But the darkness could be beautiful. She’d learned that fact. And monsters…

They weren’t all evil.

In fact, some of the monsters were actually heroes.

They climbed onto the boat. A boat that would take them away from Purgatory.

We’ll get you out, too, Connor.

She knew they would, just as she knew her instincts about Connor weren’t wrong. The mission wasn’t over, not completely, not yet.

But they’d keep working until Connor was free, and until the werewolf working against the Para Units had been stopped.

The boat cut through the dark water.

Duncan pulled her close. “I love you,” he whispered.

She’d never get tired of hearing those words from him, and, since they both now had unnaturally long life spans ahead of them, she figured she’d be hearing those wonderful words plenty of times.

She’d died, lost her humanity, but found it again—with him.


She’d found hope. She’d found love.

She’d found her alpha. A man with a wild side that she adored.

Howls drifted on the wind behind them, and his arms tightened around her. Before them, the night seemed to stretch endlessly.

There was nothing for them to fear in the dark.

Holly smiled and knew that her fangs would flash in the night.


Pate stared at the werewolf and vampire who sat across from him. The werewolf was sweating. Only to be expected. This would be his first mission and his first chance to start earning some redemption.

“You understand the mission?” Pate asked carefully. Someone was trying to start a war between the humans and paranormals.

It was Pate’s job to stop that war.

By any means necessary.

Connor nodded quickly. “Y-yes.”

“And you’ll do what I say, follow the orders you’re given without question?”

Another nod.

“Good.” Despite what he’d learned about the werewolf, Pate still didn’t trust him. Not completely.

But then, he didn’t trust anyone completely. Except for Holly.

Pate’s gaze cut to the vampire. The oldest vampire he knew, and one that had cheated death more times than should be possible. “And you’re willing to take the risk?”

Shane smiled, flashing his fangs. “Purgatory will be a walk in the park.”

No, it wouldn’t be. But there were more answers to be found in that prison. Answers that he thought the vampires there could give to him.

He just needed a strong vampire to find those answers.

A vampire and a werewolf.

Because sometimes, it took monsters to save the world.

“Then, gentlemen, let’s get started…”

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