Looking at me with a frustrated look, he whispered, “Count.”

“Fine! One, two, three . . . show!”

I had rock and Tristan had scissors. I started jumping and yelling out, “I won! I won! Woohoo I won!”

Tristan glared at me. “Really, Ryn? What are you, five?”

My mouth gaped open and I couldn’t help but smile at the pathetic face he was making. “Oh. My. Gosh. You sore loser you. I didn’t say that when you were all fist pumping your freaking paper win.”

Dropping back into the seat, Tristan crossed his arms and pouted. Oh dear lord. If that wasn’t the sexiest thing I’d ever seen. This man . . . the one who has a room filled with sex toys . . . is pouting because he lost at rock, paper, scissors. I was so going to swallow tonight when I gave him a blowjob.

“Okay, since I won, I get to pick.” Handing him my letter, he looked up at me and smiled the most beautiful smile I’d ever seen on his face. It took my breath away.


Nodding my head, I spoke above a whisper, “Yes. I want you to read it.”

Sitting, I tucked my legs into my body and rested my chin on my knees as I watched Tristan read my letter. Tears began to form in his eyes as he continued to read. Once he finished reading, he slowly looked up at me.

Standing, he pulled a folded piece of paper from his back pocket and handed it to me. He sat back down as I unfolded the paper, never once taking my eyes off of him.


Looking down, I sucked in a breath of air as read the first line.

My dearest Kathryn,

I promise to always be your strength.

I promise to hold you in my arms when you are sad, angry, and happy, but most of all, when you are scared.

I promise to kiss you at least ten times a day.

I promise to be the best husband and father I can be.

I promise to make mistakes. With every mistake comes greater knowledge.

I promise to never hurt you. Ever.

I promise you that I will protect you with every fiber of my being.

I promise to love you . . . only you . . . forever.

I promise all these things because you are my entire world. My everything I’ve ever dreamed of and feared. My love for you once scared me, now it is the driving force behind wanting to make every single one of your dreams come true. Which leads me to my last promise.

I promise to make all your dreams come true.

Forever and always yours,


I WAS PRETTY SURE I was about to pass out. My heart had stopped beating the moment I handed Ryn my letter. I wasn’t any good at this kind of stuff. I knew what I wanted to say to her, I just couldn’t get it out.

Finally she looked up at me. Tears were streaming down her face.

Shit. Is that good? Maybe it’s bad? Her letter had been amazing and brought me to tears. What if mine sucked so bad . . . it forced her to cry?

The next thing I knew, Ryn was up and in my arms. “I love you. I’ve never in my life loved anyone like I love you.”

Wrapping my arms around her, I smiled into her hair. “And you never will.”

“Tristan, make love to me. Please.”

Lifting her up, I carried her back into the house. I had brought all our bags to the master bedroom downstairs since I had invited a few of our friends to join us this weekend.

Setting her on the bed, I stood up and slowly got undressed while Ryn watched my every move. Moving over her body, I gently kissed her lips, pulling her lower lip between my teeth and giving it a gentle pull. Ryn whimpered with need underneath me.

Slowly lifting her up, I pulled her shirt over her head and tossed it onto the floor. Reaching behind her, I unclasped her bra and slowly pulled it off of her.

“Lay back, Ryn.”

Falling back onto the pillow, Ryn began squirming. Reaching my hands for her shorts, I unsnapped the button and slowly began pulling the zipper down.

Closing her eyes tightly as she lifted her hips. In one fast movement, I had her shorts and panties off. She lay gloriously naked on the bed.

“So damn beautiful,” I whispered as I crawled over her. Kissing her lips gently, I moved my lips down to her neck. Placing soft kissing along her collarbone, I moved down her chest. Each nipple was placed in my mouth as my tongue rolled over it before my teeth gently bit down. Arching her back, Ryn let out a whimper, “Ahh . . . Tristan . . . please!”

Using my tongue, I trailed a path to her navel. Dipping my tongue in, Ryn begged me for more.

Kissing the inside of her leg, I pushed her legs open. “Jesus, Ryn. You’re perfect everywhere, baby.”

Gripping the sheets, Ryn’s hips jerked up as my tongue made a slow swipe up her lips to her clit.