Oh, I say to myself, blocking out her words but still smiling politely as she talks. Ronin is her brother. That's interesting.

"—so he's the one you'll want to worry about after Antoine makes his decision."

"Worry about?" I missed that. I hope she repeats it.

"Never mind him for now. Just stay out of his way, do what you're told, and don't act like the girl you watched storm out of here earlier."


Elise rolls her eyes. "Yes, Clare. She's talented and has a long list of clients who want her for glamour and fashion contracts, but she's crossing lines with all of us, making Antoine very angry."

"And Ronin?"

"No, Ronin rarely gets angry with the girls. Now, I hate to do this to you, but Antoine and I are going up to the mountains for the weekend, so I have to rush out. But make yourself at home and I'll leave the building code with Ronin. I'm sure he'll be partying all weekend but Cookie's Diner down the street has a tab for our girls so you can go eat there. Just tell the hostess you belong to Ronin and it will be taken care of."

Oh, that makes my face blush! I wonder if I could even force those words to come out of my mouth? I belong to Ronin. It's sexy and sexist at the same time. Do I like that? I'm not sure. I'm definitely not Ronin's, that I know. I might like to look at his half-naked body, but I'm nowhere close to wanting him near me. He's one of those over-confident players, I can just tell.

And I'm not a player or even slightly confident, so I'd probably make my life a lot easier if I take Elise's advice and stay out of his way.


Before I can pull myself back to reality to keep the conversation going, Elise is making for the door and shouting out, "See you Monday."

And then I stand there. Alone.

Feeling very much like Cinder-freaking-ella.

Chapter Seven - RONIN

Elise is brimming with delight as she finds Antoine and I munching on apples in his office. "You want to explain what just happened?" I ask her.

She closes the door, still smiling. "I saved her, that's all."

"Saved her how, exactly?" Antoine questions.

"She's a mess, I think she's homeless or at the very least, not willing to go home. I gave her the garden apartment and a job washing hair in the salon."

"Washing hair!" Antoine and I bellow it together.

Elise puts her hands up like she's warding off our complaints. "She was too proud to admit she needed help, so I made it easier for her to accept it, that's all."

"So, she's not the new shampoo girl?"

"No, Ronin, she is. She has to be, or she might bolt and get a hotel room with her money or something."

"Elise, we want her for TRAGIC, she can't be shampooing hair. The other girls will swoop in like lions, she'll walk out!"

"Well, then I suggest you get those girls under control, Ronin. You let them get away with far too much. If they're mean to her and she walks out, that's your fault. Now." My tiny little sister rubs her hands together and seats herself in Antoine's lap and cups his face. "I'm ready for the mountains. Take me up there and rock my world."

"Oh, sick! You two!" Oh God, they're kissing now! "I'm leaving, does this girl need a babysitter, or what? I don't have to stick around, do I?"

I roll my eyes as Antoine and Elise finish their kiss.

"No, but she needs an exterior building code so she can come and go as she pleases," Elise says, breathless from her kiss. "Can you take her a code? I have to pack." And then she skips out of the office and heads for her and Antoine's apartment upstairs.

I look over at Antoine. His one brow is lifted all the way up to his forehead.


"This girl, Ronin. You know what."

"Hey, you liked her too, it's not just me. She's perfect, right? She's the same type of girl you described to me last week, only that was your fantasy girl for TRAGIC. She's like a little modeling-god gift. Don't jinx it."

He's not convinced. "Elise wants to save her and you will ruin her. This will not turn out well."

"What do you mean? I have no intention of ruining her!"

"You know exactly what I mean. TRAGIC is named tragic for a reason. You're going to ruin this girl."

"You have no idea what you're talking about. I take care of all of these girls."

"You didn't take care of Mardee."

My mouth drops open, that's how stunned I am that he went there. "Antoine, dude, seriously, you're pissing me off now. What happened to her had nothing to do with me."

"No?" he asks evenly. "You brought her in here and she was swept up in the life. This Rook girl is Mardee all over again. I can see it. She's sweet and innocent now, but just wait until the money starts rolling in and the men start making offers. The agencies will be circling like vultures to get to her. It takes a strong person to navigate the maze of predators in this world, you know that."

"I told you, I'll manage her. Shit."

"You better, Ronin. Because Elise is invested in this one and that means I'm invested in her now, too. I won't stand by like last time."

"Get the hell out of here. You need a vacation. I take care of all these girls. Ask any one of them." He makes to protest and I add in, "Besides Clare! Clare doesn't count, so do not even start with me on her."

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