Bedusk Pall Kovuss Agape, who called himself a Jaghut Anap, was simply gi-gantic, possibly weighing more than Mappo and at least a head and a half taller than the Trell. His skin was blue, a deeper hue than any Malazan Napan Quell could recall seeing. The blue even seemed to stain the silver-tipped tusks jutting from his lower jaw.

Quell cleared his throat. He needed to pee again, but that would have to wait.” ‘You lost her long ago?’


‘Er, your mate?’

Bedusk Agape selected one of the three crystal decanters on the marble table, sniffed at its contents, and then refilled their goblets. ‘Have you ever had a wile, Wizard?’

‘No not that I’m aware of.’

‘Yes, it can be like that at times.’

‘It can?’

The Jaghut gestured towards the window. ‘One moment there, the next… gone.’

‘Oh, the cliff.’

‘No, no. I was speaking of my wife.’

Quell shot Precious Thimble a helpless look. Off near the spiral staircase, Mappo stood examining an elaborate eyepiece of some kind, mounted on a spike with a peculiar ball-hinge that permitted the long black metal instrument to be swivelled about, side to side and up and down. The damned Trell was paying at-tention to all the wrong things.

Precious Thimble looked back at Quell with wide eyes.

‘Loss,’ stammered the wizard, ’is a grievous thing.’

‘Well of course it is,’ said Bedusk Agape, frowning.

‘Urn, not always. If, for example, one loses one’s, er, virginity, or a favourite shiny stone, say…’

The red-rimmed eyes stayed steady, unblinking.

Quell wanted to squeeze his legs together-no, better, fold one over the other-lest his snake start drooling or, worse, spitting.

Precious Thimble spoke in a strangely squeaky voice, ‘Jaghut Anap, the curse afflicting this village’s daughters-’

‘There have been twelve in all,’ said Bedusk Agape. ‘Thus far.’

‘Oh. What happened to the other nine?’

The Jaghut flicked his gaze over to her. ‘You are not the first trouble to arrive in the past few years. Of course,’ he added, after sipping his wine, ‘all the young girls are now sent to the next village along this coast-permanently, alas, which does not bode well for the future of this town.’

‘I thought I saw women down in the tavern cellar,’ said Precious Thimble.

‘Bearing a child prevents the settling of the curse. Mothers are immune. There-fore, if you or your fellow female companions have at any time produced a child, you need not worry.’

‘Um,’ said Precious Thimble, ‘I don’t think any of us qualify.’

‘How unfortunate,’ said Bedusk.

‘So how is it you got elected Provost?’ Quell asked. ‘Just curious, you see-I’m the nosy type, that’s all. I didn’t mean anything-’

‘I believe it was a collective attempt to ameliorate my grief, my solitude. None would deny, I now expect, that such an invitation was ill-conceived.’

‘Oh? Why?’

‘Well, had I remained in my isolation, this terrible curse would not exist, I am afraid,’:

‘It’s your curse, then?’


A long moment of silence. From near the staircase, Mappo slowly turned to lace them.

‘Then you can end it,’ said Quell.

‘I could, yes, but I shall not.’


‘Because you are not that important.’

Quell crossed his legs. ‘May I ask, what happened to your mate?’

‘We argued. I lost. I buried her.’

There seemed to be, at least to the wizard’s thinking, something missing in that answer. But he was getting distracted by his bladder. He couldn’t think straight.

‘So,’ said Precious Thimble in a thin voice, ‘if you lose an argument to someone, you then kill them?’

‘Oh, I didn’t say she was dead.’

Mappo spoke from where he still stood, ‘She is now, Jaghut.’

Bedusk Agape sighed. ‘That does seem likely, doesn’t it?’

‘How long,’ the Trell asked, ‘was she pinned down? Your mate?’

‘Nine years or so.’

‘And the argument?’

‘I sense a certain belligerence in you, Trell.’

, ‘Belligerence, Jaghut?’ Mappo bared his fangs in a cold grin. ‘Your senses have dulled with disuse, I think.’

‘I see. And you imagine you can best me?’

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