"Suria," he shouted. He paused to listen, heard nothing and then decided to follow the wolf up the river bank. When it got too far ahead, the wolf again stopped and looked back, so Stefan quickened his pace. He had heard of dogs leading someone to the lost, but never a wolf.

"Suria!" he paused, listened and thought he heard a whimper coming from somewhere ahead. He started to run as did the wolf, keeping safely out of Stefan's reach until it stopped near some bushes. "Suria!"

"I am caught."

He was so happy to hear her, he finally allowed himself to breathe. "Where are ye, lassie?"



Stefan stepped through the bushes, spotted the top of her head and leaned down to pick her up. But just as she said, her skirt was caught in the bushes and she couldn't pull herself free. Tears were streaming down her cheeks, but she found her voice enough to whisper, "I seed a wolf."

"I saw it too, but it dinna hurt ye. 'Tis a good wolf."

"A good wolf?" As soon as he got her skirt free, she wrapped her little arms around his neck and let him lift her up.

"I must tell the others yer safe." He put two fingers to his mouth and whistled. He could hear shouts in the distance, smiled and started back. The wolf was gone, but to his amazement, Jirvel's horse came running. Stefan laughed, set the child on the horse and swung up behind her. By the time he got the two of them back to the cottage, all six girls, Jirvel, Kannak…and William were waiting.

Andrina ran to the horse, pulled Suria down and kissed her face repeatedly. "Ye must not wander off like that. Ye scared us witless."

"I tore my skirt."

Andrina smiled to comfort her worried little sister. "We will mend it. Now promise ye will not wander off again and I will let ye down."

"I promise. I followed a rabbit, hop, hop, hop … and," she quickly drew in a sharp breath. "A wolf found me, but 'tis a good wolf. It dinna hurt me."

"A good wolf, be it?" William asked.

At last Andrina remembered William was there and returned his smile. "Thank ye for helping us."

"Yer welcome."

He seemed not to want to leave and Stefan noticed. "Might we get yer advice on our wall? I confess I have never built one and I dinna know if it will hold." He hoped Jirvel would not be offended and when he looked, she gave him a slight nod.

"I would be happy to take a look." William turned once more to Andrina, nodded and then followed Stefan toward the wall.

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