Back home, zia's mom was happy to see her well ahead of time. Zia hugged her mom lovingly for being such sweet today. But her mom had a question which could screw up zia's evening. 'Zia. Which is this perfume you have used today?' 'Perfume?? What perfume.?' Zia never used perfumes for college. What is this question? Zia smelled herself and to her shock she realised that she was smelling of jai's deo from top to toe. 'Oh gosh. What do i say now.' But she had to give some excuse. She quickly thought of some story. 'Mom today we were in shetty mam's lab for around 4 hours to complete our assignment. Toh maybe it's her perfume. You know she applies very strong perfumes.' Zia said looking at her mom for reaction. 'Hmm yes it's very strong indeed. Wonder how you students don't get a headache. Go change quickly and put them to wash. My head is spinning ' Her mom grumbled making a face. Zia felt relieved that her mom believed her and zoomed inside her room.

After an hour or so, zia's phone rang. It was an unknown number. Zia silenced the call and set it aside. She never answered unknown numbers. Again after 5 minutes the same number flashed. Zia again silenced the call. The person kept calling again and again until zia answered. 'Hello.. ' zia said. No answer from the other end. ' Hello.... hello... who's it. I can't hear you.' No answer. Zia disconnected the call thinking it's some random blank call and got back to kitchen to help mom. After dinner.. Zia came to her room and checked her mobile. It was jai's message - 'love you my baccha. Muumah. Miss you..' Zia smiled and replied - 'love you too my love. Miss you terribly...' There was one more message. From the same unknown number. 'Hi zia. I know where were you today.. ' Zia was numb looking at the message. Her hands trembled while replying back.. 'Who's this?' Immidiately came the reply 'Your love..😊'

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