“Suck it up, chickadee. He’s on his way over here.”

I draw the air in slowly through my nose the entire time he’s walking my way, so by the time he’s standing in front of me, I don’t have to panic for a breath.

“Hey, so I’m totally sorry I blew our plans. I forgot about workouts this morning,” he says, and his words come out like butterscotch candies. I’ve never heard someone talk like him, and I’d give anything for him to read me a story at night. I bet I wouldn’t even need to take Ambien to relax.

“That’s okay, I understand.” My heart is thumping wildly and erratically, and I’m worried it’s making my voice quiver.

“She’s lying, bro,” Ty says suddenly, knocking the wind from me again. “I found her waiting by the elevator. Some ass**le stood her up.”

I. Want. To. Die. My eyes dart from Ty to Nate to Cass, who only shrugs since I haven’t been able to bring her fully up to speed on my late night run-in yet.

“No, really. It’s my fault. I didn’t check my messages this morning,” I explain, giving Ty a look that I hope sends a warning. I’ll have to practice those faces, because I’m not really sure how to make them. This one seems not to be very intimidating, because he just laughs softly and backs away.

“Damn, that guy is an ass**le. And so is his brother,” Nate says, scratching under his chin and flicking his hand at Ty. He turns to me—dimples, smile. “I was going to stop by your room this morning, but I didn’t want to wake you up. Hey, I’ll make it up to you. You hungry? Want lunch?”

My stomach is growling, and I’m starving. But the thought of sitting in a crowded cafeteria makes my body break out in an instant sweat.

“Rowe, I’ve gotta go. I have an appointment with a personal trainer in ten minutes,” Cass says, pulling her watch from her wrist and tucking it in the small workout bag she’s carrying. “I’ll see ya back at the dorm.”

I smile and wave, scrunching my hand closed, and stuffing it back in my pocket.


“Yeah, so…it looks like I’m her trainer, since I have a noon appointment. I f**king love today,” Ty says, looking up and smiling, which makes both Nate and me laugh. “I’ll see you later, dude. Oh…and this one? Yeah, she’s totally your type.”

I. Want. To. Die.

Chapter 5


If he weren’t my brother, I would kill him. I might kill him anyway. I can tell she’s embarrassed. Her body is now bright pink, and I can practically feel the heat radiating off of her.

I don’t like the way he showed it. But I do like that my brother approves. He never liked Sadie; said he didn’t trust her. But I didn’t listen. Seems my brother’s instincts are a shitload sharper than mine. And if he thinks Rowe has something, then I’m definitely making this girl go to lunch with me. I have to figure her out before the rest of the school shows up and I have to compete for her attention.

“So, what do you say?” I ask. She seems nervous, and I feel like she might back out. Maybe if I can find a way to stick with the original plan. “If you’re not hungry, we could just walk around town?”

She’s tugging on her bottom lip with her teeth and hugging herself with her arms, like she’s not sure what to do with herself, and I catch her eyes searching for her friend who’s walking away. Damn. She’s trying to get out of this.

“Or whatever. If you’re tired, I get it. My fault for missing our date.” For some reason, that last word catches her attention, and her eyes meet mine quickly, flaring open a little wider. Shit, she didn’t like the word date.

“No, I…I could eat, actually. It’s just,” she starts, and her eyes fall to her feet, looking over her arms that are still folded tightly around her and down to her shuffling shoes. “I’m kind of a picky eater. So, maybe we could go somewhere in town? Is that…okay?”

I try to play it cool, but inside I’m glad she’s up for my back-up plan. It’s going to take us a good twenty minutes to walk into town, and I already know I’m going to make her go to Sally’s. It’s good food, but the service is slow as heck. That gives me at least a couple of hours with her.

“That’s perfect. There’s actually this place I’ve been dying to try. Mind?”

She just nods and smiles, still fidgeting with her feet locked to their place. I notice she’s not wearing socks with her running shoes, and I don’t know why, but I can’t seem to take my eyes off the line along her calf muscle and the way it stretches deep into her ankle. It’s weird how a girl can look so soft, but so strong at the same time.

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