“Austin is a lovely name.” Savannah totally bought into the bullshit. “Do you know that my uncle from my mother’s side was also named Austin?” And then she rattled on and on about the family.

Vanessa steeled her brave face while secretly hoping Quinn’s mom wouldn’t pry any more into her relationship with Quinn. Vanessa wasn’t good at deceiving people. Thankfully, Savannah got distracted by a phone call and had to excuse herself.

Quinn seemed to be enjoying himself. Why did he love torturing her so much? He got a kick from seeing her uncomfortable. She was glad when dinner ended and the dishes and table were cleared.

Half an hour later, Savannah received a guest in the living room—one of her socialite friends. Quinn and his brothers wanted to walk in the woods behind the property and he asked Vanessa to tag along.

She agreed. The steak sat heavily in her stomach. A walk would burn some of the calories. Despite the snow, the temperature outside was pleasant for a January evening. The sky hadn’t become completely dark yet.

Vanessa breathed in the cool mountain air. It was refreshing. The silence was deafening in its tranquility. Away from the hustle and bustle of New York City, there was something so serene about the night.

Trent and John walked off the path into the woods and were nowhere to be seen, leaving her and Quinn alone. Vanessa elbowed him. “Dammit, Quinn, why did you put me on the spot earlier?”

He feigned an innocent look. “Who would name their kid Coco?” he retorted.

“That’s not the point. I’m starting to think you enjoy torturing me.”

“I must admit, I love watching you squirm on your seat.”

“I’m glad you were entertained at my expense. Your mom is a very nice person. I feel guilty lying to her.”


“It doesn’t have to be a lie if we were really going out.”

Vanessa totally didn’t expect that. “Are you suggesting we should be dating?”

“Yes.” He looked dead serious.

Vanessa opened and closed her mouth, momentarily lost for words. He didn’t really mean that, did he? Quinn wanted to date her? Was he serious? No way. She was so distracted by the thought that she stopped paying attention to where she was going. She stumbled upon a patch of snow and it sent her sliding down the embankment of a small stream. She yelped. Quinn tried to snatch her but uneven ground made both of them roll to the bottom. She found herself underneath him in a compromising position.

Well, well. This was kind of awkward.

Jesus Christ. How is it I’m so clumsy?

“Are you okay?” asked Quinn

“I’m fine.”

She waited for Quinn to move but he didn’t seem so inclined. “Quinn.”

He kissed her. It was so sudden; she didn’t know how to react. She froze. It wasn’t a friendly kiss. It was a rough kiss, insanely hot with naughty tongue action involved. Her brain turned into mush. Despite being sprawled in the cold snow, her body temperature rose. Her cheeks flushed. Her heartbeat raced. “Why did you do that?” she whispered after she found her voice.

“Isn’t it obvious?”

“I got the gist, but I don’t understand your motives.”

“Vanessa, I don’t know how to make myself clearer. I’m interested in you. Romantically. I want you to see me as more than just your boss. See me as a man—a man who very much wants to make you his.”

She bit her lower lip so she wouldn’t burst out laughing. Had Quinn ingested some funny mushrooms? He sounded so freaking corny. And how was it he was capable of being corny? This side of Quinn caught her unprepared.

“Great. I tore my heart open and you’re laughing at me,” he grumbled.

“I’m sorry. I just didn’t expect this. I’m just wondering why you’d be interested in me? In case you haven’t noticed, I’m weird. Even my family says so. Besides, you never expressed an interest in me before.”

“I have. You’re just too oblivious to see.”

“What? When?”

Quinn rolled to his side, sitting up. “Let’s see. About two months ago after our meeting with Cisco, I asked if you had plans for that Friday night. You said no and just walked away.”

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