“I love you too, Tristan. I’ll love you no matter what.”

Taking her hand and turning on my heels, I walked her out of the bathroom, through my bedroom and to the room across the hall. Taking my keys out of my pocket, I unlocked the door and pushed it open. I watched Ryn’s face as she took a step inside the playroom.

Her eyes widened in surprise as they wandered around the room.

She was speechless. I wasn’t sure if that was a good sign or not. Ryn walked into the room more as she looked around. She moved ultra-slow as her eyes took it all in.

Finally, she turned to me. The slack expression in her eyes had my heart pounding against my chest.

“Ryn, talk to me.”

I KNEW TRISTAN WAS NERVOUS about something regarding his condo, but when he opened the door and I walked into the room, never did I imagine I’d be walking into a sex room.

My eyes wandered all over the room. The first thing I noticed was the king-size iron four-post bed sitting in front of a floor-to-ceiling mirror. There were handcuffs attached to each side and I thought back to the night in the shop when Tristan had cuffed my hands and feet. Looking at the bottom of the bed, there were more cuffs. Moving my eyes to the right, there was an array of different items hung up. I recognized the flogger immediately. There were different floggers, about six in all. The riding whip caught my attention next, along with the blue velvet eye mask.

Oh. My. God.

Moving along, I noticed a chair that looked like a chaise lounge. Hmm . . . that looked to be fun. A beanbag-like chair like what was in the media room was next to the chaise-looking chair. Sucking in a breath of air at the next chair, I bit down on my lip. It looked to be made of plastic and had places for a person to put their feet. I’d be safe to guess it was for when you were riding someone.



Looking back, on the other side of the bed there was a chest of drawers, this one was bigger than the one Tristan had in the bedroom at his shop. My mind was racing with what could be in there. Turning more, I noticed a sex swing hanging from the ceiling. That could be fun.

Placing my hand on my stomach, I felt sick as a thought occurred to me. How many woman had Tristan brought into this room and fucked? My mind raced as I tried to accept the fact that he had been with a number of women before me.

One more turn and my heart stopped. Attached to the wall was a giant wooden St. Andrew Cross with cuffs attached at each end. Next to the cross was a plain wood table. I didn’t even want think what that was used for.

How long had Tristan been into this? Why was he into this? How much was he into this?

A million questions flooded my mind at once as I turned and looked into Tristan’s eyes. The only way for me to get the answers was to talk to him.

I couldn’t move though. I was almost afraid to find out the answers to the questions. I hadn’t ever really played with sex toys before. The most I’d ever done was that night with Tristan and playing with my own vibrator.

Tristan sucked in a shaky breath. Fear was laced in his eyes and a shiver moved across the back of my neck.

“Ryn, talk to me.”

Closing my eyes, I attempted to push away the confusing thoughts I had. “How much are you into this? Do you do all the . . . hardcore stuff?”

Shaking his head, he said, “No. I’m not into all that. I don’t do role playing, I’m not into the dominant and submissive thing, although I do like to be in control sometimes.”

Looking around again, I quickly turned back to Tristan. “What are you into?”

“Fucking. Fucking hard and fast. Sometimes being a little . . . rough, and then the need for a safe word would be needed.”

Safe word.

“How long have you been doing this?”

Swallowing hard, he said, “Since I was twenty-three.”

“Oh. How did you come upon it?”

Looking away from me for a brief second, I knew he was conflicted in telling me, but I wanted to know. “My college buddy, Nick, and I were out one night. Midnight Rodeo.”

“The club we ran into each other at?”

Shaking his head he mumbled, “Yes.”

“We met two older women there. They came on to us, asked us back to their place and we went. I spent most of the evening in her playroom while she introduced me to a world that intrigued me. I’ve never gotten into the heavy stuff, but I like sex, Ryn. I enjoy fucking. One half of the club, the side you were on and I got pissed and made you leave, it is filled with mostly BDSM folks. It’s basically a pick-up spot.”

Placing my hands to my mouth, I asked, “Is that why you were there that night? You were looking for someone to bring back here?”