The others started to spring forward.

“Stop!” Holly yelled, and she threw out one arm, palm out, to halt them in their tracks. “He’s not attacking me. Duncan is in control.” Then, softer, just for his ears, she said, “Please, tell me that you’re in control.”

Her scent…His head bent toward her. He wanted to bite. Badly. But he managed, “I’m in…control.” Lie.

“Good.” Her breath rushed out. “Pate, get your agents to lower their guns! Duncan is contained. There’s no need for any more violence.”

“He choked me—” Shane snapped.

“But he didn’t kill you,” Holly threw back without taking her gaze off Duncan’s. “You’re lucky. He’d just woken up, his beast was in control.”

“And what?” Shane demanded, his faint drawl thickening a bit. “His beast wanted to f**k? ‘Cause it sure looked like he was about to eat you alive.”

Her cheeks flushed a dark red. Duncan’s head whipped up, and his eyes locked on the other agent.

Shane immediately stumbled back. “Wow, big guy. Easy. Let’s not go for my throat again, okay?”

The thought was tempting.

“McGuire?” Pate called. “Are you in control or is that wolf about to launch out?”


Gritting his teeth Duncan said, “I’m…here.” A monster. Fucking claws and fangs and a fire burning beneath my skin.

“Good,” Pate said as he holstered his gun. His gaze swept over Duncan. Then Holly. “But are you gonna stay in control?”

That was hard to say. Duncan didn’t know if he’d even given that one fifty-fifty odds.

“Get your men out of here,” Holly said, voice stronger now, as she darted a glance at Pate. “I need to finish my exam on Duncan.”

“It’s not safe,” Shane immediately fired. “That guy can go beast any minute!”

“Not with the silver on him,” Holly said, shaking her head. Her hair slipped back over her shoulders. “Just at this facility, we’ve used the collars on over three dozen werewolf prisoners at various times, and they all stayed in human form with them on.” She looked back up at Duncan. “As long as the collar is on, they can’t shift fully. The collar will keep him in check.”

Did the others hear the faint hitch in her words? A dead giveaway for a lie.

But, no, Pate was nodding his head. Motioning for the others to file out. With slumped shoulders, Elias was the first agent out the door. The others followed suit, with Shane casting a few suspicious glances over his shoulder as he left.

Then only Pate was there. His gaze studied Duncan like he was some kind of damn experiment. Oh, yeah, I am.

“Finish the exam, then…” Pate’s jaw clenched. “I’m sorry, McGuire, but you’ll have to stay in a cell for tonight. Just until we’re absolutely sure about you. We can’t—”

Can’t turn me loose on the humans.

Right. He knew what happened when a wild werewolf attacked.

He stared down at his claws. The damn things wouldn’t retract.

“Holly?” Pate called, and he motioned for her to come closer. Slowly, Holly left Duncan’s side. He noticed that she kept the collar’s remote in her hand. Probably in case he went wild, and she needed to zap him with a high dose of silver.

Pate bent his head near hers. His fingers slid over her shoulder.

Duncan growled.

Pate’s head immediately lifted, and he frowned at Duncan.

“Don’t touch her,” Duncan ordered, voice lethal. The wolf was suddenly right there, beneath his skin. He could smell Holly, and now…now Pate’s thick scent was mingling with hers.

Away. Away from her. Now.

Pate backed up a step. “I was afraid that would happen.” He shook his head. “It’s the reason I wanted you away from the other wolves, Holly. I told you that it was a good idea for your assistant to take the blood samples from them.” Pate tapped his nose. “He’s reacting to what you are.”

What she was?

Holly darted a quick glance at Duncan. “I can help him. You know I can. Just…give me time.”

Since she was looking at Duncan, Holly missed the calculating gaze that Pate gave her.

Duncan didn’t miss it, and he wondered what game the guy was playing.

“Don’t be afraid to amp up that silver,” Pate advised her. Then he was gazing at Duncan once more. “I know you’re angry.”

Duncan laughed. A bitter, twisted sound. “I knew…the risks coming in…” Talking seemed hard. As if it were some foreign activity, and his voice was rougher and deeper than it had been before. “But I told you…always…I’d never wanted to be like this…”

“Most would have died from your injuries, McGuire. And you know that only about one percent of the population can even become werewolves.”

One percent. The deadliest one percent. Men and women with DNA that had designed them to be perfect killers. Men and women who were skilled at hunting, at dealing death.

I was too good at my job.

“Not everyone can track wolves the way you did, moving almost as damn fast as them,” Pate continued.

Duncan shoved his claws behind his back.

“Now we need to see just what you’ll become—”

Duncan laughed at that. “I’ll become a monster, you know it. I know it.” He inclined his head toward Holly. “She knows it. The collar will hold me for now, but what the hell happens when the full moon rises and I turn?” Because all werewolves shifted into the form of the beast when the moon rose. During the rise of the full moon, a werewolf was at his strongest, most dangerous point. “You just gonna keep me locked up forever? Because that’s what you’d have to do. If you let me out, I’ll kill.”

“One step at a time,” Pate said, voice flat. “The moon won’t rise for a few days.”

That wasn’t exactly a whole lot of time.

“A lot can happen between now and then.”

Yeah, things changed fast all right. Just yesterday, he’d been a human with a hard-on for the sexy little doc who stood just a few feet away. Now, he was a werewolf.

And he still wanted her.

Pate cut his gaze toward Holly. “Give me your report as soon as you’re done examining him.”


Then Pate was gone. The fool actually left Holly alone with him.

Holly stared after Pate a moment, then she headed toward those swinging doors that led out of the med unit. She punched in a series of numbers on the keypad near the left door.

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