But today was a bad day for zia. Results were out & she had failed in 2 subjects. She requested jai to meet her alone without anie. Anie was upset on this arguing with jai that zia was a over possessive girl friend and he's a big fool to bear her for so long. Whatever!! Zia was all for jai. He left anie on her own promising to talk to her in the office.

Zia however was very happy to see jai.. minus anie.. Sitting at a bench near the naana naani garden, zia rested her head on jai's shoulders. She closed her eyes. Zia could hear people's talking, children screaming, vehicles horning, dogs barking but she was at peace on his shoulders. Jai too allowed her to rest patting her cheeks in between . After a long time, zia looked up at jai and said 'won't you ask me why i am upset?' 'Tell me when you are relaxed jaan' Tears in eyes zia replied 'Hmm.. flunked in 2 subjects. Mom will kill me' 'Arey why are you worrying about things you cannot reverse? Cheer up babe. Accept, face and move on. Prove her the next exam by studying better. Comeon. Smileeee' zia tucked her face in her handkerchief and kept crying.. jai took her face in his hands and wiped her tears. 'Chal lets go for a movie' 'No jai. I am not in mood to do anything' Jai pulled her and they both went for a movie.

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