Stefan already had her in his arms and was carrying her toward the cottage when Jirvel rushed out, felt Kannak's hot forehead and gasped. "She has the fever." Jirvel rushed to the door, held it open and then followed him through the first room and into the small bedchamber. She threw back the covers and waited for him to lay Kannak down.

"My head hurts," Kannak moaned.

Stefan backed away, "What can I do to help?"

Jirvel was already starting to loosen her daughter's clothing. "Pull off her shoes and then put more wood on the fire. She will chill soon and we must keep her warm."

He did as she said, closed his eyes each time Kannak complained of the headache and was in a state of near panic. They could not lose Kannak; it would be too cruel for Jirvel. Kannak needed the kind of help he could not give her and although Stefan had not felt Macoran watching them that day, maybe…just maybe.


He stepped outside and started to slowly scan the trees and the paths with his eyes. Then he looked up the hill at Macoran's favorite place. He could not see the man, but just in case, Stefan raised a hand high in the air. It was not a prearranged signal, but it would have to do. More than a few died from a sudden fever and he was determined Kannak would not be among them. He held his hand in the air for a while longer and then went back inside.

It worked. Shortly thereafter, Macoran burst through the door. "What is it?"

"Kannak has the fever," Stefan answered.

Macoran did not hesitate; he moved the curtain aside and went into Jirvel's bedchamber.

"What are ye doing?" a stunned Jirvel asked.

Macoran felt Kannak's head, pulled her up to a sitting position, wrapped her blankets around her and started to pick her up.

"Ye cannae have her."

"Stand aside lass. She goes with me."

"Nay, ye cannae take her, I will not allow it."

He carefully slipped Kannak through the bedchamber doorway and waited for Stefan to open the door to the outside. "'Twill be a harsh winter and Kannak will spend it in the village where I can see that she lives."

"The whole winter?"

Once he got Kannak out the door, he handed her to Stefan and mounted his horse. Then he opened his arms, waited for Stefan to give him the girl and made sure she was completely wrapped up. "There be an empty cottage now that the elder Andrew has passed. Ye are welcome to come or stay as ye please, Jirvel."

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