She hadn’t gotten her dose. She’d needed it but…

But it was gone. Destroyed by Saul. Smeared on the floor.

A tear leaked down her cheek. Duncan was gone.

And there was no way to stop him. His beast was coming out.

She pitied anyone who was in his path when Duncan’s shift was complete.

Chapter Four

The sonofabitch had broken Holly’s wrist. Just snapped her delicate bones. Her face had bleached of color. Her pupils had dilated as her eyes showed the flash of agony she felt.

And Duncan had almost taken Saul’s head.

“You did it!” Saul slapped Duncan on the shoulder. “Man, I thought it was a trick, but you got us the f**k out of there.”

They were away from the facility. In the middle of nowhere. Pate had set up the containment compound far away from the busy city streets. Here, the wilderness stretched, and wild animals waited.

He should fit in perfectly with this animal.


I still want to take his head.

“I did my part,” Duncan said, fighting to keep his words steady. “I got us out of there. Now you—you take me to the alpha.”

“So you can die?” Saul rocked back on his heels. “I’ve never seen anyone with a death wish like yours.”

“So I can kill him.” Duncan lifted his claws. “I’m alpha, and I’m staying alpha.” Was that the right thing to say? He hoped it was. He needed Saul to get his ass in gear and lead him to the alpha.

But Saul was laughing. “You just changed! There’s no way that you’re a match for him yet. You try to fight him, the guy will rip you in two.” Saul shoved away from him. “Thanks for the free pass out, but this is where we part ways.”

“The hell it is!” He heaved out a hard breath and grabbed Saul’s arm. “Do you want to be the wolf that the Seattle pack goes after?”

“I will be if I take you to—”

“‘Cause when I kick the alpha’s ass and take over, I’ll have every single one of those dogs looking for you. You’ll be at the top of my list.”

Saul’s gaze slid away from his. “You won’t take him out. No one has ever been able to defeat him.”

“He hasn’t faced me before.”

Saul hesitated. “You…you think you can—”

Duncan’s nostrils flared. A new scent had just come into the area. Sex and honey. No.

Saul’s eyes widened, and Duncan knew he’d caught the scent, too. Then a twig snapped behind them.

Saul’s lips peeled away from his teeth, and he started to launch toward Holly.

Duncan jerked the guy back even as he whirled to face Holly. “Get back!”He didn’t know how she’d gotten out of those straps so quickly, but she’d just walked into hell.

Instead of running away, Holly lifted her left hand. In that hand she had—sonofabitch—another remote. Staring into his eyes, she aimed the remote at him. Duncan went down to his knees as pain shot from his neck all the way through his body.

Footsteps thundered as Saul raced away.

Holly lunged forward, obviously planning to stop Saul, too.

Duncan leapt for her. His body hit hers—I’m sorry, I’m sorry, Holly—and she cried out at the impact. They slammed into the earth, and the remote fell from her fingers.

He caught her hands, pinned them above her head, but tried to be as gentle as he could with her broken wrist. She was going to scream. He could see the intention right there on her face.

He kissed her, muffling the sound.

She bit him and drew blood from his bottom lip. He pressed his mouth harder against hers, growling, and she suddenly stiffened.

Had he hurt her? He wanted to lift his head, but was afraid she’d scream if he did.

Then he didn’t have to worry about lifting his head because he was flying through the air. She’d just tossed him against a tree.

Sent him flying a good five freaking feet. How in the hell had the little doc done that?

Instantly, he leapt to his feet. Holly was also on her feet, and she stared at him with wide, horrified eyes.

Saul’s footsteps were a quiet thud in the distance. The werewolf could sure move fast when he wanted to haul ass. He was running now, heading for safety.

A safety that Duncan suspected would take him to Seattle’s ruling alpha.

Holly had her hand over her mouth. “Your blood…”

He stiffened. “Don’t worry, you won’t change. I’d have to be the one to bite you for that to happen.”

She shook her head. Her eyes were so dark right then. Deep and dark, and he could stare into them forever.

Saul’s footsteps were even softer now.

Duncan shook his head. “Don’t follow me again.” He had Saul’s scent. Time to track the bastard back to the alpha’s hiding spot.

“No, Duncan! Stop!”

He shook his head. “Get away from me.” You’re safe when you’re away from me.

“I can help you!” Holly’s lips were red. Her teeth…sharp? “Let me help you.”

“Help yourself. Go back to Pate. Don’t come near me again.” He inhaled a deep breath. Caught more of her scent. His whole body tightened. “Because if I see you again, you won’t walk away from me.”

He didn’t know how to make that any plainer.

This was her last chance to be free.



She flinched when Pate grabbed her hand. She’d heard him coming. No missing the frantic pounding of his footsteps, but she hadn’t moved at his approach.

She could taste Duncan. “Stay away from me.” Her voice came out far too flat. Funny, she was giving Pate pretty much the same warning that Duncan had given to her.

No, it wasn’t funny. More like tragic. Her hands clenched into fists.

He instantly dropped his hold. “Look, it’s not what you think, okay?” His voice was a whisper. “I can explain, but not out here. Come back inside with me.”

She couldn’t look away from the trees. Duncan had run through those trees just a few moments before. “I missed my dose.”

Pate swore. “I saw the mess in your lab. There’s a backup dose, don’t worry. You’ll be—”

“Duncan kissed me. I-I bit his lip.” And she’d tasted his blood. Just one drop.

One drop shouldn’t matter.

It did.

Pate began to back away from her. “How much time do I have?”

She was barely holding onto her control. “Not long enough.” Her voice was soft now.

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