Betty was so sad, she wanted to kill herself. She had to take codiene for her cramps, but she didn't take them, instead she swallowed a bunch of aspirin. The following week she saw Jeff and Jennifer together. Jennifer was dating Jeff now. Whenever Betty showed up where they were, they left if she didn't leave. They made it plain that they didn't want her whereever they were. Another boy asked Betty out and she went out with him to a football game, but she couldn't enjoy herself because all she thought about was Jeff. After an hour Betty told the other boy that she couldn't just use him and they parted. In hindsight Betty realized she really should have tried much harder, he was quite a hunk, and she didn't have a lot of options. Jeff was cute, but no hunk, he had a funny tilt to his face and he had a lisp to his words. Jennifer's ex boyfriend Jim also wanted to date her, but she was not into him at all. They skipped school together and got in an accident in the snow. Some bar in the car just missed spearing Betty. She started skipping a lot of school. The principal stopped her outside one day and told her she needed to focus because she didn't have that much longer to finish school (about a month) and it would be a shame to not graduate because of skipping when she was so close. She only barely listened to him. Betty made another friend and as soon as school was out they moved in together. Betty was working nights, and as soon as she would get home her friend would have other friends over and would talk her into a roadtrip. The roadtrip always lasted until it was time to go to work. After nearly a week without sleep, Betty went to her sisters and asked her to hide her so she could sleep. When she woke up, she found out she had slept three days. She learned to start saying no to her friend. Her friend was into a young boy and he started coming over and within a few days he was living there because he didn't have anywhere else to go, but her friend moved out and now it was just her and this young boy. She was frustrated over her break up with Jeff, finding out he was with Jennifer because Jim had told him how she put out. Betty was beginning to think she needed to put out, but she didn't know how. The boy that was living with her, Vince started sleeping in her bed, and they tried to have sex, but it just wasn't working. After a month they couldn't come up with the rent, so Betty went to live with her sister. She met up with an old friend, Janis and they decided to get an apartment together. Betty was working at a restaurant now. They moved into the apartment and Jim Dunn's uncle managed the apartments so he was around frequently. Betty found him very cute, but nothing but friendship was there for them. Betty met another girl and they became friends, Misty was very loose. Betty told Misty she was a virgin and felt she lost her boyfriend because of it. Misty was a rough lady, and should have taken care of Jeff, but instead she told Betty she could arrange to strip her of her virginity. After a while Betty agreed. Misty found a couple guys and told Betty that they were going on a date. Misty paired Betty up with one of the guys, Steve. Steve took them to his house and took Betty into his bedroom. Betty was getting very scared, but it was too late, Steve raped her. It was all over. Then he told her to get out because tomorrow was his wedding day. Betty and Misty left and Betty was crying, Misty kept saying, it's all over now. Betty figured her life was over. They lived in an upstairs apartment and she often looked out the window wondering if she could jump and not survive. One evening in late spring, the girls went to town and met Randy. Randy had the coolest eyes. And he was so small. The girls were getting ready to move from their apartment to a small house. Betty's friend Janis told Randy that if he helped the move their stuff he could sleep with Betty. Later that evening Janis told Betty. Betty felt that her life couldn't get any worse and she liked Randy so when she went to bed, he came with her. They had sex, and it was fantastic. They fell asleep, and woke and had sex again. This happened at least seven times. Sometime in the night he apparently asked her to marry him. Betty never remembered that, but because Randy's dad had strong beliefs, he offered to pay for them to get married and they did.

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