I had gone to visit them four months back and spent a week with them. I had learned to quilt, castrate cows, shoot a 30 ot 6 with more of an accurate shot than Peter had ever seen, and gut a hog. The last one, gutting a hog, I wasn’t too thrilled about and threw up at least three times during the whole process. My heart was torn. If I was going to walk away and forget Tristan forever, that meant walking away from Joyce and Peter.

“Kathryn? Are you still there?”

Attempting to control my tears, I replied, “When should I come down?”

Joyce made a silly sound and yelled out, “Kathryn is coming for a visit!” Giggling, I shook my head. I had no idea who she had just told, but it made me smile. Joyce and Peter were the only people who called me Kathryn since the day I left Florida to move to Texas. The only other people who called me by my full name were my parents and my best friend, Mindy, from high school.

“What about the week before Christmas?”

“Um, I don’t know, Joyce.”

“He won’t be here, Kathryn. I promise you.”

Closing my eyes, I pulled my phone away and let the sob escape.

Damn you, Tristan Williams. I hate you.

Taking control over my emotions, I barely got out the words. “Sounds like a plan.”

“Wonderful. I’ll let MaryLou know. Talk to you soon, darling.”


“Bye, Joyce,” I whispered as I dropped the phone to my side. I’d go one last time. I was going to have to explain to Joyce why this would be my last visit. It would be hard as hell, but I needed to move on.

Pulling my phone up, I searched for his number. Hitting his name, I smiled when he answered.

“Miss me already?”

Dodge. Even his voice calmed my nerves. Maybe my dependency on Dodge was more than just sex. He had a way of making me feel at ease and wanted. Was I just too afraid to let go of the past that I couldn’t see what was in my future?

“Checking to see if you had changed your mind and turned around yet?”

Dodge laughed and I could tell he had his windows rolled down. “Hey babe, the club is calling. Can I call you back?”

My smile faded. “Sure. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Bye, Ryn.”


Walking back to the beach house, I wondered how many times I would run into Tristan and Sierra. I was hoping none. I didn’t think I would be able to take seeing them together like I had last night.

Shaking my head, I began to run. I pushed Tristan from my mind and began thinking about work.

STANDING ON THE DECK OF my family’s beach house, I closed my eyes and just let the salt air hit my face. I was worn out from last night. Sierra had insisted on coming back to my place and we sat for almost three hours talking . . . about feelings. I’d rather push pins through my eyes.


Turning, I smiled when I saw Sierra standing there with Starbucks coffee in her hands. “I’m going to head on over to my place and help Dad finish up painting. You doing okay?”

Reaching for the coffee, I nodded. “I didn’t sleep much last night.” Raising an eyebrow, Sierra nodded her head. “Okay, Sierra, just spit it out.”

She slowly took a sip of coffee and then walked up next to me. She faced the water as I leaned against the railing, my back facing the beach. “I ran into Ryn this morning and let me tell you, I think she was still pretty pissed about what happened between us last night.”

Blowing on my coffee, I asked, “Really?”

“Yeah. Tristan, I’m pretty sure Ryn has some strong feelings for you. I think her boy toy has gone back to Austin. If you want to make a move, now is the time to do it.”

Swallowing hard, I turned and looked down the beach. “What if she can’t forgive me, Sierra?”

Placing her hand on my arm, she gave it a squeeze. Turning, I looked down into her blue eyes. They were filled with compassion. “If she loves you, she’ll forgive you for the dick-ass move you made on her.”

Laughing, I placed my hand on the side of Sierra’s face. “I wonder what would have happened if we had really met back in college?”

Smiling, Sierra wiggled her eyebrows up and down. “I’m guessing we would have had crazy, hot, sex every day. Maybe even dabbled in a threesome, which by the way has always been a fantasy of mine. You would have taught me some kinky shit and I probably would have opened up a naughty lingerie store and catered to bored housewives who wanted to spice up their marriages.”

Standing there staring at Sierra, I had to process everything she had just said. “Who are you? Where did you come from? You’re like the girl of my dreams.”