity without you. I have to endure unbearably boring teachers, classmates who ostracize me, and two yuppie parents who don't get black lipstick."

"I feel the same," he revealed, stopping at the bottom of my driveway. "Except for me it's not daylight, but starlight and moonlight. During the long midnight hours, I hang out underneath your window and imagine what you're dreaming of. I used to thrive in the darkness; now I almost resent it."

Alexander and I walked up my driveway. Instead of taking the path that led to my front door, Alexander escorted me toward my backyard.

"Yay! We can't let Jagger spoil our night," I cheered.

"We do have to be careful," he warned. "But you're right. I'm not ready to say good-bye just yet," he confessed. "Not now, not ever."

Suddenly a motion detector light above the garage triggered, illuminating the driveway, Billy Boy's basketball hoop, Mom's SUV, and a mortal girl and her vampire boyfriend.

"No!" Alexander shouted. He quickly shielded his pale face and retreated into the shadows.

"Are you all right?" I called, squinting into the darkness.

Alexander didn't answer. I followed him into the grass, toward our east-side neighbor's fence.

It took a moment for my eyes to adjust, though I still couldn't see him. "Alexander, where are you? Are you hurt?" I heard a fluttering above the power lines behind me. I followed the sound, which continued back over the driveway in the opposite direction from where I had been standing. When I walked through my backyard, there was a rustling in the bushes by our west-side neighbor's fence. Alexander was standing in front of them.

"How did you get over here so fast?" I asked curiously, all the while knowing the answer. "That was cool. It's like dating a superhero."

Alexander dusted off his black jeans, unfazed by his unearthly abilities.

"Are you okay?" I asked. Before he could answer, I was in his arms.

"Now that you are with me," he said, caressing my hair.

"I forgot--"

"I didn't melt," he said. "I can handle softer light, like candles or lamps. But a burst of high-powered light repels me."

"I didn't even think--," I began when he pulled back and placed his frosty white index finger on my black lips.

"I'll be able to think better out here," he said, and stared up to the sky. "With you, underneath the stars. We don't have much time."

He led me over to the rickety wooden swing set Billy Boy and I had outgrown but my parents hadn't bothered to get rid of.

"It's been an eternity since I've hung out here," I told him. I could feel my pale face flush, exhilarated that I was finally able to share a place I'd spent in childhood isolation. "I used to bury my Barbies over there," I said, pointing to a mound of soil underneath an oak tree.

We each sat on a faded yellow plastic swing. I began swinging, but Alexander remained still. He picked up twigs and threw them into the bushes, as if he were tossing Jagger out of Dullsville...

I skidded my combat boots into the weathered patches of grass.

"What's wrong?" I asked, now standing before him...,

Alexander pulled me close. "It's hard for me to relax, knowing Jagger and Luna are still plotting revenge."

"Well, let's think like them. If he isn't in a cemetery and we don't have a Coffin Club in Dullsville, where could they be?"

"I know we are both vampires, but our instincts are different. He sees the world in black and red--blood red. I see the world in all different colors."

I grabbed his icy hand and fingered his spider ring.

"Just because you and Jagger are vampires doesn't mean you are the same. Look at Trevor and me. We're human, but total opposites," I reassured him.

Alexander broke into a smile. "I just want to be spending the darkness with you; instead I'm thinking of him''

"That's my fault," I insisted. "I wish I hadn't gone to the Coffin Club. Then we'd never be in this mess. I led Jagger right to you, and Luna straight to Trevor."

"You had nothing to do with this. If I'd said yes to Luna at the covenant ceremony in Romania, none of this would have happened."

"Then we wouldn't be together. And that is the most important thing."

"You're right," he said, and pulled me onto his lap. "But now we have a couple of vampires to catch." We gently swung back and forth on the swing. The stars shone in the night sky. The sweet smell of Drakar filled the air. The crickets seemed to be singing for us.

Just then my bedroom light switched on.

"Who's in my room?" I snarled.

Billy Boy jumped in front of the window, with his back toward us, hugging himself. From our vantage point, he appeared as if he were making out with a girl.

Alexander laughed at my little brother's antics.

"Get out of my room!" I yelled.

Billy Boy held Nightmare in his hands and waved her paw at me.

"Let her go! You'll give her fleas!" I shouted.

"He just wants your attention," Alexander said, dragging his boots into the dirt and holding one arm around me like a safety belt. "It's cute. He adores you."

"Adores me?"

"He has the coolest sister ever."

I turned to Alexander and gave him a long kiss. I'd spent my whole life as an outsider. Even though Alexander and I had been dating for a few months, it was still hard to get used to the fact that anyone would think I was normal, much less cool.

"It's getting late," he said. He grabbed my hand and began walking me to the front door. "You get your rest while I figure out where Jagger is."

"The night has just begun," I argued.

"Not for someone who has classes at eight in the morning." "They always go on without me," I said with a shrug.

Alexander smiled at my tireless efforts but then turned serious. "Jagger's somewhere out here," he began, "hidden in a dark, secluded area or building big enough for two coffins," he said. When we reached the front doorstep, he went on, "You understand, I'll have to search for them alone."

"Just because I jumped the fence tonight?"

"I can't risk putting you in danger again."

"But I can't spend the days and nights without you! And you need me--it's like Batman without Robin. I know all the creepy places to hide in this town."

"Well...you're right, but not quite--"

"Why not?"

"It's more like Gomez without Morticia," he said with a wink.

I leaned in to him and gave him a huge squeeze.

"We'll meet at sunset," he said, resigned. "And you can take me to one of those creepy places you are so fond of."

He gave me a lingering kiss, the kind that made my knees weak and my heart flutter like a hovering bat.

I unlocked the front door. "Till sunset," I said in a romantic daze and slowly turned to him.

Alexander had already vanished, just like any great vampire would. I was sitting on my black beanbag chair recording the evening's events in my journal. I was too preoccupied with thoughts of Luna and Jagger to sleep. I imagined the two of them flying through Dullsville's night sky together, looking down on Dullsvillians who would look like tiny nobodies as they got stuck in traffic, played golf, and dined in outdoor restaurants. I imagined the twins hiding in a basement-turned-dungeon, Jagger with pet tarantulas, and Luna dolled up in dresses made out of spiderwebs.

A scratching sound began outside my window. Nightmare jumped up on my computer desk and hissed at the darkness.

I raced to my window. "Alexander?" I called softly.

There were no signs of anything living or undead outside.

I closed the curtains and held an anxious Nightmare in my arms. There could have been a number of vampires lurking outside my window under the night sky. I just didn't know which one. I pondered placing a garlic clove on the windowsill, but I might repel the very vampire I wanted to attract.

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