Dad silently kept sipping on his coffee without saying a word. Jai's plea seemed melting his heart.. After a long pause he said 'okay. Give me your number. One year exactly from now, i will call you. If i feel you are capable enough to take care of my daughter, i myself will marry you both inspite of the religion hurdle. Ultimately, my daughter's happiness is more important to me than anything else..' Zia's face lit with this unexpected reply from her dad. 'But if you fail, you will have to forget each other forever. Do u agree??' Without wasting a second jai replied.. 'yes yes sir.. i agree.. i agree.. thank you thank you so much sir..' 'one more thing. From now on, you both will not contact each other atall. No meetings, no calls , no messaging.. if i find out that you still talk to each other, i will on the spot forget about this deal. Is this fine.?? Zia..?' This was a difficult one.. but they agreeied.. afterall they had bagged a golden opportunity to achieve their love.. and they were extremely happy for same. They all silently finished their coffee and headed on their own ways.

Own different ways..

to be continued.....

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