

My heart stopped beating as I heard my mother’s voice on the other end of the phone. “Mom?”

“I would have called your cell phone, but I must have misplaced it. How have you been?”

“Um . . . I’ve been good. How have you and Dad been?”

“We’ve been good. So have you had your fill of Texas yet? Are you coming home?”

Dropping my purse on the table, I rolled my eyes. “No, Mom, I’m not going to be coming back to Florida. I told you this.”

“Kathryn, this has gotten old. Your father and I have been patient with you while you’ve gone off and found yourself. Now it’s time to come back home.”

Letting out a sigh, I leaned against the counter. Here was the overbearing mother I left Florida to get away from.

“Next week is Thanksgiving, book a flight and we’ll spend a few days looking for a place for you.”

Irritation flared within me as I listened to my mother try to run my life. Again. Not this time. Hell would freeze over before I ever let my mother run my life.


“Mom, I’m a grown woman and you can’t tell me how to live my life or where to live it. I’m happy here in Austin. My business is growing and . . .”

“Oh, Kathryn, you have such a bright future here. I’ve already made plans for a friend of mine to join us for Thanksgiving dinner. I think you would be interested in hearing what she does for a living. I think a new career is exactly what you need, darling. Oh, I almost forgot. Kathryn, guess who I ran into? Your old high school boyfriend, Ward. He asked about you, darling, and I told him you would probably be home for Thanksgiving.”

Oh. My. God. Was I hearing this right? My mother was insane.

“Mom, I need you to listen to me and listen closely. First, I’m not coming home for Thanksgiving. As a matter of fact, I have no intention of ever coming back to Florida. Second, I don’t give a rat’s ass about Ward, Mom. And third, when you learn to accept the fact that I am happy with my life and where I have chosen to live that life, and who I want to spend it with . . . then maybe we can talk. Until then, we have nothing else to say.”

“What has happened to you, Kathryn? Your father and I just want to see you. Is it so much to ask for you to come home and see your parents?”

Sucking in a breath of air, my mother went to talk again but I cut her off. “Mom, I’d love to have you and dad here. Think about coming and visiting me here in Austin. I have a meeting, Mom, I have to go. Tell Dad I said hi and I miss him.”

Hitting End, I tossed the phone on the counter and stood there for a few moments. Shaking my head, I decided to not let my mother get under my skin today.

Reaching in my purse for my cell phone, I pulled it out. Scanning my phonebook, I saw Sierra’s number. For one brief moment, I wanted to call her and see if she wanted to go to dinner and hit a club. I knew the only reason I wanted to see her was to find out about her and Tristan. Mainly Tristan.

Shaking my head, I kept scanning until I found Marie’s number. I’d met Marie at a conference in Chicago last year and we hit it off fabulously. A night out was just what I needed.

Heading to my closet, I pulled out my latest little black dress and looked it over. Smiling, I hit Marie’s name and began making plans to let loose for the evening.

PULLING UP TO THE FRONT of Midnight Rodeo, I quickly got out of my BMW and smiled at the valet driver. Tossing him my keys, he nodded his head. “Enjoy your evening, Mr. Williams.”

“I intend to,” I said with a wink and a smile. Making my way into the club, the bass moved through my body and instantly had my dick coming to life. Heading over to the bar, I motioned for Renee and she gave me a quick head pop. I came in this place enough for them to know what my usual was. Taking a quick look around while I waited for my beer, I spotted Michelle. Shaking my head, I smiled. That woman would never get tired of this scene. She was talking to a guy who couldn’t have been more than twenty-two years old. I gave him two minutes tops before he was following her out the door.

“Here ya go, Tristan! It’s been awhile,” Renee shouted over the music.

Nodding my head, I yelled back, “Been busy.”

Winking, she gave me a thumbs-up. “It’s on the house. Enjoy yourself and stay safe.”

“Thanks, Renee.”

Renee was a thirty-three year old single mother. Her five-year-old daughter was adorable. The only reason I’d ever met her was because I ended up with Renee one night when I couldn’t find anyone I wanted on the other side of the club. I sat at the bar and talked to her all night. Before I knew it, I was in her bed fucking the hell out of her. Renee’s ex decided to bring their daughter home early that morning before I ended up leaving.