'Zia tell me something. Why are you uncomfortable with me?' Zia felt asif someone is screwing up her mind . She knew the answers to all his questions but dint knew what to say.. She wished jai could understand her silence.. ' You know na jai am a behenji. Maybe that's the reason.' Jai could imagine the pale scared look at zia's face .. And he smiled at her innocence.. 'No zia. Listen carefully. I reached office but couldn't concentrate so iv left for home. Whole day i was thinking about you. Both the times we met i could sense your uncomfort. And i want to tell you something very important.' Zia quickly interrupted.

'Wait jai..' she knew what jai wanted to say.. but dint want to hear it from him. She preferred dying silently than getting killed by jai. . ' I know what you will say. I am sorry. I .... i won't behave that way again.' 'Zia. Will you let me talk. Your heart will keep assuming things unless you hear it from me directly. sometimes words play a crucial part in convincing oneself. I wanted to meet you and tell you everything . But again.. you will not be comfortable. Atleast listen to me on phone?' Zia eyes were moist. 'Please jai.. ' 'Zia. Don't say anything. Just listen.. i have a girl in my life.. and'

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