This time when Ronan came to get his daughters, Jirvel was inside the cottage and did not come out to thank him. All seven of his daughters tried to explain what happened to Suria at once and he seemed to be able to hear them all. Relieved that she was alright, he picked her up and hugged her. Then he glanced at Jirvel's cottage to see if she had witnessed his tender display. She had not. "Is yer mother unwell?" he asked Kannak.

"Nay, she be well." Stefan answered for her. He neglected to elaborate on Jirvel's excuse for not being neighborly. Instead, he handed Ronan the empty bread sack. "The wall be nearly finished but we would appreciate Diarmad and Andrina's help again tomorrow."

"And not the others?"

Stefan paused as if trying to find a delicate way to say it and then leaned closer, "Lassies take a great deal more care than laddies, do ye agree?"

Ronan rolled his eyes. "Ye cannae know until ye have seven." He thought about it for a moment. "Very well, ye may have Andrina in the morning, but Diarmad cannae come until after the noon meal."


"Thank ye." It would be perfect, Stefan thought. William was coming to help too and Diarmad need not be where he might interfere. Stefan accepted another hug from Suria for saving her, helped the girls mount their horses and watched them ride away.


While Kannak went to do the evening milking, Stefan went inside and took the long bow down off the hook on the wall. He thought the string was a little too loose the last time he used it and wanted to restring it. "Slighting Ronan this once will not be enough."

Jirvel finished cutting a potato into sections and then laid her knife down. "Perhaps ye might tell him I prefer another."

"Which other?"

"I dinna know. I can think o' no lad I fancy."

"If we do that, Ronan may hasten his plan and go see the priest directly instead o' waiting for him to collect the tithe after the harvest."

"Perhaps we should go north after all. I dinna want another husband. One bitter lad be enough for any lass and I suspect Ronan wants this land and the cottage for one o' his sons far more than he wants me."

"If only ye had something to threaten Macoran with. Perhaps then he would discourage all the lads who want ye."

It was almost as if he knew something and Jirvel studied Stefan's eyes for a moment. Then she dismissed her suspicions and lowered her gaze. "Perhaps I do have something that might persuade him." She lightly kissed Stefan on the cheek and went back to her potatoes. "Ye are a good son and I could wish for none better."

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