He went back for his own then returned to join us, sliding into an armchair across from us. When he was settled, Lucius held up his glass in a silent Cheers! gesture and he and Bo both took a sip of their blood.

Although the thoughts of blood made me thirsty to the point of discomfort, the smel of the animal fluid turned my stomach for some reason. I recognized the scent, knew that it came from a deer, and that was al it took to ruin my


I held my glass, turning the tumbler nervously against my palm.

“Is something wrong, lass?”

Whether or not my cheeks actual y got red, I stil didn’t know, but they burned as if I was blushing.

“Uh, I, uh…”

I looked helplessly to Bo, who jumped in to save me.

“She hasn’t yet become accustomed to drinking animal blood. She’s not even been turned a ful day yet, so we’re just taking it slow.”

Lucius’s brow wrinkled in a frown and he looked meaningful y at Bo. They seemed to share a moment of understanding, understanding that eluded me, but it passed quickly. Bo’s eyes returned to me and he smiled a mischievous grin that made my stomach feel twitchy.

“She drinks it from me just fine, though.”


Lucius threw back his head and roared, evidently finding Bo’s admission extremely amusing.

“And I’m sure you hate every minute of that.”

Bo’s smile widened, revealing his row of perfect white teeth. Even as I watched, his canines dropped a few mil imeters before receding once more. A little zing of electricity arced between us, making me feel uncomfortably warm in places I’d rather not feel warm in the presence of company.

Quickly, I turned my attention back to Lucius.

“We’re going to stay at Sebastian’s house for a few days until I can get… this, ” I said, indicating my body, “under control.”

“Ah,” Lucius said, winking at Bo. “That sounds cozy.”

“I dropped by to pick up a few things.”

“Right, right. Everything you left is stil upstairs in that closet.”

“Thanks,” Bo said.

“So, tel me how it al worked out that our fair Ridley here is now one of us,” Lucius asked casual y, conversational y.

“Wel , there’s not much to tel . You were right. I’m the boy who can’t be kil ed. Turns out Constantine is my father and he’s very much alive. Heather is the mother of a friend of ours, Savannah. The two of them pretty much stole Ridley’s niece from the womb when her sister died and there’s some kind of plot to kil me.”

Lucius quietly digested what Bo had said for a long minute before he responded in typical Lucius style.

“Wel , now you know. What do you plan to do about it?”

“Actual y, I could probably use your help with that. Sebast-uh, I mean Constantine mentioned that Iofiel had found out some very valuable information. I think it might have something to do with her finding a loophole, with her discovering a way to kil me.”

“Ah,” Lucius exclaimed. “So the letter does exist.”

“The letter?”

“Supposedly, Iofiel wrote a letter to her love, a letter that detailed a method she’d learned of or overheard in heaven.

No one seems to know for sure, but legend says that she wrote her findings in a love letter and went to great lengths to have it delivered to her mate.”

“And what, exactly, did the letter say?”

Lucius shrugged.

“I don’t know. I’m not sure anyone does. To be honest, I’d never real y put much stock in al this, thinking it was nothing more than legend and myth. But now…”

“So if we could find this letter, or find out what’s in it, we might be able to put a kink in his plans.”

“I would imagine that’s entirely possible. The question is: how do you get your hands on that letter?”

Bo’s brow puckered as he considered his dilemma. He said nothing for several long seconds.

“That, my friend, is the mil ion dol ar question.”

After another thoughtful silence, Bo and Lucius chatted a bit more, Bo drank my deer blood down and then made our excuses to leave.

“We’re on our way to Ridley’s house. I’m just going to pick up a few things if you don’t mind.”

“Of course not, lad. They’re your things, after al .”

We al ascended the steps that brought us back up to ground level. Bo took a left and walked into the tiny bedroom area that sat off the back of the modest living room. When he returned, he carried a smal duffel bag.

“Thanks for everything, Lucius,” Bo said, extending his hand to his friend.

“Think nothing of it. A little excitement keeps a vampire young,” Lucius said, sending a wink of his jewel green eye in my direction. “Let me know if I can help.”

“Wil do, man.”

“And sweet Ridley,” Lucius cooed, taking my hand and pressing his lips to the backs of my fingers. “Now you’l be beautiful for al eternity. I look forward to a long, long friendship.”

I said nothing, just simply smiled. There was such blatant appreciation in his eyes, I felt my cheeks warm again. I was real y going to have to look into the blushing ability of vampires.

“Hands off, old man. She’s taken,” Bo said playful y as he slung a possessive arm over my shoulders.

Lucius grinned widely, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

“Be happy you got to her first, young Bo. I might’ve had to turn on the charm for this one.”

I had to grin. I couldn’t imagine how Lucius could be any more charming. I’m sure if it was possible, though, he’d be absolutely devastating.

Bo just smiled at Lucius, but I thought it seemed a bit of a forced gesture. I couldn’t help but wonder if he was no longer enjoying Lucius’s ribbing. The thought of Bo feeling jealous over me warmed me through and through.

“See you around, Lucius,” Bo said casual y, if a bit sharply, as we left.

Lucius, ever the devilish one, must’ve felt the need to get one more rub in.

“Who knows? Maybe I’l come to town for a visit, check in on our newest member.” Bo said nothing as we walked away, so Lucius shouted out, “Bye, Ridley.”

I couldn’t help but smile at his brashness. I turned back to Lucius, threw my arm up in farewel and then let Bo lead me deep into the woods.

We walked back toward the road in silence. I was pretty sure Bo was pouting and I had to smother my grin. It didn’t take me long, however, to forget about his pique and become quickly absorbed in my surroundings.

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