“I think we’ve tested our restraint enough for one night.”

She wanted to argue with him, wanted to wrap herself around him and convince him with more kisses. She longed for bare skin against bare skin and to forget the rules she’d laid down.

But Mary sensed Jack wasn’t the kind of man who second-guessed himself once he made up his mind. And she knew he was putting on the brakes not because he didn’t want her, but because he respected her too much to let a moment of heady passion destroy the friendship growing between them.

A friendship that might, if treated with the proper care, become the foundation for something much, much bigger.

As a model, she’d learned how to exercise a great deal of control over her body so she could hold difficult poses for hours on end, sometimes in brutal heat, other times in biting cold. It was that control she called upon now. She forced herself to slip out of Jack’s arms and pick up his jacket from the radiator across the room.

“Next time I invite you in,” she said with a small smile as she gave him his coat and walked him to the front door, “I’ll let you drink your coffee.”

He was standing on her front step when he said, “Next time you invite me in, I’m going to make love to you.”

He covered her gasp of surprise with that last kiss she’d begged for. Before she had a chance to catch her reeling heart, he was gone.

She didn’t know how long she stood at the front door, staring out at the people walking on the sidewalk below and watching the cars and taxis and buses move slowly through the Friday-night traffic. Jack Sullivan was everything she’d ever looked for in a man. Smart. Sexy. And with a heart full of so much warmth it stunned her.

And yet, she realized as she finally closed her front door with a soft click, instead of being calmed by that realization, she was more frightened than she’d ever been before.

Frightened and utterly enthralled.


Her heart still pounding hard, she headed for the phone. “Gerry, it’s Mary. You know how you were saying you were hoping to work together again? Is there any chance you might be able to squeeze in a last-minute shoot this Monday for a really interesting ad campaign?”

Chapter Seven

On Monday morning, Jack walked onto the set where Mary would be shooting their first print ad. When he caught sight of her dark hair swinging over her shoulders and her long, toned legs that seemed to go on forever, for the very first time in his life, Jack could not figure out how to remain rational. In all honesty he couldn’t remember why he should even keep trying.

The speed with which his heart was racing made him feel as if he were on a racetrack in one of the stock cars he’d retooled over the years. Race cars, he’d discovered back in high school, were the perfect antidote for the slow pace of invention and engineering development. Jack’s experience on the track had taught him how to embrace not only the rush and the thrill…but the danger, as well. If you weren’t risking on the track, you had no business being out there.

The risks he took on the racetrack seemed a hell of lot more dangerous than the ones he took in the garage working on his computers but, the truth was, it was the other way around. Those risks were minuscule by comparison considering that he’d already given up ten years of his life for a risky dream.

And yet, as Mary’s laughter moved through him, Jack finally understood that the stakes had never been this high.

Not only was his dream on the line…but it seemed his heart was, too.

Jack had done some serious thinking over the weekend. Thinking, after all, was what he’d always done best. He should have been thinking about the launch of the Pocket Planner. He should have been hunkered down over shipping schedules with Larry. He should have been going over distribution and sales outlets with Howie. He should have been approving final ad campaign plans.

The very last thing that Jack should have been focusing on when they were in the final lap of a dream that had been ten years in the making was a woman.

He had always had to fit women and relationships into the few spare slots of time and attention he had available. He’d never even come close to thinking about “forever” or love. He’d treated the women he’d taken out well, but work had always come first.

But Mary was no ordinary woman.

Of course, it was perfectly natural to look at a woman like her and want her. But was it natural to only be able to think of her? To remember every flavor of sugar and spice on her lips as he’d kissed her? To keep feeling the silky softness of her skin as he’d stroked her cheek? To hear continued echoes of the sweet sound of pleasure she’d made when he’d taken their kiss deeper?

What’s more, when she’d told him about her severed relationship with her mother, he’d thought of his own mother and how much she meant to him. He wished he could do something to help Mary gain back what she was so sure she’d lost.

As if she could hear his impassioned thoughts, Mary suddenly looked over her shoulder and saw him. He saw her eyes flare and her skin flush with what he hoped was a desire that matched his own.

Jack hadn’t been able to forget the yearning in Mary’s eyes when she’d asked him for one more kiss. Lord, all he’d wanted was to lift her into his arms and take her back to her bedroom and make love to her all night long. But she’d been so earnest in the diner when she’d asked him to be patient, and he intended to respect that which was so clearly important to her. Still, that hadn’t stopped him from stealing one more kiss before he’d made himself leave.

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