"I have watched ye grow up from here."

"I…dinna see ye."

"Nay, ye did not. I was careful not to let ye see me."

She didn't know what to say. Being his daughter was something she had not had much time to consider and it seemed odd to be with him now.

"Ye are trembling, are ye afraid o' me?"


"Nay, not afraid."

"What then? Do ye hate me? Is it impossible to be with me after all the wrong I have done to ye and yer mother?"

"My mother explained it sufficiently."

"Sufficiently. I see."

In the distance, she watched Stefan bring the water back to the cottage and take it inside. Then she turned to look into her father's eyes. "Do ye intend to marry me off?"

"Do ye want me to?"

"Nay, but 'tis what lairds do I have heard."

"Aye, 'tis what lairds do. In yer case, I promised yer mother to let ye fall in love with the lad ye will marry. Have ye fallen in love?"

"I hardly know anyone, save Stefan."

"Do ye love him?"

She was taken aback by his question. "Of course I do, he be like a brother to me."

"Just as I suspected. How shall we let ye fall in love then? Shall I send lads to meet ye or shall ye come to the village often and then do yer choosing?"

"Laird Macoran, I only yesterday became yer daughter and now ye ask me to make too many decisions? I cannae. I am not able to think even."

"I understand. 'Tis just that I have my hands full keeping all the lads away who want ye."

At that she scooted around so she could more fully look at him. "Truly?"

"Truly. Ye have become very pleasing and I venture to say ye may have yer pick. But for my sake, see that he has his wits about him."

She giggled. "There are fewer o' those than ye know."

"I was afraid ye might think that. I had hoped ye might have already considered one or two during yer stay in the village, but I see ye have not. Ye found none o' the lads to yer liking?"

"Oh they are pleasant enough, helpful and considerate, but…"

"But yer heart did not flutter when ye saw them?"

"My heart will flutter?"

"Aye, mine still flutters every time I see yer mother." He sighed, cupped his hand around the back of her head and encouraged her to lean against his chest. "What I would give to have her back. There were days when I wanted nothing more than to come get the two of ye and ride away where no one would know us. But alas, it was an impossible dream. A laird must care for all his clan, not just two. I cannae undo what be done, but …" He paused to find just the right words. "But I can tell ye this; I have loved ye every day o' yer life."

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