“Shh, it’s just salt water baby. It will stop burning, Daddy promises.”

Burying her face into my neck, Eden cried and my heart stopped. I couldn’t stand to hear her cry or know she was hurt.

Ryn gave me that look as she walked up to me. “You wonder why she’s a Daddy’s girl?”

Giving Ryn a smile, I held onto my baby girl. Besides Ryn, I never in my life imagined I could love another person as much as I loved Eden. She was my life.

Grabbing Ryn’s hand, we started walking again. Once Eden recovered from the salt water in the eye incident she was back on the ground. “Where is Azurdee?” I asked as I kept an eye on my daughter.

“Back at the house. She needed a few minutes to rest.”

Laughing, I shook my head. “I can’t believe her and Lark will have a little boy in two months.”

“I know. Azurdee said she told Lark he was going to have to get his balls snipped after this one.”

Making a face, I pulled my head back and said, “Ouch. I’m sure the big tough Marine didn’t take that so well.”

Ryn giggled as a seagull landed and Eden got down and was ready to make her move, until Mickey came running by barking, scaring the bird.

Rolling my eyes, I yelled at the two-month-old golden retriever. “Mickey, no! Bad girl.”


Eden ran up to Mickey laughing as they chased each around on the sand. “Bad. Goggy,” Eden said in between laughs.

Scraping my hands down my face, I cursed under my breath. “Why did I let you talk me into that damn dog?”

Hitting me on the arm, Ryn laughed. “You love that dog, admit it.”

Stopping, I stared at Ryn. She turned and faced me, hands on her hips as if she was daring me to debate with her on whether or not I liked the dog. “You named the damn thing your safe word, Ryn.”

Giving me an evil little laugh, Ryn scrunched her nose up and said, “What? It’s a cute name.” Grabbing her, I picked her up and spun her around. As I set her down, our eyes met. Letting out a gasp, she stepped back.

“I felt him! I felt him move.” Looking down at Ryn’s barely swollen, pregnant stomach, I placed my hands over it.

“Eden! Your baby brother is moving,” I yelled out for Eden. Not having a clue as to what I was saying, Eden ran over and placed her hands on Ryn’s stomach.

“Ohh!” she said as she jumped up and started yelling for Mickey.

Ryn laughed as I stood up. “You felt him, huh?”

Nodding her head, I watched the tears build in her eyes. Reaching up, I wiped away the tear that was rolling down her face.

“It’s undeniable,” I whispered.

“What is?” she asked barely above a whisper.

“My love for you, Kathryn Williams.”

Giving me a smile that would forever be my undoing, she nodded her head. “I will love you forever, Tristan.”

Pulling her into my arms, I watched as our daughter ran around with Mickey, Akayla, and Lark. Closing my eyes, I was filled with an enormous amount of love.

“Forever, Ryn.”

The end.

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