Walking into the room, the motion lights in the room turned on. Nothing had been touched since the last time I walked in this room. Turning, I watched as Ryn took in the room. Walking over to the small chest that was on the left side of the king-size bed, Ryn ran her hand over the ornate design. “What’s in here?”

My heart was racing and I’d never in my life been so terrified. What would Ryn think when she opened the drawers and saw the sex toys? Would she change her mind about us? Closing my eyes and saying a silent prayer, I opened them and whispered, “Only one way to find out.”

Ryn’s fingers ran up and down the three-drawer chest. Stopping on the second drawer down, she slowly began to open it. I held my breath as she opened the drawer. I couldn’t pull my eyes away from her face.

Glancing back at me, Ryn lifted her mouth into a smile. Looking back into the drawer, Ryn reached in and took out the flogger. Ryn ran the leather tails across her other hand.

“What is this?”

Not being able to move, I barely said, “A flogger.”

Her eyes lit up. “Sex toys?”

Slowly nodding my head, I managed to speak. “Yes.”

Narrowing her eyes at me and chewing on her lower lip she asked, “Is this something new you are into or—”

I swallowed hard. “No. I wanted to share this side of me with you, but I wasn’t sure how you would feel about it.”

Smiling bigger she said, “This explains why you’re so good in bed with . . . other things.”


I couldn’t help but smile. If she only knew the different ways I could make her feel good.

“Can we use this . . . on me . . . now?”

My heart dropped to my stomach and something new washed over my body. The fact that Ryn wanted to even entertain the idea of using the flogger filled my body with hope and eased my tension a bit.

Damn, I love this girl.

The idea that my love for Ryn was growing faster had me a bit freaked out, but I wasn’t going to let it push her away from me. Giving her a smile I knew would have her panties off in less than thirty seconds, I began to walk over to her.

Placing my hand on the side of her face, I leaned over and sucked her lower lip into my mouth then bit down on it. Ryn let out a moan that went straight to my dick. Pulling back, I looked into her eyes. “Baby, I’d love to use that on you, but we would have to work you into it. There’s something else I want to do to you first though.”

Ryn’s eyes lit up with desire. Ever since I gave her the orgasm a few days ago in the closet, I’d been dying to bury my cock deep inside of her. My plan to take her that night failed when Ryn passed out in my arms from exhaustion. I didn’t have the heart to wake her up.

Licking her lips, the words barely made it out of her mouth. “What do you want to do to me?”

“The first time I laid eyes on you I fantasized about having your tits up against my Camaro while I fucked you from behind.”

“Oh. God,” Ryn whimpered out.

Running my thumb along her soft skin I asked, “Ryn, would you rather our first time be slower, I’m dying to make love to you as well. But my cock is so hard and all he wants is to fuck you hard and fast.”

Her chest began to heave up and down as she began panting. Placing her hands on my chest, Ryn looked into my eyes. “I’ll take sex against your car please.” My heart was beating crazy wild as I let Ryn’s words soak in.

Smiling, I moved my hands and had her undressed in no time. I stood back and looked at her beautiful body. “Fuck, Ryn. I’ve never seen a woman with such an amazing body.”

Ryn’s cheeks flushed as she stood there in a nervous stance. Lifting my shirt over my head, I threw it onto the floor and then unbuttoned my pants. I wanted Ryn’s mouth around my cock, but I knew I had to wait.

Unbuttoning my pants, I pushed them to the ground. Ryn let out a soft moan as she placed her hand over my hard dick. She quickly pushed my briefs down and grabbed my dick in her hand and began moving up and down my shaft, pulling out a low deep moan from my lips.

“I’ve missed you so damn much, Ryn.”

Smiling, she whispered, “I’ve missed you too.”

Not wanting to wait another minute, I reached down, picked her up and carried her back out into the shop and to my Camaro. I’d been dreaming of this moment since I first laid eyes on Ryn. Never mind the fact that I wanted her so bad my dick was throbbing, but having her on my baby.


MY HEART WAS PRACTICALLY BEATING out of my chest as Tristan carried me over to his Camaro. I wasn’t sure what I was more excited about. Finally being with Tristan again, Tristan taking me up against his classic car, or the fact that he had a chest full of sex toys.