“Now a submissive gives up power, but not as much. Perhaps like a job instead of the military. A submissive wants more than an arranged scene, but that can be erotic domination all the way to serving full-time. Each relationship balances how those needs and wants are worked out.”

He pressed his thumb between her lips in an imitation of a cock. Her breathing increased as her soft mouth closed around him, holding him within. “You are submissive, Kimberly. You knew that even before you met Gabi, years ago.” He smiled. “And you require more than bedroom domination. Serving a master fills a need in you as great as the need to be dominated to truly enjoy sex.”

She glared at him.

“Oh, it is true, gatita. You’re not a slave who wants all your choices taken away, but you may very well be a full-time submissive.” He stepped even closer, holding her gaze. “Now use your tongue on my thumb the way you would on my cock.”

Redness streaked her cheeks as she ran her tongue over him, butterfly light.


Her pupils dilated as she sucked.

He hardened. “Good. I’ll give you the real thing later.”

Her lips were wet, and he could see how they’d look around his shaft.

After replacing his thumb with his lips in a slow, drugging kiss, he said, “It’s a good day to remind you of the pleasures of domination—the fun of it—so we’re joining some people in a bit.”


Her face paled, and she took a step back.

“No, gatita. Nothing to do with the slavers. This is Marcus and Gabi. Andrea and Cullen. Each dom plays with his own sub.” He ran his knuckles over the outside of her bare breast. “And I will play with you.”

“Oh.” The way heat replaced the fear in her eyes pleased him. She trusted him. “Do you want me to prepare anything?” she asked.

Raoul shook his head. “Put on a suit and cover-up. We’re taking the sailboat out.”

When her face lit up, he knew he’d chosen wisely. Water always calmed her. As he watched her run upstairs, he smiled at how trepidation had glimmered in her eyes, the knowledge that today would be different.

Although they’d had sex frequently, he hadn’t pushed her, knowing the encounter with the Overseer needed to fade. But she’d worked through those fears, and now he could introduce something new. Something to take her mind off the auction and remind her BDSM could be fun as well as terrifying.

On the thirty-two-foot catamaran, Kim sprawled on the forward trampoline with Gabi and Andrea. The cool spray sprinkled over her skin as the boat slid through the water with a swishing sound and an occasional snap of the sails. Lovely. So different from the motorized boats she’d grown up with. Clean and quiet.

She could even hear the murmur of the guys’ talking in the cockpit. She smiled, thinking of how they harassed each other in that weird guy fashion.

Watching Master R interact with his buddies was interesting. Sometimes when around other men, a guy would behave as if his girlfriend was unimportant, as if showing a woman affection would make him less macho.

But Master R stayed the same in public as in private. And his concern and affection for his friends was clear. Dammit, why did she have to like him so much? I need to go home. Soon.

Gabi bumped shoulders with her. “You holding up all right?”

“Oh sure. I just want it over, you know?”

Andrea tipped her face up, and the sun glinted off her golden brown hair. “I bet.” A big woman with a full figure, her size was perfect for Cullen.

Kim smiled at her. “Thanks for the support at the Shadowlands the other night. It helped to know people were keeping an eye on things. On me.”

Andrea nudged her arm in the same way Gabi had. “No problem. Shadowlands subs watch out for each other. It took me a while to really get that.”

“No kidding.” Gabi sneered amiably at Andrea and then glanced at Kim. “When Ms. Callme-independent here actually asked Beth to help her with planting a garden, I thought the entire group would drop dead in shock.” Gabi tilted her head back, letting the breeze rumple her shaggy hair. “I’m glad Raoul invited us today. Marcus prosecuted a really nasty murder case, and it was bothering him. It’s good to get away.”

Kim smiled, enjoying how normal the day had been. Blue sky with puffy clouds, ocean mist, light conversation. The nightmares seemed to belong to someone else. She glanced up as the sails spilled air, and the boat slowed.

“We’re going to hang out here for lunch and swimming,” Cullen called.

“Good plan,” Andrea yelled back. “You two hungry? What comes first—food or swim?”

With the boat stopped, the sultry heat increased quickly. “Swim,” Kim decided. She stripped down to her two-piece pink suit and jumped off the back. Bubbles frothed around her, and the cool, silky ocean enfolded her.

A whoop sounded, and Andrea hit the water, creating a tidal wave.

Gabi jumped in on Kim’s other side. “That feels perfect.”

They played for a while, splashing and gossiping, sharing recipes and dom tales, television shows, and Tampa gossip.

“Aren’t the guys going to get in the water?” Kim asked finally.

“They’re male. The only thing men are fast at is sex.” Andrea grinned. “Want to try getting them in sooner?”

Half-listening as Marcus and Cullen discussed an arson case, Raoul sipped his iced tea and thought about Kimberly. He’d enjoyed seeing her relax, talking and laughing with the other two women. Unlike some of the submissives he’d brought on outings, she fit nicely with the others, adding to the pleasure of the day.

Raoul set his drink down and listened, hoping to hear her infectious giggle again. He heard only the men’s voices, the clanking of the lines and muted flap of sail, and the waves lapping at the boat. No women’s voices. Not even any splashing. He rose to check forward where the women had been sunning. No one. “Why is there no noise? Where are the women?”

Cullen paused in his story, then set down his soft drink. He peered over the starboard side and shook his head.

“What—” Marcus strode to the port side. “Nothing.”

A quiver of worry stabbed at Raoul. The area had no strong currents—and the subs would have shouted if they’d had problems. I should have watched more closely. “I’ll take this side.” Already shirtless, he balanced for a second and dived off.


Still no noise. No one could be that quiet in the water…unless they wanted to. Ah. He frowned at the boat, at waves too small to conceal a person. Surely they would not be so foolish… He swam forward and rounded the port hull.

The three women were silently hiding under the trampoline section. Kimberly’s hands were over her mouth to suppress her laughter.

He flattened his smile and frowned at them. “You are all in so much trouble.” With a yell, he summoned the other two doms.

Cullen swam around the side, saw them, and cursed. “Sneaky little pet, aren’t you?” He reached out and snagged Andrea.

She yelped and kicked, her foot connecting with Cullen’s gut. He sucked water, and she got loose, swimming past him.

As Marcus rounded the hull, Gabi fled.

Kimberly followed right in her wake, and Raoul chased after.

His little sub could swim—better than he could, in fact. He finally caught her, partly because she couldn’t stop laughing, and he enjoyed the sound too much to want it to end.

Kim grinned, feeling the way Master R crowded her as she climbed the ladder. Maybe because she’d knocked him back in the water last time? God, he was so going to kill her. Her sides ached from laughing as she joined the others.

The flat trampoline area between the catamaran hulls where Kim and the other women had lounged had grown crowded with the addition of pissed-off men.

Trying to stop giggling, Kim leaned on the railing and watched her master step from the ladder. Oh my God, just look at him. Water ran down the center of his chest between solid muscles that looked as if they’d been carved from cedar. His soaked shorts sagged on his hips, displaying his ridged abdomen. When he folded his arms, she couldn’t look away from the rockhard muscles of his biceps. The other men had great builds, but Master R looked like a god of war.

And, uh-oh, he looked as angry as one. When his dark eyes focused on her, her laughter died, and her mouth went dry.

“Kimberly. I am displeased.”

Her throat clogged at the thought that she might have really upset him, and she dropped to her knees on the mesh without thinking. Her head bowed. “I’m sorry, Master.”


She glanced up through her lashes and saw laughter in his eyes. He wasn’t really mad, drown him. “It isn’t nice to lie. Master,” she muttered. What had happened to honesty?

A warm hand cupped her sea-cooled chin, and he lifted her face. “You’re right, gatita. I shouldn’t make you think I’m angry when I’m not.” His lips curved into a devilish smile. “I’d planned to say you were disobedient and punish you, but that would be wrong.”

Oh, good. She gave a sigh of relief.

“However, I still plan to punish you…just because I want to. I’m your master, and that’s all the reason I need.”

Her mouth dropped open. “You’re going to hurt me…for fun?”

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