'Kya? All good?' Jai asked. ' Yea. Till now atleast. Let me call mom first'<br>Zia's mom was little worried about zia not answering her calls. She told zia that she'd called her just to remind her of coming home on time. That's it. Zia apologized her for being irresponsible &amp; promising her to be home on time. She disconnected the phone with a big smile.<br>'Jai i thought today am dead. Thank God everything is okay.'

Jai was sitting next to zia. He kept looking at zia.. first time he was seeing her so closely. Zia looked at him and immediately looked away. She kept doing something in her phone. 'Jai. Don't look that way'. She said. Jai moved a bit closer. Zia dint react. Jai moved a bit more closer. Zia cringed. Jai moved a little more closer.... now so close that zia could feel his breath near her ear. He tickled her under her ear with his lips and zia stood up. 'Kya hua?' Jai asked holding her hand. 'Kuch nahi.' Zia loved his closeness but today he was so close that she was feeling very restless.. She wanted him to love her body but she was very coy.. Jai gently pulled her to sit. 'Okay baba lets talk.' Zia was still feeling that tingy feeling. She kept looking down.

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