I'm not even sure where this feeling is coming from, I mean I didn't sleep with him or anything. I just feel like he's trying to get rid of me before anyone figures out I spent the night at his house.

I turn to say goodbye, but the door is already swinging closed. So I pad over to my own place, let myself in, and flop down on the couch, trying very hard not to feel used.

But Rook, the internal monologue starts, you know he's a player. He's a male model for Pete's sake. His job is 'running the girls' at a major photography studio.

Maybe I should take the money I make today and leave?

I can get on the bus and go to Vegas like I planned. Denver was never my original stop anyway. I was on the bus to Vegas but—well, it's a long story but I never intended to stay here in Denver. I mean who lives in Denver anyway? Not that it will be any better in Vegas, but I feel like my life is out of control right now. Like I'm not in charge of myself. And the last time I felt this way it was because my ex was the one controlling me.

I don't want to be controlled so if I made the decision to leave, then I could take that control back. If I stay here, then Ronin and Antoine and Elise have control over me, no matter how subtle.

Ughhh. Why can't life be simple?

I start picking through my new clothes, hanging up the ones that need hanging and folding the ones that need to get put away in drawers. It occurs to me pretty quickly that I have one pair of shoes and that's it. My Converse will not cut it if I want to go somewhere in a skirt.

After I hang stuff I tackle the dresser drawers. I open up the top drawer to put the underwear away and get a surprise.

This drawer is full.


Of underwear.

What the f**k?

I mean, I realize Elise said another girl used to live here, but she left her underwear? And that explains the make-up in the bathroom. And all the shampoo and soaps and stuff. Yeah, another girl lived here, but she left so fast she didn't even bother to take her very expensive-looking undergarments?

Wait a minute. These underwear are all brand new, they have tags on them.

I sit down on the bed and shake my head. What the hell can that mean? They stock this place with new underwear and makeup for… what? What reason could they have?

Maybe they have so many girls come through here I'm just another temporary occupant?

I am so confused. I mean, when Ronin is around everything feels right about this place. I feel comfortable around him, he makes me laugh, I make him laugh. We have what appears to be an easy friendship.

But every time I get away from him, all these things that might seem cozy and comfortable start to make me claustrophobic and paranoid. And I'm not really in a good place right now to be able to distinguish between the two. I can't really trust myself to see the difference between what is normal and what isn't because I've lived with abnormal for too long.

The only thing I really do know is that I need this job. No matter what's going on here, I need this job. And then once I get some money I'll bail and head west like I planned and forget all about Ronin the rogue samurai and the whole Antoine Chaput debacle. Maybe I'll go to LA, that's where people who want to go to film school live, right? I'll find a cheap apartment, get a roommate, live there for the required year to get in-state tuition, and then get my ass into some community college and finally get my life on track.

Ronin Flynn might be hot, he might have manners, and he might have a soft side—but he's definitely not settle-down material and he certainly seems to have a problem with letting a woman make her own decisions. And I'm not ready to hand that back over again.

I'd rather spend the rest of my life alone and lonely than give up my freedom again. I need to keep my eye on the prize. And that means no more flirting with Ronin, no matter what.

Chapter Twenty-One - ROOK

I lie in my new comfortable bed for a while and then let myself doze for a few hours before I have to go meet Elise. When I get up I take a bath but don't wash my hair because I figure I'll get the whole hair treatment in the salon. Plus, the same claw-foot tub that looked vintage and charming when I first saw it now looks old and dingy.

It's not charming, it's a major pain in the ass.

When I'm clean and dressed I head out to the terrace and steady myself for the day.

It's only one, so I have an hour before Elise needs me, but I figure I can get acclimated to whatever it is that's going on in the studio. I pull the doors open and I'm immediately assaulted with the bustle of people. There is laughing, talking, cameras going crazy, lights being moved, a few squeals from the girls, frantic rushing into and out of the dressing room and pretty much every degree of chaos you can think of crammed into this one room.

There are several photographers and that surprises me. I expected that Antoine was the only one who worked here because of how quiet it was last week. But today there are no fewer than four people taking pictures as I stand there.

There are also girls, in various stages of dress, everywhere. Two are naked. Granted, the naked ones are all in the middle of a session with their respective photographers, but still.


I am not doing anything naked.

A few of the girls look over at me and point, then whisper to each other. I look around, then down. Not sure what to do.

"Rook!" Elise's voice bellows out of the cacophony of noise. "I'm ready, sweetie, come in here!" She disappears behind the salon wall and I follow her.

"Did you sleep well?" Elise asks as she takes me by the arm and leads me over to the shampoo station, then pushes me into the chair.

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