I had never been to this restaurant, but Lark had brought Azurdee. Walking into it, I was not disappointed.

“Oh, it’s breathtaking. So romantic,” Ryn whispered as we walked in. Glancing around the restaurant, all of the tables had white linens on them; the chairs were covered in velvet fabric and there were so many glittery lights everywhere it felt like I was about to go into a damn spasm.

The hostess gave us a warm smile as she said, “Follow me to your table. We have you set back in the corner, Mr. Williams, for a bit more privacy, per your request.”

Pulling the chair out for Ryn, she quickly gave me a seductive grin.

Our waiter approached as Ryn was about to sit. Stepping in front of me, he cut me off and began helping Ryn with her wrap. The way his hand lingered on her arm pissed me off.

Pushing her chair in, he gave her a smile. “May I start the beautiful lady out with a glass of our house red wine?”

Ryn gave the waiter a polite smile. “I’m going to stick with water for right now, but thank you.”

Finally pulling his eyes off of Ryn, the little fucker looked at me. He couldn’t have been more than twenty-one years old. Giving me a smirk he asked, “Sir, a drink?”


“Do you have Nolet’s Gin?” I asked.

“Yes, sir we do.”


“Gin and tonic. Heavy on the gin.”

Giving me a quick nod of his head he turned on his heels and headed to the bar.

Ryn started giggling as I snapped my head back to her. “That fucking bastard. He’s flirting with you.”

“Stop, Tristan, he’s not. He’s just a nice young man who is being kind.”

Sitting back in my chair, I glared over at him. “He knows what he is doing. He is trying to make a play for my girl. Probably doesn’t even know how to handle his peter.”


Shrugging my shoulders, I gave Ryn a wink. “Maybe we should hook him up with Sierra.”

Covering her mouth she shook her head as she laughed. “You are so bad. Leave poor Sierra be.”

“Have you talked to her since the whole thing with Dodge happened?” I asked as our prick waiter came back over and set our drinks down.

“Have you had a chance to look at this evening’s menu? May I start you out with a starter?”

Clearing my throat so he would look at me and not down at Ryn’s breasts, I began talking. “We’ll take an order of bacon-wrapped Sea Robin.”

“Excellent choice. The young lady will enjoy the succulent taste the fish leaves on her pallet.”

Dropping my mouth open as Ryn choked on her water, I shot the guy daggers. “Just go put the order in, dude.”

Ryn busted out laughing as soon as the waiter walked away.

“Holy shit! Can you believe that motherfucker?”

“Tristan, keep your voice down.”

“That little bastard is two seconds away from tasting my fist on his pallet.”

Chuckling again, Ryn reached across the table and took my hand. “Stop. You know I only have eyes for you. And as far as Sierra goes, no. She sent me a text and said she had been working a lot of overtime and would call when she could.”

Frowning, I glanced at the menu.

Returning back with our starter the little bastard turned and looked at Ryn. Again. “Are we ready to order?”

Ryn’s eyes snapped over to mine. “Tristan, will you order for us?”

Smiling, I looked at the little fucker. “We’ll both have the aged filet mignon, medium well. Roasted potatoes for the sides.”

Writing it down, he gave me a polite nod, asked if we need anything else and headed to the kitchen.

Ryn and I mostly talked about the move back down to the ranch. I was headed down before Ryn. She needed to stay back for a bit to take care of her business and get her place packed up and rented out.

“I’m thinking I only want to bring a few pieces of furniture with me. Mostly everything I bought when I first bought my place is junk.”

“Baby, we can bring anything down you want.”

Giving me a sexy ass grin, Ryn leaned across the table. “I’m thinking this is a new chapter to our lives. One we are starting together. I want everything to be about us. I think picking out our furniture together will kind of be fun.”

Rolling my eyes, I laughed. “Somehow your idea of fun and mine are way different.”

Laughing, Ryn looked up at the waiter. Setting the dessert we ordered in the middle of the table, he turned and walked off.

“Huh. Dickhead must have found someone better to flirt with.”