“I need you,” she whispered, wetting her lips. “I can’t wait…please, Duncan!”

The roaring in his ears told him that he couldn’t wait either.

The covers were tearing beneath his claws.

Her legs lifted. Curled around his hips, and her body arched toward him.

He drove into her, as deep as he could go. She gasped. He f**king growled. Then there was no holding back. There was only taking. Only pleasure. She was so tight around his cock. Squeezing. Hot. Perfect. He pulled back, thrust hard, again, over and over. The pleasure built, his spine tightened, his c**k swelled even more.

He bent to kiss her. Tasting her even as he took her. And it was incredible. She was incredible.

Her sex squeezed even tighter around him. Holly pulled her head away from him, her breath heaving. Then she was kissing his neck. He felt the light rasp of her tongue on his skin.

She shuddered beneath him. Her body seemed to stiffen, and he knew her climax was close. So was his. He knew—

Her teeth sank into his neck. The bite shot a bolt of pure pleasure rocketing through him. He came, exploding within her on a release that was more powerful than anything he’d ever experienced.

His hips pistoned against her. He drove hard, plunging deep within her, as the pleasure hallowed him out.

And she was with him. He felt the ripples of her release. The contractions of her sex, and those small movements just increased his pleasure.


He could barely breathe, and he didn’t care.

The sex was that good.

Then she was licking his neck. Her fingers were falling away from his shoulders. The thunder of his heartbeat finally slowed down, and Duncan forced his head to lift.

Her cheeks were flushed. Her eyes wide, but not sated—scared.

Duncan frowned. What the hell?

“I’m so sorry,” Holly whispered and a tear leaked down her cheek.

He bent and licked that tear away. “Can’t be sorry…” His words rasped out, “for sex that good.”

Her lips parted. His gaze dropped to her mouth, and he saw that her lips were red.


Not from his kiss because that redness…

Her tongue swiped out, and she licked a drop of moisture away.

That redness was blood.

Unease snaked through him. “Holly?”

He could see the edge of her canines, peeking out beneath her top lip. Her canines were longer, sharper than before.

She’d bit my neck. The pleasure had exploded then, and he hadn’t cared about anything else.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered again as she shoved him back.

The woman was far stronger than she should have been.

With the distance between them, he immediately missed the warmth of her body. Wanted back in her body. The pleasure they’d shared had just been the start. He wanted more. Much more.

She had fangs.

He stood on the side of the bed. The covers he’d ripped were in his hands, dangling from his fingers.

She healed too quickly. The slashes on Holly’s side and her arm were gone, and now that he wasn’t thinking so much with his cock, he realized that her wrist wasn’t broken. Not even bruised.

She grabbed for some of the covers—the ones he hadn’t ripped—and wrapped them around her body. Her eyes looked even darker than before.

She’d had blood on her lips. Blood she’d licked away.

He probably shouldn’t have found that move sexy. He had. He found everything about her sexy, even the fact that—

“You’re a vampire,” he said.

She flinched, but, after a brief moment, Holly nodded.

His heart beat—which had just slowed—slammed right into his chest. What. The. Fuck.

“I guess you’re not the only monster in the room,” she whispered.

He was on her in less than a second’s time. He leapt back to the bed. Caged her with his body. “You’re not a monster.”

She was beautiful. Sexy.

And a vampire? Since when?

Did Pate know? Hell, he had to know.

“Yes.” Her smile was sad. “I am.” Her little fangs were still peeking out. Her gaze dropped to his throat.

His fingers rose. Touched the skin. It felt slightly tender, but that little pain was a small price to pay for the avalanche of pleasure she’d given him. As soon as she’d bit him, he’d come. And kept coming…until her mouth left him.

“I-I need to get dressed.”

Duncan shook his head. The haze of lust and rage had cleared enough for him to think. Mostly. “You’re not going anywhere.” He finally had Holly just where he wanted her. Naked. In bed.

Her lashes lifted. Her gaze locked on his. Narrowed. “You don’t want to push me now.”

Actually, that was exactly what he wanted to do.

Except he heard the squeal of brakes outside. The cavalry? Finally coming to the rescue?

Car doors slammed.

Footsteps thudded as people raced toward her house—and into her house.

“Holly!” Pate’s voice. Desperate. Afraid.

Horror widened Holly’s eyes. “No, he’ll find us…like this…”


Her gaze flew around the room.

The agents—and it was more than one, probably three, judging by those thudding footsteps—were rushing up the stairs. There wasn’t time to dress. Wasn’t time to do anything but jump out of the bed and spin toward that door. Only he’d pretty much splintered that wooden door to hell and back when he’d burst inside before.

“Stay out!” Duncan yelled.

But Pate was already there. Staring at him with wide eyes, then looking over Duncan’s shoulder. “Holly?”

The shock in his voice had Duncan’s shoulders tensing. He put his body in front of Holly. “I said…stay out.” The wolf’s growl rumbled in those words.

But Pate must have been having one real slow night. Because he just stood in the doorway. Shane was behind him, craning his fool neck to see inside.

“Holly, what have you done?” Pate asked her, voice wooden.

Duncan didn’t move. Holly did. He heard the faint rustle of her movement and then her hand was on his shoulder. Her fingers trembled.

Pate pushed into the room, shoving the broken door out of his way.

Holly’s nails dug into Duncan’s flesh.

“Take another step,” Duncan said, “and you’ll regret it.”

Pate stiffened. He held up his hand, indicating that Shane should move back. “Go downstairs. Wait with the others.”

Shane hurriedly stepped back and got out of there. Good. Shane wasn’t a complete dipshit.

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